How Advertising Has Changed Because Of The Pandemic

Smartphone with video ad on screen

Advertising is a powerful marketing tool. Any brand that aims to reap profits in the market needs to advertise its products.  The coronavirus outbreak has changed the trends in the ad game. Click here to discover to what extent advertising has changed because of the pandemic.

Advertisement is done for the three following reasons-

  •   Increasing Sales
  •   Building Loyalty
  •   Driving Customer Engagement

Print advertisements have witnessed a dramatic fall in the pandemic situation. On the other hand, electronic advertising is relatively more in demand. Consumer behavior has undergone a dramatic change during the lockdown. This evolving preference of the masses has left its mark on the ad industry. Veteran advertisers feel that this transformation of advertisements is here to stay for the long-term.

Now, let us find out what changes advertising has undergone because of the pandemic.

The Popularity of Video Streaming

In the current situation, people are spending more time at home. However, they seem to be more interested in the OTT platform than in regular television shows. Digital media targets a tailor-made section of the audience. TV viewing has undergone a drastic transformation, as people prefer viewing their Netflix or Amazon Subscription over traditional television.

Smartphones have taken over televisions. In tandem, ad-supported streaming video services have become more popular than ads meant for traditional televisions.

The advertisers need to keep up with global trends. They are preparing such ads that can be easily viewed on the digital platform.

The digital platform has suffered less as compared to its competitors in the advertising ecosystem. So, fewer ads are being shot for the television and more for the digital platform.

Even senior citizens have started spending a lot of time on the internet during the lockdown. So, the audience base of digital media has drastically increased.

The digital ads are empowered to collect behavioral data during the current pandemic situation. So, they analyze consumer behavior and preference. Hence, they have a competitive edge over other platforms. Many offline channels are also shifting base.

Cost Of Advertising Has Changed

The advertisement industry is struggling amidst the lockdown. Increased use of social media platforms has resulted in a decrease in expenditure on traditional advertisements like distributing pamphlets, painting ads on billboards etc. Digital ads are a cost-effective method of advertising. A greater understanding of consumer preference leads to investment in popular ad types.

Helps Prepare Consumers For Reality

In the current scenario, the advertisements that convey a social message are garnering more popularity. The brands need to send out relevant messages for their target audience.

One-third of consumers want the brands to convey socially relevant messages for motivating the masses during the pandemic situation. Such ads containing social messages prepare people for the lockdown.

The advertisements need to be planned in a socially appropriate way, as per the need of the hour. The ad agencies need to unleash their creativity to stay in the market. The pandemic is no excuse to serve customers with mediocre work.

Man on laptop with advertisement analytics on screen

Adjusting To The New Normal

The entire world is operating in a new and different way since the pandemic. Advertisers need to plan out their ads in a way that preaches the “new normal” methods. For example, they need to stress social distancing and cleanliness. Many food delivery and eCommerce related ads now show that they offer “no-contact delivery” in their ads.

The airline’s ads are incorporating the new protocols of passenger safety in their new ads. The ads need to be aligned with the requirements of the consumers. Their needs are likely to vary in these trying times. So, the advertisements should be designed carefully, so that they may adjust to the new normal.

Optimism is the key to this new normal. It is a vital element to capture the demand in the market. Opportunity lies in the middle of a crisis, like a pearl embedded among shells. The pandemic has made brands realize that they need to seize the opportunity.

Minimization Is The Key To Success

Currently, investing a lump sum amount in advertisements is nearly impossible. Almost everyone is suffering from a shortage of resources. Under normal situations, advertisements are glittery, star-studded affairs to attract the attention of the customers.

Now, it is imperative to curtail expenses whenever required. Excessive expenditure on a glamorous backdrop, fees of the superstars, at this point in time may lead to negative publicity of the brand.  It may also give out vibes that the brand doesn’t care about the financial crunch affecting the global economy.

Stick To The Element Of Truth 

All advertisements these days generally have an element of the truth. This pandemic state has given rise to a panic situation. So, governments worldwide are banning any ad that may remotely be perceived as a cause to trigger a widespread panic situation.

Within a few months, Facebook removed more than seven million ads earmarked for conspiracy marketing about COVID-19. In May, Facebook restricted promoting products like disinfectant cleaners. This particular ban was lifted in September.

Several online ad spaces are removing misleading information that may be detrimental to the overall well-being of people. Even if the advertisement is not promoting anything related to the pandemic, it will get banned if it hurts people’s sentiment. Many ad agencies exaggerate the virtues of their products in advertisements. Agencies need to understand that now is not the right time for exaggeration.


This year has shown how critical out-of-the-box strategies are for ad agencies. The common textbook-specific marketing strategies are no longer going to work. The advertisers need to frame a few innovative digital marketing strategies. Such strategies ensure that the business booms.

Customers are now demanding that companies should employ customer engagement tactics in response to the pandemic. Research shows that one-third of ad customers have canceled their campaign plans, due to the disruptions caused by this pandemic. Hence, it is important to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the new normal way of advertising.

