How Local Newspaper Advertising Can Benefit Your Business

A hip young man drinking coffee while reading a newspaper

In the era of digital marketing, it is simple to overlook traditional advertising methods such as local newspaper ads. Nonetheless, are we underestimating the potential of these platforms? Let’s explore the world of local newspaper advertising and its benefits for your business.

What Is Local Newspaper Advertising?

Local newspaper advertising is a form of marketing in which businesses position advertisements in local newspapers in order to reach a specific demographic within a specific geographical area. The objective is to engage a local audience and encourage their participation in the business.

Why should local newspapers be advertised in?

Local newspaper advertising provides a refreshing, more personal touch in an age dominated by digital advertising. It enables businesses to reach an audience that is profoundly rooted in their community and offers unique engagement opportunities.


The Effectiveness of Local Newspaper Ads: Localized Targeting

By advertising in local newspapers, you can reach a highly targeted local audience. This specificity is a tremendous advantage for businesses seeking to establish or strengthen their local presence.

High Engagement

A newspaper’s readership is devoted. When your business advertises in a local newspaper, it is exposed to readers who are highly engaged with the content, which increases the likelihood that your advertisement will be noticed and acted upon.

Faith and Reliability

Local newspapers are credible information sources in their communities. Advertising in these publications can lend trust and credibility to your business, thereby enhancing the reputation of your brand.

Advantages of Advertising in Local Newspapers

Innovative Design

It is difficult to overstate the significance of a well-designed advertisement in a local publication. A visually appealing advertisement can instantaneously capture the reader’s attention and hold it, allowing you to convey your message more effectively. Good design transcends mundane aesthetics; it complements your message and conveys your brand’s identity in a visually arresting manner.

Innovative Design Tips

Consider the strategic use of color to elicit specific emotions or reactions when creating your advertisement. 

  • Typography also plays a significant role; different fonts can convey varying impressions and should be selected with care. 
  • Your brand’s imagery should be pertinent, engaging, and consistent. 
  • In addition, it is necessary to establish a hierarchy of information that guides the reader’s attention from the most to the least significant elements. 

A well-designed advertisement not only captures the reader’s attention, but also reinforces your brand’s image and message, leaving an enduring impression.

Cost Efficiency

Local newspaper advertising is frequently more cost-effective than numerous digital marketing strategies. It enables businesses to reach a large, engaged audience on a budget.


There is flexibility in ad sizes, placements, and frequency of posting with newspaper advertising. This flexibility enables businesses to tailor their advertising strategies to their requirements and budgets.

Simple Tracking

With local newspaper advertising, businesses can readily monitor the performance of their advertisements. Businesses can measure the direct impact of their advertising efforts by offering exclusive discounts or coupons with the ad.

A businessman browsing through newspaper ads

Introduction to Local Newspaper Advertising

Choosing the Appropriate Newspaper

Choosing the proper publication is crucial. Consider circulation, reader demographics, and publication frequency to discover the publication that best suits your business.

Creating a Successful Ad

A successful advertisement is plain, persuasive, and concise. Ensure that it effectively conveys your message, includes a call to action, and aligns with your brand image.

Measuring Achievement

Lastly, it is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of your advertisement. Utilize tracking methods such as unique coupon codes or customer surveys to assess the efficacy of your ad and optimize future advertising efforts.

Concluding Remarks

Local newspaper advertising may seem antiquated in a world dominated by digital media. Its potential for targeted, engaging, and cost-effective advertising, however, cannot be denied. Businesses can access a valuable resource that connects them with a committed and engaged local audience by understanding its benefits and how to utilize it effectively.

Local Newspaper Advertising’s Future

Even though the emergence of digital media has had an effect on the newspaper industry, local newspaper advertising is by no means extinct. As local newspapers innovate with digital editions and online platforms, local advertising opportunities increase. Through a combination of traditional print ads and digital ads on newspaper websites, businesses can now engage with local audiences. This multichannel strategy permits greater reach and a variety of engagement tactics.


Coffee News – Cost-Effective and Engaging Advertising!

If you’re searching for a cost-effective, engaging, and productive method of advertising your business, look no further than Coffee News. With a minimum 26-week run, your advertisement will receive repeated exposure and consistently reach your target audience. Regardless of the size of your company, Coffee News is committed to equal opportunity. This ensures your 3″ x 2″ advertisement is not obscured.

With just a phone call or email, modifying your advertisement is simple. The outstanding reputation and track record of Coffee News attests to its efficacy. Some advertisers remain faithful for many years, a testament to their success.

Our publication can complement your other marketing strategies without difficulty. Coffee News will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression due to its upbeat atmosphere. Your advertisement will reach thousands of targeted consumers each week, both in print and through social media.

In addition, all advertisements are displayed on the front or rear page, preventing them from becoming lost in the clutter. And the icing on the cake? Our guarantee ensures that your advertisement will run accurately, or it will run for free! Don’t delay; advertise with Coffee News immediately and watch your business prosper. 



