15 Design Tips to Help Your Print Ad Stand Out

A series of color ads run through a printer

The world of advertising is vast, with countless creative and technical options to choose from when crafting your print ad. With so many variables, it’s hard to know where to start — that’s why we’ve put together this blog post. Here are 15 tips to help your printed ad stand out with Kansas City advertising:


1.) Use Humor

Humor has been a staple of print ads, and it’s worked for decades. A little humor can break through the clutter and catch the reader’s attention, which is especially important in today’s media-saturated world. Adding humor to your ad will help it stand out and make the reader smile so that they might also remember your brand.


2.) Use Proximity

Proximity is a funny word, but it can be an important part of the ad. Proximity simply means “nearness,” and where it can be used in advertising is to make a visual connection between the reader and what you have to offer. This can be done through images floating in space or even a physical representation like a product or its packaging.


3.) Use an Action Shot

A picture truly is worth a thousand words, and that statement holds true in print advertising. Effective action shots can show the reader what your printed ad will look like in real life. Vectors, analogs, close-ups, and portraits all make for effective action shots.


4.) Use Multiple Calls to Action

Each call to action (CTA) should be unique and tailored to your audience. This helps the reader understand what you want them to do and gives them confidence in the action you are asking them to take. Remember, a CTA can be verbal or visual, so there are multiple ways in which you can make a clear request to your audience.


5.) Use Contrast

Contrast is another word that has popped up a lot recently. We’ve put it here to wrap up many of the previous tips, but it also makes for a useful addition on its own. There are two forms of contrast that make for effective print ads — visual and psychological.

Psychological contrast is easy to explain — it’s just making a comparison (or contrast) between two different things, whether they be ideas or products. Visual contrast is more visually-oriented, with either color use or pattern matching making up the difference between your ad and other print ads in the space.


6.) Use a Single Color

While contrast is about using a variety of colors, using a single color can be just as effective — if not more so. A single color allows you to focus on one product or idea and shows how it stands out from everything else. Using less color can actually catch the reader’s attention more than using a lot of colors, but only if you use the right shade.


7.) Know Your Market

Most print ads need to be thoughtfully crafted with the audience in mind. Understanding your market is important because it helps you to understand what your target audience wants and what they are looking for in your brand’s product or service. Kansas City advertising has a wide range of different races, ages, and backgrounds, so finding a balance between them is important to get the best results from your ad.


8.) Know Your Product or Service

Understanding what you are selling — whether directly or indirectly — is a vital part of successful Kansas city advertising. Having an understanding of what your product is and what it can do for the reader helps to create a stronger connection between them and your brand.


9.) Test Everything

There’s no better way to get an idea of how effective your ad will be than to put it in front of a real audience. There are several ways to do this: focus groups, guerilla marketing, A/B testing, and more. With the help of Kansas City advertising professionals, you can find the best way to get accurate results from your market.


10.) Know Your Audience

What do they want? That’s the question you should ask yourself when creating your next print ad. The answer to this question will be different for every person, and so you need to market toward specific groups. For example, will your ad be focused on a demographic like young adults or older households? Knowing which groups you are advertising toward is a great way to make sure that your ad is effective for Kansas City advertising.

A stack of magazines with print ads


11.) Pick the Right Media Type

The media used for print ads varies widely, which means that you need to know your market and your product or service to pick the right media. If you’re selling a service, flyers and posters may be good options, but if you are selling a product that needs a visual representation, then magazines and newspapers might be better. It’s important to pick a format that takes advantage of the strengths of your product or service.


12.) Use Branding

Employing several logos, taglines and trademarks can all help to brand your company and make it memorable. Embracing your brand can help people associate you with quality, something that will benefit them when making a purchase decision. The best print ad features the logo of the company in some capacity, whether in the title or in conjunction with the product being advertised.


13.) Swap Connotations.

Maybe you’re selling a coffee machine, but your ad features an abstract coffee cup. It seems like it would work well, but what if the audience thinks that a different image would be more effective? Swap out the image and pay close attention to how they react. If they seem confused, or if they just don’t see anything appealing in the new image, it might be time to rethink your ad and try something else.


