What’s Happening

What’s Happening

Welcome to our events Submission page. When submitting your event please ensure that all information listed below is included with your submission.

  • Organization Name and Contact information.
  • The location of your event. To enter Multiple areas, hold CTRL, SELECT THE AREAS, and click Enter.
  • Start and end date of the event, title and a description, and time of the event.
    • Ensure your description includes contact info. Email/Phone/Website.
  • acceptable punctuation and grammar.
  • Some characters may not be accepted. These include the apostrophe, back slash, and some others. Please adjust your event if you receive internal server errors.

Submissions not following these guidelines will NOT be published on our site, or in Coffee News. This service is available to NON PROFIT organizations ONLY! As demand for this service is high, submissions ARE NOT guaranteed to appear in Coffee News. Please note that as a Free Service, you will NOT be notified if your event is included online or in Coffee News. To GUARANTEE ad space, call us at 816-535-7990 and ask for information about our “What’s Happening feature ads”. A popular and affordable way to guarantee your event is promoted in Coffee News.

Please thank our advertisers for their support of this program by patronizing their business.