Is advertising in local newspapers effective? 

Yes, advertising in local newspapers is effective at reaching a local, engaged audience. It is especially beneficial for businesses seeking to establish a strong local presence.

How much does advertising in local newspapers cost? 

Local newspaper advertising costs can vary based on factors such as the newspaper’s circulation, the ad’s size, and the number of times it runs.

How can I evaluate the performance of my local newspaper ad? 

You can measure the success of your local newspaper ad in a variety of ways, such as using unique coupon codes, conducting customer surveys, or monitoring increases in inquiries or sales after the ad has run.

Which enterprises can benefit from advertising in local newspapers? 

Almost any business can benefit from local newspaper advertising, especially those seeking to bolster their local presence or reach a specific demographic within a specific geographic area.

Refresh Your Print Media Advertising With These 11 Spring Marketing Trends

A young man dressed in business casual sits reading a newspaper on a flight of steps

In the digital age, it’s easy to overlook the impact of print media advertising. However, print materials can still be effective in capturing attention and driving engagement with customers. As we head into spring, it’s important to stay on top of the latest print marketing trends. Here are 11 trends you need to know about.


1. Personalization

Personalization is not new in the world of print media advertising, but it is becoming increasingly important. Consumers want to feel that they are being heard and that their preferences matter. Personalization can be achieved in several ways, such as variable data printing, which allows each piece of mail to be unique, or by using customer data to tailor the message.


2. Interactive Print

Interactive print combines print with digital technology to create an immersive experience for the consumer. One example is using augmented reality to bring a printed ad to life. Another is the use of QR codes, which can lead the customer to a landing page or provide them with additional information.


3. Sustainability

Sustainability is a growing concern for consumers, and businesses that prioritize eco-friendly practices will have an advantage. This trend extends to print marketing, where using recycled paper and environmentally friendly inks can make a significant impact. Companies can also promote their sustainability efforts in their marketing materials.


4. Minimalism

Minimalism is a design trend that has been gaining popularity in recent years. In print media advertising, this means using simple and clean designs with plenty of white space. This approach can help the message stand out and make it easier for the consumer to read and understand.


5. Bold Typography

Bold typography can make a statement and help the message stand out. This trend involves using large, bold fonts in headlines or to highlight important information. However, it’s important to strike a balance between making a statement and ensuring readability.


6. QR Codes

QR codes are a type of barcode that can be scanned with a smartphone camera. They are a versatile tool in print marketing, as they can be used to provide additional information, offer discounts, or lead the customer to a landing page. QR codes are becoming increasingly popular, and businesses that use them can stay ahead of the curve.


7. Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital content onto the real world. In print marketing, AR can be used to bring a static ad to life. For example, a printed ad for a clothing store could use AR to allow the customer to see how they would look in the clothes.


8. Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing involves creating a memorable and immersive experience for the customer. In print marketing, this could mean sending a direct mail piece that includes a sample of the product or creating a brochure that unfolds into a pop-up display. This approach can help the customer connect with the brand on a deeper level.

A fresh spring tulip sits on top of a stack of newspapers

9. Integration with Digital Marketing

Print media advertising doesn’t have to be separate from digital marketing efforts. In fact, integrating the two can lead to a more cohesive and effective marketing strategy. One way to integrate print and digital marketing is to include a call-to-action (CTA) that directs the customer to a landing page or social media account. Another way is to use QR codes or augmented reality to connect print materials with digital content. By integrating print and digital marketing, businesses can reach customers through multiple channels and increase the likelihood of conversions.


10. Print Marketing as a Tangible Experience

In a world where so much marketing is digital, print marketing can offer a unique and tangible experience for customers. From direct mail pieces to brochures and flyers, print materials can be physically held and examined. This tactile experience can create a deeper connection between the customer and the brand. By using high-quality paper and unique design elements, businesses can create print materials that are not only visually appealing but also feel luxurious to the touch. This sensory experience can leave a lasting impression on the customer and help drive brand recognition and loyalty.


11. Nostalgia Marketing

Nostalgia marketing is a trend that taps into customers’ fond memories of the past to promote a product or service. In print marketing, this can involve using retro design elements or references to popular culture from a bygone era. Nostalgia can create an emotional connection with customers, reminding them of a simpler time and triggering positive associations. By using nostalgia marketing in print materials, businesses can tap into these emotions and create a deeper connection with their audience. This approach can be especially effective for targeting older demographics who may have more nostalgia for past eras.



As we head into spring, businesses must stay ahead of the curve when it comes to print media advertising. The trends outlined above offer exciting opportunities to engage with customers and drive sales. By using personalization, interactive print, sustainability, minimalism, bold typography, QR codes, augmented reality, and experiential marketing, businesses can create impactful print materials that stand out in a crowded marketplace. By embracing these trends, businesses can connect with customers in a meaningful way and increase brand recognition and loyalty.



Are print materials still relevant in the digital age?

Yes, print materials are still relevant and can be an effective way to engage with customers.


How can I personalize my print materials?