14.) Embrace Third-Party Advertising

Using other brands’ print ads can be a great way to further brand yourself, but it’s also a great way to expand your market. Not only is it good practice, but your product might even end up being featured in the ad. You just have to make sure that you stay true to your brand and don’t use the advertisement as a crutch or money grab.


15.) Leverage Hyperbole.

In Kansas city advertising. Hyperbole is an exaggeration of the truth, and using hyperboles in your print ad can help grab the reader’s attention. These statements can be positive, negative, or both — just don’t get carried away with your exaggeration!



These are just a few of the ways in which you can use print advertising to make your brand stand out. The key is to understand both the product or idea your ad is about and what your audience wants and needs. If you keep these six concepts in mind, you’ll have a better chance of making an effective ad that will get noticed.

Put these design tips to work in our weekly print publication. Your ad will run for at least 26 consecutive weeks and reach your desired target market. It will not be overlooked by larger ads run by bigger spenders either since all of our ads are 3” x 2.” You are also able to make edits to your ad free of charge. Contact us today for more information!

15 Print Media Tips to Create the Most Effective Small Business Advertising

A tall stack of newspapers

Marketing your business on social media and in magazines is a common practice, but you need to know that there are better ways to advertise than just throwing money at a campaign. Keep these 15 tips in mind when designing the next round of ads for your small business to ensure they are the most effective small business advertising possible.


1.) Personalize Your Ads

Advertising gets the most attention when it’s personalized to fit your target market and niche. So while you may have a general idea of who would be interested in your services, don’t forget to adapt your ads for the specific audience you want to reach. For example, if you’re an accountant targeting parents of young children, you want to mention that in your ad and not just something like a college student or a senior.


2.) Write Attractive Headlines

Attention spans are low, so make sure to grab your audience’s attention with an attractive headline. But don’t forget to be clear; you want to entice the reader, but also make sure that it’s easy for them to understand what you’re offering.


3.) Make the Most of Your Space

You don’t have a lot of space to work with, so make it count. Keep your sentences short and concise, but make sure you get the information you need across to your audience. Leave out any unnecessary details about yourself or your product, or else you’ll risk losing the attention of your reader.

Tip: when you advertise in our Coffee News publication that’s read by thousands of weekly readers, your ad will be the same size as everyone else’s ad, which gives you an equal shot at getting exposure.


4.) Set a Schedule

You need to set up a schedule for your advertising campaign. Try to create a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly schedule, depending on how much time you can dedicate to the project. It’s important that you make sure your deadlines are realistic, and it will be easier to create a plan if you have a clear schedule that works for you. Having a schedule also helps to keep yourself accountable so that you stick to the plan and don’t take too long on the process.


5.) Optimize Layout and Typography

Make sure to focus on the most important information first and leave the less important details for later. This will help with word arrangement and make it easier for readers to get the essential facts about your company before moving on to less important details.

A stack of print ads spread out on a table 

6.) Write With the Reader in Mind

You want to come across as someone who the reader can trust and respect. Use terms familiar to your audience, and avoid words that are difficult to understand. It’s also important to make sure that your language uses a formal tone so that readers think you’re serious when it comes to business transactions.


7.) Use Images that Convey Your Message

There’s a reason why so many products use appealing images in their advertisements – images can convey information quickly and effectively without needing any words or sentences at all. When you have a limited amount of space for an ad, every word counts, and images can help to communicate your message more smoothly.


8.) Proofread Your Ad

Whether you’re submitting your ad online or creating it by hand, make sure that there are no spelling errors. Even the smallest mistakes can contribute to ruining the entire advertisement and make your services look unprofessional. Get a friend to help if you’re not sure about something instead of rushing through the process.

With Coffee News, you don’t have to worry too much about this; you are allowed to make small edits to your ad free of charge!


9.) Pre-Test the Effectiveness of a Print Ad

You don’t want to waste money on an ad that doesn’t reach its audience. Take the time to pre-test your ad in a magazine before you send it out, so you know what kind of response you will have. If the ad doesn’t get any response, consider changing it up and maybe creating a more interesting or better-spoken advertisement. It’s important to make sure that your ad works on a first impression, so test them as soon as possible. This can add to your most effective small business advertising plan!


10.) Revisit Advertising Campaigns Regularly

You don’t want to keep doing the same ads year after year – you want to evolve with your product and improve the way you reach out to your customers. Look at new trends in the market and keep yourself up-to-date with what other companies are doing so that you can do effective small business advertising in today’s world.