How to Make Your Ad Stand Out

Business man and woman looking at papers on table in front of them

Marketing techniques, such as creating advertisements, are the backbone of every business. 

With hundreds of entrepreneurs crafting new products and services every day, effective ads let your business stand out from all the competitive noise in your industry. Some of the most significant advantages of an effective ad include:

  • Helps you earn profit
  • Promotes your product and services to prospective customers
  • Widens your audience reach
  • Increases brand recognition and awareness
  • Helps you gain a competitive advantage

May it be online or offline, making business ads is not as easy as it seems. You have to consider many factors such as ad design and brand voice to make it stand out among millions of other ads out there.

Ensure that your advertisement material can pierce through the eyes and minds of your target market by implementing these ad design strategies.


 1. Pour in Brand Originality

Whether it is scrolling through an Instagram feed or walking in a local mall, people come across hundreds of business ads all the time.

Figure out what kind of unique product, service, or experience you want to bring to your target audience. Show them why they should focus on you alone and not your competitors. Once you find out this specific uniqueness, incorporate it creatively throughout your ad campaigns.

Here are some ways on how to find and show your distinctiveness to your audience.

  • Think of a creative, unique selling proposition to use. It encompasses your brand voice, uniqueness, and what you have to offer by just utilizing a one-liner or carefully crafted string of words.
  • Include a smart and well-thought-out call to action.
  • Incorporate visual metaphors related to your business. It should be comical or clever enough to get your audience’s attention, but not so much that they would not get your meaning.
  • Use a powerful headline or an appealing offer that they can ponder on.
  • Include a hidden visual relationship with your ad design. This is the usage of two unrelated concepts that, when paired, create a strong message to promote your brand.
  • Use iconic people, objects, and ideas in your ads that can represent your brand.


 2. Make It Appealing

Of course, all forms of advertisements should be appealing. However, what we are talking about here is the kind of appeal that will pique the interest of your target group of consumers. 

Identifying your audience is an essential step in all marketing strategies. Your audience’s wants and needs will eventually become your business’s foundation and purpose. You need to know what they want and what appeals to them to be able to market your product.

Dig deep and determine your target demographics, then create an unforgettable ad that they can relate to.


 3. Don’t Tell Them, Show Them

The “show, don’t tell” practice has been a general rule for many forms of art may it be a movie or a commercial, because it actually works.

Your business is not the only one in the market. Millions of others also offer the same product or service, use the same quotes or call to action, and make similar guarantees to consumers. 

The only way to stand out is to use visual representations, ideas, and concepts that allow consumers to experience your product just by looking at your ad. 


 4. Keep It Short and Simple

Ad design is a challenging feat since you need to combine various factors–image, color, size, and font–and hope they blend to create an effective ad.

However, you do not need to exaggerate your ad with splashy designs that overlap with each other and a long explanation of why people should buy from your store.

An average person’s attention span only lasts for about eight to twelve seconds. So if your ad requires a whole minute to be understood, then chances are your audience will not give it the time of their day.

Take note of these tips to craft short, sharp, and straightforward ad copy.

  • Keep it simple but make sure to pack it up with quality content.
  • Use images and graphics to denote your message instead of filling your ad with paragraphs.
  • Avoid fillers. Get straight to the point and present it immediately to your customers.
  • Use relatable, one-line puns, and touches of humor to make a lasting impression on your audience. However, it should resonate well with your product or service and brand voice.

Keep ads short, concise, and direct to the point, and let their imagination do the talking for you. Make sure that the audience will only need a glance to understand and remember your ad copy.


Young woman sitting on couch looking at smartphone in her hand

 5. Make It Fun and Interactive

Sometimes, you need more than the best headline to cut through the noise. Most consumers have seen it all, so it is hard to actually make them remember you by just giving them a white paper ad copy.

So why not include them in your ad campaign by making it interactive? Many large brands had already used this tactic to grab their viewer’s attention and hold it through interactive content.

In fact, 70% of marketers revealed that an interactive ad design is a useful tool in converting visitors.

Some ways to make your digital ads fun and interactive include:

  • Clickable or playable digital copies
  • Personalized ads such as quizzes and surveys
  • Video advertisements so customers can engage by answering questions.
  • Mobile ads like calculators and QR code
  • Use augmented or virtual reality.


 6. Elicit an Emotion From the Consumers

The primary job of advertisements is to market a commodity by making a lasting impression on its consumers. Most ads do this by invoking a certain kind of emotion from their viewers. 

With the right combination of visuals and graphics, you can stir the feelings and pull on the emotional strings of your target audience. Some themes that can significantly trigger a consumer include love, friendship, loneliness, achievement, and memories.

An ad’s emotional impact influences a customer’s buying decision more than the ad’s actual content.

Decide what feeling you want to elicit, then align your ad design towards that particular emotion. 