You can use variable data printing or customer data to tailor the message to each individual recipient.


What is interactive print?

Interactive print combines print with digital technology to create an immersive experience for the consumer.


How can I make my print materials more sustainable?

You can use recycled paper and environmentally friendly inks, as well as promoting your sustainability efforts in your marketing materials.


What is experiential marketing?

Experiential marketing involves creating a memorable and immersive experience for the customer, often through the use of tangible materials.


Contact Us Today!

Coffee News incorporates all of these methods of print media advertising into boosting your ad in our weekly print publications. Your ad will run for a minimum of 26 consecutive weeks and reach your desired target market. Unlike with other publications, your ad will not be overlooked by larger ads since all ads in Coffee News are 3” x 2.” You will also be able to make slight edits to your ad free of charge. Contact us today to get started!

10 Reasons Why You Should Add Print Media to Your Local Advertising Efforts

A young woman reading a newspaper while sitting outdoors at a cafe

In local business advertising, print media is particularly effective because it can reach customers in a very personal way. You need to use this advertising medium, however, because simply ignoring it isn’t going to change the fact that people like to get the best deals when they go shopping! Below are ten reasons to add print media to your local business advertising efforts.


1. Great for Customer Retention

Print media works well for local businesses because it’s good at keeping existing customers happy. This is because people tend to save the coupons and discount offers that print media provides. They’ll tend to use them later on when the time is right.


2. Print Media Creates Memorable Images

Print media provides a unique way to bring your business to life beyond just the written word. For example, you can use images of your products, services, or employees to help people remember you and what you offer. In addition, they’re a great way to get your message across on nearly anything else that may be available in print media. For example, if your company sells flowers, why not provide local businesses with a swag bag filled with other items related to the same subject?


3. The Cost of Advertising in Print Media Is Affordable

Compared to other options, such as radio and television, the cost of advertising in print media is low. You can even get a coupon book for as little as $100, which will still give you a great starting point to work within your local community. And when you’re not getting many customers with your print media campaign, you can be sure that the cost won’t take as big of a toll on you financially.


4. Helps Establish Credibility

Print media can help establish your credibility as a business. This is especially true for your local business if you are in a competitive market. For example, you can use print media to offer coupons for your services and products and a statement about your company’s commitment to customer satisfaction. This gesture will help people recognize that you are serious about doing the best job possible to keep them happy.


5. Helps You Reach a Niche Market

The purpose of print media advertising is to get people interested in something that they might not have peeked at otherwise. This can help your local business in two ways. First, it can help you reach a niche market that you might not be able to reach otherwise. Second, it can help you get your name out among a wide audience. This can lead to even more business opportunities for your company.


6. You Can Get Results Fast With Print Media Advertising

With some other forms of advertising, you’re often left wondering if any progress is being made. You may not see relevant results immediately, so it can be difficult to believe in your advertising efforts. However, with print media, you can get results quickly and know that you’re doing well.

An older man reading through the local business advertising in his newspaper


7. Easily Accessible

Print media is easy to access, which is why it’s so popular among local businesses. And you don’t have to have a posh office with a sophisticated IT department and multiple websites to use them. This is advantageous because it helps you get the word out without paying for a lot of overhead. You can keep the advertising costs down and still get better results than other forms of advertising.


8. Print Media Helps You Build Loyalty With Your Customers

Print media is a great way to build loyalty with your customers. You can demonstrate your concern for them by offering deals and discounts and letting them know you value their business. These are great things to show your customers and make them feel like there’s a personal touch that you’re providing for them.


9. Print Media Provides You With a True Test of Your Ad Copy and Graphics

Print media is a great way to test how effective your ad copy and graphics are before using them on other advertising outlets. You can test them out and see what works best before adding different types of advertising to your business strategy. This strategy is especially useful when you find out that people don’t respond well to one type of ad and want to try a different way of advertising.


10. Reach a Wide Audience of People at Once

Print media, such as newspapers and magazines, often have a large and loyal readership, giving you a broad reach to potential customers. Regardless of where you live, several different print media options are likely available to you. And if there’s not, you can always take advantage of the internet and send out some emails to interested parties. This allows you to reach many people at once in just one campaign without investing too much upfront. This method is also useful as it allows you to spread your campaign over a longer time. So, in the end, it’s a win-win situation for both you and your customers!


Trust KC Coffee News for Local Business Advertising

Local business advertising is about reaching your audience and getting them to notice what you have to offer. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on one television commercial, wouldn’t it be better for you to get your message out there in print media? The answer is yes! Local businesses can use this opportunity to reach a wide audience of people with relative ease and at a relatively low cost.

Coffee News incorporates all of these benefits of print advertising into boosting your ad in our weekly print publications. Your ad will run for a minimum of 26 consecutive weeks and reach your desired target market. Unlike with other publications, your ad will not be overlooked by larger ads since all ads in Coffee News are 3″ x 2.” You will also be able to make slight edits to your ad free of charge. Contact us today to get started!