11.) Make Sure Your Business Has an Effective Website

You want to make sure that your potential customers can find you online as well. An effective website includes a unique and interesting design and is easy to navigate. If you’re not technologically savvy, enlist the help of a professional web developer who will create a simple design that matches your service. You can even use a template on sites like TemplateMonster.com, which are already designed for businesses just like yours.


12.) Run Some Offline Ads

If none of these work for your business model, try some offline ads like billboards or even fliers in local markets. It’s common to see local restaurants advertising their services in small towns, so why not do the same for your business? The only thing you need to think about is whether or not your market will respond to the offline ads.


13.) Consider an Upfront Payment Plan

An upfront payment plan is a great option for small businesses or startups that can’t afford huge and expensive advertisements. This is where you pay for a certain number of advertisements and then spread the remainder over the next five months so that you make more money overall. An upfront payment plan is a great option for businesses that are just starting out and not familiar with online advertising.


14.) Switch to Inbound Marketing!

If none of these works for you, you may want to consider switching to inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is where businesses focus on generating leads instead of spending money on advertisements. Instead of spending money on pushing your product, you can instead generate more quality sales by focusing on different types of marketing that bring in customers the right way, like blogging and social media.


15.) Make Sure You Have a Call-to-Action

Every ad should have a call-to-action button or link. It’s the button that urges the reader to take action and make contact with you. It’s your goal to get as many people as possible to contact you, so make sure your call-to-action is noticeable and sticks out from the rest of your ad.



Effective small business advertising can be a challenge, but it’s worth the work if you want to reach the right audience and make the most out of your investment. The trick is finding an ad that works for you and your company – once you do, it’s just a matter of staying consistent with it. Even if you don’t get any responses at first, don’t give up on your campaign and use the information from previous campaigns to improve on future ads. This will make print media the most effective small business advertising for your company.

10 Ways That Print Advertising Can Help You Reach a Broader Audience

Rolled up print ads

There are many ways that print advertising can help you reach a broader audience when advertising your small business. You can distribute a printed document in many different settings, such as your doctor’s office, at school, on the street, and inside businesses. The audience is usually targeted depending on where the advertisement is placed. Most notably, print ads have a more personal appeal than digital campaigns because they are not easily ignored on social media. Below are just some of the many ways that print technology can increase your reach.


1.) Know Your Audience

The first step to maximizing the effectiveness of your print advertising is to have a clear idea of who your target audience is. The demographics of your intended audience should be determined prior to choosing a print media. Knowing who you are advertising your small business to will help you determine a proper message and design that will effectively communicate with them.


2.) Keep It Short

In most print ads, the information has to be able to fit within a small space. You will want to make sure that you keep it short and simple so that you do not lose your audience’s attention. When coming up with content for your print ad, you want to be sure that your title is impactful and catchy so that it draws the attention of the reader. However, it should still give a clear message about what is being advertised.


3.) Be Original

When you are putting together your ad, you should place yourself in the audience’s shoes. You want to be sure that your message is personal and will resonate with them so that they take action. The message needs to be clear and exciting, so it will get across quickly. It can also be encouraging if it feels genuine. You also want to make sure that you are telling a story about the product or service rather than simply telling a list of benefits or features about the item.


4.) Include a Call to Action

Many businesses try to sell without showing any sort of call to action button or link. This is a way to get customers’ attention, but it can be off-putting for the customer if he does not understand what to do next. However, with print advertising, you can place a call to action in the ad that directs your audience more clearly on what they should do next. You can also include a QR code or link at the end of your ad to direct people directly to your website.


5.) Make Print Ads to Be Interactive

Print ads have been around for a very long time, so there are many ways that print technology has continued to adapt over the years. Print ads now have the ability to include interactive features. Interactive print ads mean that your ad will not only be appealing because of its design but will also include valuable information. For example, you can add a barcode or QR code that will direct your readers directly to a web page with more detailed information. This is a great tool to use and makes an ad much more appealing.


6.) Use Social Media

The old adage that says “people won’t respond to a direct mail letter unless it is hand-delivered” does not apply to today’s world. With digital advertising, there are various ways in which you can create a direct connection with your audience. Social media is a great place to start. Add your print ads through social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter because people are more likely to see them there. Also, you can use Facebook’s ad platform to manage and review your ads.