Top 5 Advertising Trends Worth Trying in 2020

Coffee News KC Metro Design team working on design advertisement

This era is the 21st-century era. This is the era or year of people who are very eager to try something new. They enter the business world because it is very convenient for them to work inside the comfort of their homes, they can create their own schedules, and they can have the income that they deserve.

Business is extensive and very complex. Handling a company, whether small or big, requires a big responsibility from the owners. It is not an easy task to do. It has a lot of requirements and qualifications to meet.

A lot of business owners are very creative in their business. Some business owners are looking and hiring other people who are creative and have enough knowledge of advertising. These people are best in advertising, and they also know how to catch the attention of the viewers or potential consumers.

There are a lot of things to consider when entering the business world. There are a lot of risks that you will encounter every step of the way.

That is why if you own a business, you must have the best advertising medium. You should spread your business to a lot of people to gain more potential clients. You need to place your business into an advertising medium that can spread it as fast as possible.

Having the best advertisement is a significant advantage for business owners:

  • It can lead to more clients and customers
  • A business owner can get good feedback
  • Other people can recommend your business to their family members and friends.

There are a lot of ways to advertise your business. These are some of the best advertising trends that you can utilize for your business:


 1. Social Media

The 21st-century era consists of people who are very fond of using the internet. Every individual knows how to use a cellphone, laptop, computer, tablet, and other gadgets. Most people are also engaged in their own social media accounts. They mostly do everything with the use of social media.

Social media or the internet itself can be one of the best advertising trends that you can use in your business. A lot of people can see it. You can gain a lot of potential customers or clients for your business by using it. It can be a great way to spread awareness of your business to other people.

But the problem with social media is that a lot of people can get your ideas and copy them without giving you much (or any) credit. There are a lot of people that can get photos of your products and services and post them on their own social media page. They can also get the details of your business and use it for other purposes.

You can use social media and the internet as an advertising medium, but make sure that your accounts are secured to lessen the problems that can occur. To keep others from using your images, try adding a watermark of your logo or just your logo in general in one of the corners. Keep it small so that it doesn’t take away from the image or message.


 2. Broadcast Media

Most of the people today have their own televisions in their homes. Some people have cable connections to their homes, and that can connect them to even more channels. This advertisement can also be a big help to encourage other people to visit your business.

TV ads work especially well for people who are mostly inside the house. They tend to watch TV a lot, and they can see what product or service you are trying to sell. They can see your advertisement twice or thrice per hour, and that is an excellent way for other people to know about your business.

Other than televisions, some people also use radio as a medium for their advertisement. Some people are still enjoying listening to the radio. People inside their cars, bus, cab, and other transportation are always listening to the radio to ease their boredom while traveling. This can also help a business to grow. Some people are also auditory learners, and they tend to understand more about a particular discussion when they are listening to it.

Broadcast media is also an excellent way to post your advertisement, but it is kind of expensive. If you are a small business owner, then you might consider other options because this requires a lot of money. Do your research and see what medium would work best for you. Be sure to think about where your audience is and who you are trying to connect with.


Coffee News KC Metro Woman in front of camera digital influencer

 3. Influencers

A lot of people in this generation love to listen to their favorite influencers. Every time their favorite influencer shares their favorite products or services, people tend to buy or avail them.

This is a person to a person type of advertisement. This is one of the easiest ways to promote your business, but it can also be a little bit expensive. You need to pay or even provide free products or services for the influencers to try out and provide feedback on.

It is an excellent way to promote a business. Still, you will need to find an influencer that has a lot of followers so that your business can be promoted to a wide audience. There are many online platforms that can help with finding the perfect influencer to promote your business. Be sure to look them up and check out their social media accounts to see if they are a good fit before approaching them for work.


 4. Game Advertising

Often, people are spending their free time playing games on their mobile phones, laptops, computers, and other gadgets. They spend most of their time focusing on the game that they are playing. It is also a nice place to put an advertisement.

If most people tend to play games, then there are a lot of chances to gain potential customers for your product or service. It can be a great help for your business to spread fast.


 5. Print Advertising

This type of advertising is one of the most effective forms of advertising for your business. Print advertising is very timely and timeless. Even in this digital age, a lot of people are still reading magazines, newspapers, looking at a poster, etc. Most people still rely on what they see on the print media. Some are still using this as an option to find new discoveries.

Print advertising can also spread your business rapidly. It can gain more potential consumers because you can see it everywhere. If a person is reading a magazine and they saw your advertisement, there is a big possibility that he or she will look for your business. He or she can also recommend it to his or her friends or family.

It also costs less money than other advertising mediums. It only requires creativity to advertise your products or services. This is one of the most reliable and most effective ways to advertise your own business because this medium never gets old.

There are a lot of advertising trends that you can take advantage of for your business. Choose the one that’s the most convenient and cost-effective. However, be sure that they can advertise your business rapidly as well and reach the audience you are looking to connect with.