How Can Traditional Print Media and Social Media Work Together in Advertising?

A man reading print advertising in a newspaper while a woman uses social media on her phone

Social media has increasingly become a go-to method for advertisers who want to reach their target audience. However, the ever-lasting presence of social media is not an excuse for traditional print marketing to fade away. The fact is that traditional print media has the ability to capitalize on social media trends and incorporate them into the advertising process. Social media can provide an opportunity for print ads to go viral through sharing and interaction. Print advertising, on the other hand, can engage consumers with a more personal connection, allowing them to reflect on their own personal experiences and offering handy tips for new customers on how to buy better products.


1. Fuse Online and Offline Media

The convergence of online and offline media, which are constantly being updated in real-time, allows businesses to take advantage of both formats. Print advertising in Kansas City, MO, can still offer consumers a more personal touch and encourage brand-building. By providing users with a new layer of interaction and allowing them to produce content, print media can increase awareness while also becoming competitive on price.


2. Helpful Tips for New Customers

Print ads should be able to demonstrate how valuable the information they are offering is to encourage their readers to interact with their ads. The overall goal is to engage and delight customers, giving them good feelings which will lead them to remember and purchase products in the future. Print media also provides a more affordable option for businesses, as it can act as a complementary tool without irritating customers or looking cheap.


3. The Personal Touch of Print Advertising

Print ads can offer a more personalized take on advertising. Email newsletters, which can be sent out digitally according to specific customer profiles, can still offer a more personal touch through traditional print media. Online ads can provide consumers different options for interacting with brands and products. Print can complement this by encouraging them to write down contact information or post online reviews. Print ads can also offer product details that may be unavailable online such as ingredients or nutritional facts.


4. Outlets of New Information

Online ads can provide up-to-date information that can be impossible to find out through other means, giving consumers a direct and constant stream of new product information. Print ads can provide this information just as easily, allowing them to stay familiar with a customer’s needs to suggest products that would work for them. This can be combined with traditional print media, such as direct mail, targeting specific customer groups.


5. Boost Social Engagement With Current Print Advertising

Many brands still use social media as a self-promotion tool. However, printed ads can let the world know about new products or opportunities and can be better equipped to reach their target audience. In addition, traditional print media can offer users the option to share their thoughts on either a product or an advertisement easily.

It might be difficult for traditional print media to compete with social media for advertising power. Still, that does not mean we should ignore the merits of print advertising. Traditional print media can take advantage of the opportunities for personal communication and self-expression that social networks provide.

A man interacting with social media on his phone


6. Consumers Want to Pursue Unique Options

Consumers are becoming increasingly picky about the items they purchase. To find a reliable source for good quality products and services, consumers will often search for information independently and seek out companies and products that meet their needs. Social media is a way for consumers to get in touch with the advertisements they are interested in and engage with them on the web. Advertising in Kansas City, MO, that is able to provide a personal touch and show off the quality of its products is going to be more successful than advertising that merely relies on the old cliché of “you get what you pay for.”


7. Traditional Print Media Is Affordable and Still Necessary

Many brands have become accustomed to combining print media with online advertising to offer customers a more complete content platform. Traditional print media works as an alternative to online ads as it can provide information that is either hard or impossible to find on a digital screen. In addition, other businesses that do not currently advertise via social media can still take advantage of the benefits of traditional print media. For example, direct mail can target customers based on their current location and demographics.


8. Print Customers Want to Engage with Ads

Most print customers want to take advantage of traditional print media’s opportunity to research services and products on their own and then make informed purchasing decisions. Therefore, stores must offer a well-designed advertising option that can provide quality content for potential customers. Consumers are willing to pay attention when they are offered interesting content, which is often provided by print media advertising in Kansas City, MO. 


9. Make People the Focus

Higher-quality print media can offer brands a unique opportunity to connect with their customers on a deeper level. In order to make the most of this opportunity, businesses need to create ads that show people at their best and allow them to express themselves through enjoying what they have come across or engaging with the products being offered. This provides a way for print media advertising campaigns to tell a personal and captivating story to capture an audience.


10. The Long-Term Value of Print Advertising

When consumers are engaged with a brand or product they like, they will most likely share their thoughts and desires with others via social media and other online outlets. Personal recommendations can potentially have a long-term impact on the success of an advertising campaign. Print media is able to provide customers with an assurance that the content they are reading has been verified by professionals, which makes it easier for their friends and family to trust what they are sharing.


Print Advertising in Kansas City, MO

Social media and print media can work together in advertising in a number of ways. They can provide new outlets for information, new personal touch opportunities, and a great chance to combine the two methods. Print ads can still offer something that is lacking in social media–heartfelt interaction with brands that encourage interaction among friends and family members. Advertising in Kansas City, MO, should utilize the strengths of each form of media to build on what is already working and to develop new ways to connect with customers.