Thumbs up social media icons


7.) Keep The Branding Consistent

When creating your print ads, you want to be sure that your branding is consistent. This will help keep your brand identity across media platforms. Consistency will give a level of professionalism to your ads and keep them from looking cheap or unprofessional. If you are aiming for a more fun, lighthearted feel, you can still use consistency in the font or colors of the ad to maintain your brand’s identity.


8.) Break The Pattern

You will want to make sure that your message is straight to the point. Be sure that your title, copy, and design are clear and concise, so people can easily understand what is being advertised. The phrases you use in your advertisement should also be simple and catchy. You can also include a call to action at the end of your ad to get people interested in making a purchase from you.


9.) Align With A Single Message

You will want to consider who your target audience is before you decide which type of ad to create. When you have a clear idea of your audience, you can determine what type of ad to use. You should stay true to the point and keep things simple so that your advertisement does not lose its momentum. You should also try to stick with a single message for your entire campaign so that it is consistent and focused. If a new design is released, then you do not want it distracting from the message you are trying to express.


10.) Use Augmented Reality

In recent years, augmented reality (AR) has become more common in print ads. The AR experience puts the ad into your daily environment so that you can see the product or service in your actual space. This adds a level of interactivity to the entire campaign and makes it much more fun and appealing to your audience. AR is becoming a great way to attract attention by introducing new technology that keeps people interested in what you have to offer.


Wrap Up

Print advertising can be a great method of advertising your small business, but it is important that you are using the most effective methods. Print ads are not as effective as they used to be due to the rise of digital media, so you have to consider how print and digital can reinforce each other in your campaigns. Your print ad should be straight to the point and engaging so that it gives both a lighthearted tone and a more professional feel.

Need help? Contact us here at Coffee News today and we would love to help you with your ad campaign! 

The 13 Most Beneficial Types of Print Advertising for Small Businesses

Print ads stacked together

Each type of print advertising can be a different kind of investment. A good advertisement that is well-designed, however, will give you more than just one return on your investment. It can make your business a lot more successful as well as help you gain exposure to new customers, who are likely to be interested in the product or service you offer.

Take, for instance, a print media advertising campaign. The main goal of newspaper and magazine advertisements is to build brand awareness and deliver a message in as short a time as possible. The key to online and print media advertising is, therefore, to create an ad that sticks out and is easily understood by your target audience, who are prospective customers.

Here are some of the best types of a print advertisement that you can consider having for your small business advertising:


1.) Stickers

These are great for identifying your vehicle or business premises. Using custom stickers can also be a great way to promote your brand and even give you an added advantage of extra visibility. Stickers are easily accessible, easy to use, and they can be custom-designed according to your requirements. A lot of businesses use stickers as a unique way to promote your brand and get noticed in the local community.


2.) Posters

An effective way to promote a product, service, or event, posters are one of the most popular types of print advertisement around. They can be put up on walls, in your shop, or even distributed on a large scale to target your audience directly. A well-designed poster can be displayed in public places, allowing you to increase your business visibility and further attract new customers.


3.) Leaflets & Brochures

Forming an essential part of your direct mail marketing campaign, brochures and leaflets are used by businesses everywhere to offer information about products or services and promote a brand. These publications are usually passed out at trade shows and other events where they can be distributed to prospective customers. Brochures and leaflets are also a great way to gather business leads, which can be further used for sales follow-up.


4.) Business Cards

These are small and cheap but very effective in building a relationship with your prospective customers. You can also write information about your business and call to action (CTA) in these cards. The additional space helps you make an impression when handing out these cards over the counter or at the store entrance. There are many things that you can do with your business cards, like getting them printed on recycled paper, adding other elements such as QR codes, etc.


5.) Letterheads

Another inexpensive way to promote your brand and get noticed in the market, a letterhead is an important part of your business’s identity. They are available in different sizes and can also be used to include information about your company’s services or products. With letterheads, you can also include promotional offers and discounts that are different from your other marketing campaigns. These are a great way to capture prospective clients on the go.


