Why print is still an effective way to advertise your local business

Using Print Media To Advertise Your Business

The digital age has done two remarkable things in the business world. It has changed the way business is conducted and how consumers engage with media. The numbers also show that mobile marketing and apps are the most preferred form of marketing for many business owners (who appreciate the ability to do marketing on the go). 

However, even though digital marketing has many advantages of its own, print advertising still has just as many benefits that often get overlooked these days. This means that you can take advantage of a hole in your competitors’ marketing strategy and start using print media to advertise your business! 

In this spirit, below, we list four ways that show how effective print is in getting and retaining customers. 

Many People Enjoy Engaging With Print Media

While some people might find handling print materials old fashioned and thus undesirable, many people do still enjoy it. For many, the act of handling print (books and magazines) is still stored in their memory and is just waiting to be tapped by a savvy marketer like you. This means that many people are inherently attracted to and are willing to read your material, whether it be flyers, a catalog, or an actual book. 

What’s more, print media can contain every type of content imaginable – whether it be entertainment, educational, news stories, or information, it can all be mixed with your product and service offerings. Consumers love this type of presentation, and it will surely make a stronger mark on their memory than just digital media alone. If the customer remembers your brand, they’ll be more likely to consider it as a purchasing option in the future. 

Stimulate More Senses = Profit

One quality of print media that digital media will never match is its tangibility. They can feel the paper in the magazines with their fingers as well as distinguish between the different textures on different pages. How does this work in using print media to advertise your business? Well, picture this – you can make your ad stand out by merely changing the physical material of the advertisement on the page. For instance, you can make your ad more thick and porous, while the rest of the material remains smooth and glossy. 

There’s also the smell of ink and paper – both of which are potent stimuli in their own right. They can increase the power of your messaging, as well. When you look at digital advertising, it possesses none of these qualities – at least for the time being. 

These reasons are why every brand should start taking advantage of print media right now when it’s not so popular to do so. Print is more accessible, versatile, and profitable than ever before. 

Every Print Channel Has Its Own Set Of Additional Benefits 

Every successful print channel has been able to find its niche of readers and play a specific role in their lives. For example, the purpose of magazines is to entertain readers as well as advertize different brands. The hook of newspapers is their offering of news and information formally and impartially. Catalogs, on the other hand, are solely a source of information to be used before the customer makes a purchase online. 

Direct mail and door to door print offerings also work well because they maximize engagement by reaching the consumers directly at home with the most engaging type of media available (print). If you start using print media to advertise your business in this way, you might find that your profitability begins to soar! 

Captivate Your Audience By Using Print Media To Advertise Your Business

And finally, with digital media, it’s all too easy for a reader to get distracted. It’s no secret how short people’s attention spans are these days, and this is especially true when it comes to digital media. Marketers online struggle to keep readers’ attention on their pages. They have to try varying techniques to keep their attention, which is because of the nature of the medium.

A benefit of using print media to advertise your business that’s often overlooked is that you can more easily keep readers captivated with your content. One reason for this is that they won’t get distracted as easily. Another reason is that the structure of print materials is often more straightforward than online materials. For instance, when reading print media, there are no distracting links to lead your prospects away from where you want them to go. When they commit to reading your printed content, they will usually do it. There will be no pop-ups, ads, or anything digital on the page to distract them. 

This is a guarantee of increased engagement since the reader is more likely to be impacted, and thus your brand will be imprinted in their memory long term. Basically, the less that people read print these days, the more they’ll remember your brand if they do decide to read your printed content. 


The impact of print comes from several different senses, including touch, smell, and the unique way that content is written in newspapers and magazines with their headlines, headings, and pictures. The reader can more easily remember certain parts, as well. After all, it’s common knowledge that the more senses you can engage something with, the more quickly you’ll be able to remember it. 

With digital media, on the other hand, the only way a reader can remember something he read in the future (no matter how good it is) is to bookmark it, and you can’t count on that always happening. 

You should now be able to see how traditional advertising can still be worthwhile. Print media remains to be one of the best, most cost-effective methods for boosting your brand’s reach and profitability.

For more information about using print media to advertise your business, get in touch with Coffee News today! 

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