Leverage social media in your print advertising even more by choosing Coffee News. Your ad will get posted to our social media in addition to our weekly print publication. Your ad will run for at least 26 consecutive weeks and reach your desired target market. It will not be overlooked by larger ads run by bigger spenders either since all of our ads are 3” x 2.” You are also able to make edits to your ad free of charge. Contact us for more info today!

15 Design Tips to Help Your Print Ad Stand Out

A series of color ads run through a printer

The world of advertising is vast, with countless creative and technical options to choose from when crafting your print ad. With so many variables, it’s hard to know where to start — that’s why we’ve put together this blog post. Here are 15 tips to help your printed ad stand out with Kansas City advertising:


1.) Use Humor

Humor has been a staple of print ads, and it’s worked for decades. A little humor can break through the clutter and catch the reader’s attention, which is especially important in today’s media-saturated world. Adding humor to your ad will help it stand out and make the reader smile so that they might also remember your brand.


2.) Use Proximity

Proximity is a funny word, but it can be an important part of the ad. Proximity simply means “nearness,” and where it can be used in advertising is to make a visual connection between the reader and what you have to offer. This can be done through images floating in space or even a physical representation like a product or its packaging.


3.) Use an Action Shot

A picture truly is worth a thousand words, and that statement holds true in print advertising. Effective action shots can show the reader what your printed ad will look like in real life. Vectors, analogs, close-ups, and portraits all make for effective action shots.


4.) Use Multiple Calls to Action

Each call to action (CTA) should be unique and tailored to your audience. This helps the reader understand what you want them to do and gives them confidence in the action you are asking them to take. Remember, a CTA can be verbal or visual, so there are multiple ways in which you can make a clear request to your audience.


5.) Use Contrast

Contrast is another word that has popped up a lot recently. We’ve put it here to wrap up many of the previous tips, but it also makes for a useful addition on its own. There are two forms of contrast that make for effective print ads — visual and psychological.

Psychological contrast is easy to explain — it’s just making a comparison (or contrast) between two different things, whether they be ideas or products. Visual contrast is more visually-oriented, with either color use or pattern matching making up the difference between your ad and other print ads in the space.


6.) Use a Single Color

While contrast is about using a variety of colors, using a single color can be just as effective — if not more so. A single color allows you to focus on one product or idea and shows how it stands out from everything else. Using less color can actually catch the reader’s attention more than using a lot of colors, but only if you use the right shade.


7.) Know Your Market

Most print ads need to be thoughtfully crafted with the audience in mind. Understanding your market is important because it helps you to understand what your target audience wants and what they are looking for in your brand’s product or service. Kansas City advertising has a wide range of different races, ages, and backgrounds, so finding a balance between them is important to get the best results from your ad.


8.) Know Your Product or Service

Understanding what you are selling — whether directly or indirectly — is a vital part of successful Kansas city advertising. Having an understanding of what your product is and what it can do for the reader helps to create a stronger connection between them and your brand.


9.) Test Everything

There’s no better way to get an idea of how effective your ad will be than to put it in front of a real audience. There are several ways to do this: focus groups, guerilla marketing, A/B testing, and more. With the help of Kansas City advertising professionals, you can find the best way to get accurate results from your market.


10.) Know Your Audience

What do they want? That’s the question you should ask yourself when creating your next print ad. The answer to this question will be different for every person, and so you need to market toward specific groups. For example, will your ad be focused on a demographic like young adults or older households? Knowing which groups you are advertising toward is a great way to make sure that your ad is effective for Kansas City advertising.

A stack of magazines with print ads


11.) Pick the Right Media Type

The media used for print ads varies widely, which means that you need to know your market and your product or service to pick the right media. If you’re selling a service, flyers and posters may be good options, but if you are selling a product that needs a visual representation, then magazines and newspapers might be better. It’s important to pick a format that takes advantage of the strengths of your product or service.


12.) Use Branding

Employing several logos, taglines and trademarks can all help to brand your company and make it memorable. Embracing your brand can help people associate you with quality, something that will benefit them when making a purchase decision. The best print ad features the logo of the company in some capacity, whether in the title or in conjunction with the product being advertised.


13.) Swap Connotations.

Maybe you’re selling a coffee machine, but your ad features an abstract coffee cup. It seems like it would work well, but what if the audience thinks that a different image would be more effective? Swap out the image and pay close attention to how they react. If they seem confused, or if they just don’t see anything appealing in the new image, it might be time to rethink your ad and try something else.


14.) Embrace Third-Party Advertising

Using other brands’ print ads can be a great way to further brand yourself, but it’s also a great way to expand your market. Not only is it good practice, but your product might even end up being featured in the ad. You just have to make sure that you stay true to your brand and don’t use the advertisement as a crutch or money grab.


15.) Leverage Hyperbole.

In Kansas city advertising. Hyperbole is an exaggeration of the truth, and using hyperboles in your print ad can help grab the reader’s attention. These statements can be positive, negative, or both — just don’t get carried away with your exaggeration!



These are just a few of the ways in which you can use print advertising to make your brand stand out. The key is to understand both the product or idea your ad is about and what your audience wants and needs. If you keep these six concepts in mind, you’ll have a better chance of making an effective ad that will get noticed.