6.) Stamps

A stamp on a letter is a great way to attract attention as it has the potential to be seen by thousands of people at every given moment. Stamps can be used for small business advertising, which will help your business make an impact on your target market. The cost of using these advertisement vehicles might be quite high, but the returns are going to be equally good in the future.


7.) Electronic mailing lists

A lot of websites and businesses use this vehicle to send out information related to their service or products either on a regular basis or only when they have something important to announce. You can also market your business through email broadcasting. For example, you can ask your customers to sign up for your electronic mailing list, which can be used to send out information about new products and services offered by your business.


8.) Bookmarks

Bookmarks are a great way to do your small business advertising. They are inexpensive and can be custom-made according to your requirement. You should let the people know more about your business through these bookmarks that should include all the necessary information such as an address, email, phone number, etc. People will be more likely to contact you if they find your business details in the bookmark itself.


9.) Calendars

Calendars are one of the most common yet useful and effective forms of the campaign. A lot of businesses use this vehicle to promote their brand, products, or service. The cost is not that high, and they can be printed in large quantities, allowing you to distribute them on a large scale and get noticed in the business community.


10.) Postcards

This is another advertising vehicle that you can use for your business promotion. These are also a great way to build your brand in the business community. You can select a design for your postcards either on your behalf or go for custom printing after you make the requisitions. These cards can be used by individuals to make direct contact with your business or sent out through a mailing list.

Color ads printing


11.) Slogans

Using slogans on billboards and posters in your office can get you noticed more easily as well as make a huge brand statement. Custom printed posters and banners can be used to not only let customers know about your business but also give them information about the products that you offer.


12.) Price Tags

Price tags are usually used by airlines and hotels to show the cost of the services offered, thereby providing additional information on the items that you have listed on your menu. Price tags can also be used by your business to let customers know about their prices and also about special offers and discounts.


13.) Business Coasters

A very effective way to promote a fresh product being offered at a new restaurant or café is by placing some coasters near the cash register or behind the bar. Although there’s no guarantee that you will sell the coasters, it’s a very smart way to let your customers know about your restaurant or café.



The list of print advertisements discussed above should give you a clear idea about which ones to use and which not. If you are having doubts about any of the vehicles, you can get in touch with us for advice. We would be happy to answer any questions you have or help you advertise your business. 

9 Reasons You Should Work with a Local Print Advertising Agency

Newspaper ads running through a printer

Some people are under the impression that print advertising is all but dead and nobody wants to look at a newspaper or magazine anymore. This idea couldn’t be further from the truth, as many people do still love print ads and are looking for more of them. There is always a keen interest in print advertising, whether it’s the general curiosity of wanting to know how it works or the genuine need for it. If a certain product or service interests you, print adverts are an important tool in advertising strategies to help you grow your business.

This post will go over four reasons you should consider working with a local print ad agency to help you get the most out of your business endeavors.


1.) Print Advertising Has the Most Creative Freedom

Many people who work with print ad agencies are those who are in need of a good creative person. If you are looking for someone to create an advertisement for you, there isn’t a better option than reaching out to somebody who specializes in print ads. A print ad agency can create the entire ad, whereas a company’s in-house graphic designer may not be qualified to do so.

By working with a local newspaper advertising agent, you can be sure that you are working with someone who is experienced and able to create successful ads. The people who work at these agencies know what works and what doesn’t because they have learned from experience. Most of the time, clients find local print ad agencies because they can offer a very competitive price point, which is why many companies in all sectors choose to work with them.


2.) Local Print Advertising Agencies Can Save You Money

Finding an agency that offers a good price is all about knowing how advertising works and how to get it done correctly. There are many ways you can save money when working with a local newspaper advertising agency, and the most important of these is knowing that your advertising campaign will be done right. Distrusted agencies have been known to create ads that look good but actually end up being a waste of time.

When you work with a local print ad agency, they have the expertise to create ads that help your brand grow. They will use all the tactics that are available to them and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in all things advertising. The agency is able to produce the best ad for you, increasing your chances of success.


3.) Local Print Advertising Is a Great Way to Reach Customers

If you are trying to sell items to the general public, then selling through print ads is an effective way to do so. Many people prefer print ads to online ads because they have a much more personal feeling. They can be read at leisure, and the content is meaningful enough to retain the user’s interest.