Put these design tips to work in our weekly print publication. Your ad will run for at least 26 consecutive weeks and reach your desired target market. It will not be overlooked by larger ads run by bigger spenders either since all of our ads are 3” x 2.” You are also able to make edits to your ad free of charge. Contact us today for more information!

5 Ways That Print Advertising Can Help You Promote Your Brand

A woman drinking coffee while reading the newspaper

While marketing experts are usually good at print advertising, they may still not give it the credit it deserves since it isn’t as easy to track, and it can be more costly than other forms of Kansas City advertising.

But with that being said, advertising in magazines and newspapers can be an excellent way to tap into a local audience or a new market since you can hyper-target readers (based on geography and demographics).

And with the right preparations, you can easily measure your success too.

But first, let’s address the elephant in the room.

Why do Print Advertising?

While print marketing may not be on the rise, it is still far from “dead.”

Its popularity (or lack thereof) in modern culture doesn’t take away from the benefits that it provides.

For example, higher engagement compared to digital methods as well as a higher trust factor. These benefits are crucial for achieving the greatest impact with your Kansas City advertising.

Perhaps you’d like to test out print advertising in your organization. Read on to find out how.

1.) Reach Your Target Audience

Just like how various marketing campaigns will go after certain personas, publications have their own target audience/target readers as well.

There is lots of variation amongst readers across the different publications. So it’s your job to figure out which publication’s target audience best matches your own target audience’s personas and budgets.

Consider your customers’ location, interests, and demographics, and then you can imagine what sort of publications they might like reading.

Once you’ve found some promising publications, you can probably find a media kit on their websites or from their company reps. It’s often the case that you will be able to buy ads in a few different issues for your preferred publication at a lower rate per ad.

2.) Coupons Motivate Purchases (Printed Ones Work Best)

We can define value differently, such as teaching consumers about your service or product or offering them discounts. To be more specific, retail establishments may benefit by putting coupons in their printed ads.

According to a study from the RetailMeNot and The Omnibus Company, 96% of Americans have used coupons, and this statistic isn’t limited to certain age groups, locations, or gender.

The best thing is that coupons provide something tangible. It motivates customers to take the initiative. According to research done by Valassis, 91% of consumers like using paper coupons most.

And when we look at the 2018 Inmar Shopper Behavior Study, 83% of people who responded in the survey indicated that the presence of coupons helped influence their buying decisions, such as pushing them towards a certain brand or making them buy more than they intended, or pushing them to make a purchase sooner than they originally planned.

The bottom line is that if a customer sees your print ad and believes they will get a good deal, they will be very likely to respond positively to your ad.

A woman uses coupons at a grocery store while she shops

3.) Make Your Ad Short, Sweet, and to the Point

When you pay so much money for that spot in a print publication, you may feel compelled to fill that space with as much information as possible.

But you must resist that desire!

To use a print ad effectively, you should just include one very specific purpose for your ad, and this can be communicated with some brief text and a single image.

What purpose would be so important as to fill this crucial space? It could be creating brand awareness, engaging with a new segment of your target audience, or launching a new product or service.

No matter what purpose it may serve, the ad should be short, sweet, and memorable.

4.) Keep It Simple and Clean

In addition to sticking with one purpose for your ad, make the design of your ad as simple as possible. Utilize white space where it makes sense, choose appropriate colors (learn about color psychology), and use a clear and bold font.

Think of the old adage “show, don’t tell.” This adage is especially true for printed ads since most people will only glance at ads very quickly before moving on to the next one.

Since this is the case, it’s useful to include visual metaphors, consider the 5 senses and make your ad appeal to them, and fall back on other visual trademarks of your brand, like your logo and colors.

It’s also a good idea to include a focal point, like your product, an animal, or person (people work great), to draw people’s eyes to.

Regardless of how you prefer to do things, each element of your print ad should tie back to its core message. 

5.) Combine Print With Digital

There’s no reason not to use other marketing channels.

In fact, print advertising and digital marketing are not competing or opposing methodologies. They can work hand in hand together. For example, you might want to create a bunch of new banner ads to launch on the publication’s website in conjunction with buying a print ad.

Another option is increasing your social media spending during your print media launch as part of a larger marketing campaign. Regardless of the channels that you use, your branding must stay consistent. That means using the same color palette, same logo, etc.

Also, incorporating your digital marketing methods into your print ads is a great way to drive consumer actions. For example, your print ad should always include a link to your website. It could also include a QR code (for smartphone users) that can take them to your website or product offering.

Other options could be doing a social media hashtag campaign or requesting consumers to give their response or feedback to the ad on social media. Good social media websites for this are Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter.


Businesses should not ignore print advertising as a way to advertise. Ignoring it could mean missing out on lots of potential business. The bottom line is that print is still relevant in today’s world, and it can improve the overall effectiveness of your marketing endeavors.

Are you wondering how you should do Kansas City advertising? Get in touch with us today, and we’d be glad to help answer your questions.

The 7 Advantages Print Advertising Has for Your Business

A young woman reading a newspaper

What is the Definition of Print Media?

Print media refers to any print publication that is distributed for the purpose of mass communication. Anything physically printed on paper falls under print media, which includes newspapers and magazines, pamphlets and flyers, and anything else printed on paper and other materials. 

For ages, print media has been the most effective form of advertising. The primary reason for this is that print media is one of the most trusted modes of communication and one of the cheapest methods to reach many people quickly. 

While digital advertising is excellent when carefully targeted to the right demographic, we’ve learned to filter out specific digital adverts. According to the advertising experts in Kansas City, MO “Our capacity to disregard print advertisements does not come as effortlessly to us. When you have someone’s undivided attention, capitalize on it by promoting your business with a unique print advertising that connects with readers and enhances brand memory.”


Here are the 7 biggest business advantages of print media:

 1.) Loyal Followers

Magazines and brochures may remain in circulation for a more extended amount of time, and newspapers are a superb location to promote if you’re looking for local clients in particular. “Many individuals may visit your website, but if your company is in Kansas and your visitor is in New York, it won’t help you much,” says experts in advertising in Kansas City, MO.  Print media may make it simpler to target a particular audience over time.

Newspaper subscribers make a conscious effort to read it. When they scroll through the pages, these readers are more focused on your content since they are not distracted by anything else. Your title conveys a possible value to the audience while also retaining the readers’ attention, extending your reach. People who read offline have longer attention spans. Print advertising may be viewed at one glance and does not need scrolling.

2.) Longevity

More people will see your print ad in a newspaper shared around from reader to reader. Newspapers are often exhibited for long periods at workplaces, shops, and other public areas. In such cases, you may finally reach a larger audience. 

3.) Combine Media for Maximum Impact

Because of print’s enduring impact, print advertising exudes strength and stability. People see print advertisements as more trustworthy than those in digital media, which appear to be ephemeral. Print media advertising seems more opulent and, in some ways, more credible than internet marketing. This impression may change when younger users, who are used to seeing internet advertisements, become the majority of customers. This suggests you should examine where your target audience consumes material. Print media is still likely to be patronized, and it should be included in your marketing mix alongside digital advertising.

4.) Choose Where and When 

It’s critical to know where your clients look in print — that’s where the real estate is. It might be a newspaper, a neighborhood publication, a bulletin board, a local magazine, or anything else. When you post a physical advert, you have the option of where your ad will appear.

Understanding the benefits of print media in this digital era is one thing. Another thing to consider is what your rivals are doing with print media. They may not feel that targeting prospects using “conventional” approaches is worthwhile. This is where astute businesses thrive: those who understand how to convert prospects into consumers using well-known advertising techniques will come out on top. 

5.) Best in Local Targeting 

It is ideal for sharing your message or advertising your brand if you are a local business or group. To raise awareness among the local population, you may simply distribute flyers in public places and publish your adverts in local publications.

6.) A Budget-Friendly Option

Advertisers of all sizes, regardless of budget, may find that print advertising is a viable alternative to the usual media such as television and radio. Of course, advertising of any form is not inexpensive, but even a small business can afford to advertise in the local paper, which is an excellent way to reach the bulk of its consumers. 

7.) Better ROI Than Digital Ads

Print material is very likely to be kept at home, re-read, and shared. Newspapers and magazines at doctor’s offices, libraries, and public areas have a lengthy shelf life, which boosts the visibility of your ad. Print advertising has a better chance of sticking than digital ones, which go away quickly. 

A stack of newspapers

Combine Print and Digital for Maximum Impact


Look at the last paragraph of every newspaper ad, and you’re likely to notice a link to a website with further information or a special deal. This is because print is incredibly excellent at directing readers to where you want them to go. Every advertising medium has advantages and disadvantages. For most amazing results, your marketing plan should be integrated, using many forms of media, each reinforcing distinct versions of your message.

TV commercials have provided twice as many results when combined with print ads as when combined with merely web ads. As a result, using all three simultaneously is more advantageous. A multimedia strategy not only allows you to reach consumers who prefer one medium over another, but it also raises awareness and, in the long term, increases and maintains brand loyalty.

Creating a fantastic collection of printed products and magazines does not require abandoning your internet marketing efforts. On the contrary, in fact. Integrating your digital and print marketing efforts strengthens, increases the importance of, and increases the resilience of your marketing campaign. That is why you should really use the most dependable companies advertising in Kansas City, MO.

Here are three ideas for making your print media items more interactive:

1.) Social Networking Sites

Include your social media symbols and tags in your printed materials to carry the discussion online. Online, provide compelling material that supports your written message.

2.) Infographics 

Statistics and graphs might be tedious, but by arranging them as infographics, you can reach your target audience in a visually attractive and memorable manner. Include a digital copy of your infographics online so that your clients and prospects may share them.