When it comes to reaching the people you are trying to reach, working with a local print ad agency is one of the best ways. Local print advertising agencies can help you gain traffic and add customers to your mailing list. This strategy can help you build your business through word-of-mouth advertising.

Local print ad agencies offer an important service in reaching your potential customers. If you are trying to sell something, you aren’t looking for the best price; you are looking for the best advertising. When you work with a local print ad agency, they are able to create ads that help you get the most out of your business.


4.) Local Print Ad Agencies Help Increase Traffic

Working with a local print ad agency is a great way to gain high amounts of traffic to your website, as there are many methods that can be used. Local print ad agencies are usually the best people to help you add a newsletter sign-up, which will automatically send updates about your products to interested parties.

Woman reading a newspaper


5.) Helps Increase Your Brand’s Exposure

Local print ads will help increase your brand’s exposure and overall presence in the community. If you are getting a lot of traffic to your site, this can help you find sales, as the more people who see your products, the more likely they will be to buy them. Local print ad agencies know how to help you draw in customers and keep them there.


6.) Local Print Ads Add to Your Customers’ Trust

By using local print ads, you are showing your customers that you are launching a large-scale marketing campaign. A local print ad agency will help give your business legitimacy, which is important in the long run. It helps create a good first impression with many potential customers, who will then trust your brand more. Any company that wants to increase its sales should think of local print ad agencies as an investment in their success.


7.) Local Print Ads Provide a Chance to Take Risks

When you work with a local print ad agency, they can help to create an effective online campaign that will keep the customer coming back. This is important because most customers will buy more than once if they feel like they have been treated well. Your business’s success is based on creating a good relationship with your customers, and local print ads are one of the best ways to do this.


8.) Helps Your Business to Gain Stability

Local print ad agencies are always looking to continue their relationships with many customers, so they know that they must offer a good return on investment. This is why they will use all the tactics available to them in order to reach new customers while also keeping their current ones happy.


9.) Helps Business Owners Gain More Knowledge

Working with a local print ad agency will help you gain more knowledge and increase your skills. All companies should spend time learning about the business of advertising because it can make the difference between success and failure.



Working with a local print ad agency is something that all small and big businesses can benefit from. Working with the right agency will give you the creative freedom you are looking for and help you save money. You can rely on an agency to deliver what you want, meaning that your business will experience success,

The Top 6 Most Effective Small Business Advertising Methods

A small business owner looking up the most effective small business advertising methods

Small businesses and startups often ask, “what is the most effective small business advertising strategy that can scale with a smaller budget?” It’s not easy to figure out the right way to spend your limited time and resources. It’s also difficult to know whether it’s better to invest at the top of the funnel or at the bottom. The best advice we can give for that is to take a full-funnel approach because this is more sustainable over the long run.

However, with that being said, there are some strategies out there that will just be out of reach for small business owners – advertising on TV is an obvious one. So here are 6 of the most viable and effective small business advertising strategies that we recommend for small businesses or startups. 


1.) Referral Networks

Referral networks are essential for businesses. These typically involve customer referrals, which are encouraged and promoted via rewards or discounts for each referral. Additionally, referral networks include b2b (business to business) referrals. Have you found yourself often telling customers, “we don’t offer/provide that here, but the business down the road does.” That’s an opportunity to get referrals in return!

Referral networks are even stronger in the white-collar professions. For example, a lawyer will refer someone to an accountant, then the accountant will refer that person to a broker. The only “risk” of referrals is that there is a “shared” reputation. You will be staking your professional reputation on the referrals you provide. So no matter what kind of company you have, ensure that your referral network all shares the same commitment to providing a quality experience as you do.

To wrap up on referral networks, also keep in mind that your competition doesn’t always have to be an enemy. If you happen to be too busy to take on some work, toss it their way. Oftentimes, they will return the favor. And besides, it can hurt your reputation to make a customer wait too long.


2.) Influencer Marketing

There is great value in being praised by a trustworthy and respected third party. There are two main benefits. The first benefit is that earned media and press articles will encourage people to place their trust in you. 

And the second benefit is that you can leverage these outlets’ existing audiences to spread your message even further. Bloggers and influencers can also help with this by sharing your company with their followers, thus giving you an important endorsement with a potentially enormous reach. You can also pull some creative (and affordable if done right) stunts to attract the attention of your target audience or the media.


3.) Content Marketing

Making interesting and relevant content for your target audience will help you get more leads. That’s because you’ll be able to capture their interest and build trust with them over time. You’ll also have a better conversion rate after building up your brand, handling customer queries, and giving them more reasons to choose you. 

Whether it be infographics, videos, articles, or eBooks, you should let the world know you can offer. Things you want to promote are your brand values, expertise, and what differentiates you from other brands. These will help potential customers make a decision and help those who are on the fence about your company “pull the trigger.” Excellent content will also be backlinked, featured, and shared around, thus making your domain authority even higher if you place the content on your website.


4.) Poster Advertisements

The majority of malls, public places, and supermarkets allow poster advertisements on their board space. This method can be hit-or-miss. The key is to give your poster enough visibility and include removable tabs that customers can collect in order to get a discount later on.

Also, set each location as a unique color. That way, you’ll know where the majority of your leads are coming from. For example, if a specific area is generating most of the leads, you can optimize your campaign to focus on that area more (cold calling, flyers, local media ads focused on those areas, etc.)

A stack of newspaper with glasses

5.) Value Additions

Value additions are strong selling points for products and services of all kinds. While they may seem remarkably similar to free appraisals or coupons, their goal is to boost customer satisfaction and create a wider gulf between the business and its competition.

Some common examples of value additions are:

  • Referral rewards
  • Guarantees
  • Point cards
  • Discounts for repeat customers

Value additions are important simply because they can be the deciding factor between your business and the other similar ones nearby. That preferred customer card or point card might be the difference between a sale or no sale, no customer, or a customer for life. It’s important to remember that you don’t need to promise the moon in order to provide value. You could also mention something that the customer doesn’t know about that adds value to your service or product. And be sure to highlight these value additions in your marketing materials.


6.) Print Marketing

Print marketing is an excellent way to augment all of your marketing methods, including digital marketing. Many companies today still rely greatly on print marketing, and it is still one the most effective small business advertising methods available.

The main benefits of print marketing include:

  1. Tangibility.
    Print marketing materials can be held in the hands, and qualities such as texture and paper weight play an important role psychologically in influencing purchasing decisions.

  2. Mobility.
    The messaging on your printed materials can be taken and exchanged almost anywhere, on the go.

  3. Improved targeting.
    Direct mail marketing can target at the geographical or demographical level.

  4. Print lasts.
    Unlike a web page that can be loaded and forgotten unless bookmarked and remembered, a piece of printed material can be more difficult to ignore.

  5. Print garners trust.
    Today, print is the most trusted type of ad, so if your business uses them, it will garner more credibility, which is important for a new business trying to make a name for itself. 

5 Ways That Print Advertising Can Help You Promote Your Brand

A woman drinking coffee while reading the newspaper

While marketing experts are usually good at print advertising, they may still not give it the credit it deserves since it isn’t as easy to track, and it can be more costly than other forms of Kansas City advertising.

But with that being said, advertising in magazines and newspapers can be an excellent way to tap into a local audience or a new market since you can hyper-target readers (based on geography and demographics).

And with the right preparations, you can easily measure your success too.

But first, let’s address the elephant in the room.

Why do Print Advertising?

While print marketing may not be on the rise, it is still far from “dead.”

Its popularity (or lack thereof) in modern culture doesn’t take away from the benefits that it provides.

For example, higher engagement compared to digital methods as well as a higher trust factor. These benefits are crucial for achieving the greatest impact with your Kansas City advertising.

Perhaps you’d like to test out print advertising in your organization. Read on to find out how.

1.) Reach Your Target Audience

Just like how various marketing campaigns will go after certain personas, publications have their own target audience/target readers as well.

There is lots of variation amongst readers across the different publications. So it’s your job to figure out which publication’s target audience best matches your own target audience’s personas and budgets.

Consider your customers’ location, interests, and demographics, and then you can imagine what sort of publications they might like reading.

Once you’ve found some promising publications, you can probably find a media kit on their websites or from their company reps. It’s often the case that you will be able to buy ads in a few different issues for your preferred publication at a lower rate per ad.