 3.) QR Codes 

Using QR codes is a terrific way to direct your target market to a webpage or website where they can learn more about your product or service. QR codes are simple to use and may be tailored to your specific requirements and corporate logo.

9 Affordable Advertising Ideas for Your Small Business

Woman sitting on couch with laptop in front of her looking at a letter she received in the mail

Are you looking for affordable small business advertising ideas? If not, then you should be – there are always intelligent and cost-effective ways to advertise. But can a small-sized business get its message across in a world that has so much advertising spam and clutter? Big companies seemingly dominate when it comes to messaging. However, there are still numerous free and low-cost methods for promoting a small business. All it takes is some imagination and hustling, and you can achieve fantastic results from affordable small business advertising.


9 Affordable Small Business Advertising Ideas


 1. Get Covered for Free

There’s nothing cheaper than “free.” Therefore, one of the best ways to advertise your business is through “earned media” – aka “publicity” or “covered in the media.” This method is about getting local media, business bloggers, and news media to do stories about your business. While there isn’t really a straightforward way to make this happen (you can’t just say to them, “please come write about my business!”), you can make it happen using some subtlety and creativity.

It starts with finding a news angle that a key story from your business could fit into. For instance, let’s say that the holidays are coming soon. You could offer to appear as a guest expert who explains how small businesses are preparing for the new holiday shopping season. Another way to get free coverage is to capitalize fully on your business successes. Write up a press release covering one of your latest success stories and send it to your local news reporters or journalists who cover your industry.


 2. Direct Mail

Here at Coffee News, we’re big fans of print advertising methods, and direct mail fits nicely here as an affordable advertising method.

According to recent research from the Direct Mail Association, direct mail gets a higher response rate at 4.4 percent than email does at just 0.12 percent. Furthermore, direct mail marketing cost at $51.40 per order/lead is less than that of email at $55.25 and PPC at $52.58.

As you can see, this tried and true method of advertising can still achieve significant results in this digital marketing era. The best part is that it can always be cost-effective. Just consider the fact that these days, most people’s email inboxes are more cluttered than their actual mailboxes outside! Consequently, these people may respond better to a direct mail letter, brochure, or postcard rather than just another email advertisement.


 3. Put Your Business Information in Clever Places

Some people can get overwhelmed with the number of business cards they receive and toss them out. So, including your business information outside of a coffee mug, for example, will ensure that your potential customers frequently see your name.


 4. Thank-You Cards

Another great and inexpensive way to use print advertising is to send thank-you notes to your favorite clients. It’s well worth spending a bit of money to create some printed postcards or color-filled photo cards that include your photograph, business logo, or other photos from your business. That way, your thank you notes will be personalized and let people know that you are a real person they’re buying from, which will help them connect with you on a human level. This strategy is also great for creating brand loyalty!


 5. Customer Loyalty Programs

And speaking of loyalty, there are plenty of sophisticated online tools that offer inexpensive customer loyalty tracking programs to help you reward deserving customers. You may wonder if it’s worth the effort. It’s absolutely worth it, especially considering that existing customers are usually a great source of repeat business that is often more efficient than trying to get brand new customers.


 6. Referrals

After you’ve built up a solid relationship with one of your customer’s you can further capitalize on this by getting them to refer/send new customers your way. You can do a referral program in whatever way you’d like. Whether it’s informal and on an as-needed basis, or with exact targeting and scheduling.

Whichever approach you choose, be sure to put enough thought and time into it and be mindful of how you approach your customers. You don’t want to just approach anyone; after all, you’re asking them for personal information – names of their friends, family members, etc.

A referral should be rewarded nicely with an appropriate gift. Consider what a new customer is worth to you, and that will help guide you in picking a suitable reward.


Man on laptop with coffee in hand looking at email


 7. Email Marketing

Email marketing is another viable digital advertising method that doesn’t cost too much. It’s an excellent way of reaching out to existing customers as well as your fans and followers. There are plenty of great resources online for how to establish an effective email marketing strategy.

 8. Accelerate Your Efforts on Social Media

Social media is undoubtedly one of the most affordable small business advertising methods in existence currently. One reason is that posting on social media is free. While it’s true that there’s a lot of clutter on social media, there’s still plenty of methods that a business can utilize to boost their numbers on social media without needing to spend too much money.

 9. Purchase Facebook Ads

If you want to go with the “paid approach” on social media, you should consider going with Facebook ads. FB has some top-notch methods of targeting – you can focus your ads on a particular group of people (a key demographic, for example) that matches who your ideal target audience is. You could even make your ad only target certain age groups, a specific gender, location, behavior, interest, etc.; the sky’s the limit!



As you can see, there are many different affordable small business advertising ideas out there. Therefore, you should never feel like you don’t have enough funds to improve your marketing results. Regardless of the industry that you’re in – ingenuity, hard work, and some hustling can go a long way when promoting your business.

If you’re prepared to spend some money on purchasing ads or investing in direct mail advertising, then this is one of the best times to start. There are MANY advertising opportunities for any size business to scale-up that can fit your needs and budget.