2.) Coupons Motivate Purchases (Printed Ones Work Best)

We can define value differently, such as teaching consumers about your service or product or offering them discounts. To be more specific, retail establishments may benefit by putting coupons in their printed ads.

According to a study from the RetailMeNot and The Omnibus Company, 96% of Americans have used coupons, and this statistic isn’t limited to certain age groups, locations, or gender.

The best thing is that coupons provide something tangible. It motivates customers to take the initiative. According to research done by Valassis, 91% of consumers like using paper coupons most.

And when we look at the 2018 Inmar Shopper Behavior Study, 83% of people who responded in the survey indicated that the presence of coupons helped influence their buying decisions, such as pushing them towards a certain brand or making them buy more than they intended, or pushing them to make a purchase sooner than they originally planned.

The bottom line is that if a customer sees your print ad and believes they will get a good deal, they will be very likely to respond positively to your ad.

A woman uses coupons at a grocery store while she shops

3.) Make Your Ad Short, Sweet, and to the Point

When you pay so much money for that spot in a print publication, you may feel compelled to fill that space with as much information as possible.

But you must resist that desire!

To use a print ad effectively, you should just include one very specific purpose for your ad, and this can be communicated with some brief text and a single image.

What purpose would be so important as to fill this crucial space? It could be creating brand awareness, engaging with a new segment of your target audience, or launching a new product or service.

No matter what purpose it may serve, the ad should be short, sweet, and memorable.

4.) Keep It Simple and Clean

In addition to sticking with one purpose for your ad, make the design of your ad as simple as possible. Utilize white space where it makes sense, choose appropriate colors (learn about color psychology), and use a clear and bold font.

Think of the old adage “show, don’t tell.” This adage is especially true for printed ads since most people will only glance at ads very quickly before moving on to the next one.

Since this is the case, it’s useful to include visual metaphors, consider the 5 senses and make your ad appeal to them, and fall back on other visual trademarks of your brand, like your logo and colors.

It’s also a good idea to include a focal point, like your product, an animal, or person (people work great), to draw people’s eyes to.

Regardless of how you prefer to do things, each element of your print ad should tie back to its core message. 

5.) Combine Print With Digital

There’s no reason not to use other marketing channels.

In fact, print advertising and digital marketing are not competing or opposing methodologies. They can work hand in hand together. For example, you might want to create a bunch of new banner ads to launch on the publication’s website in conjunction with buying a print ad.

Another option is increasing your social media spending during your print media launch as part of a larger marketing campaign. Regardless of the channels that you use, your branding must stay consistent. That means using the same color palette, same logo, etc.

Also, incorporating your digital marketing methods into your print ads is a great way to drive consumer actions. For example, your print ad should always include a link to your website. It could also include a QR code (for smartphone users) that can take them to your website or product offering.

Other options could be doing a social media hashtag campaign or requesting consumers to give their response or feedback to the ad on social media. Good social media websites for this are Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter.


Businesses should not ignore print advertising as a way to advertise. Ignoring it could mean missing out on lots of potential business. The bottom line is that print is still relevant in today’s world, and it can improve the overall effectiveness of your marketing endeavors.

Are you wondering how you should do Kansas City advertising? Get in touch with us today, and we’d be glad to help answer your questions.

7 Effective Ways to Boost the Advertising for Your Small Business

A small business talks about advertising strategies

If you’re looking to generate more income for your small business, then you should look no farther than marketing. Larger companies and multi-million dollar corporations like Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Target, etc. spend millions of dollars each year just on marketing. This marketing allows them to understand their demographic, understand how much their target demographic is willing to spend, and what exactly it is that they want.

So, the question stands: how can you, as a small business owner, improve advertising your small business and your brand in a way that can rival the big league players? It’s not exactly easy – or cheap – to have a whole marketing department at your disposal as a small business owner. Here are nine tips to help you get your foot in the door:

1.) Know your audience.

Big corporations get the inside scoop from their target demographic from doing things like surveys, watching trends, gauging what gets the most attention on social media, and so on. There’s no reason why you, as a small business owner, can’t do the same. Keep an eye on trends. Does your audience want more organic products instead of more manufactured products? What kind of clothing trends are popular right now?

Ask your customers. See what they like. The more you can cater to your clientele, the more business you’ll be able to generate. After all, if you’re able to keep the customers satisfied that you already have, then they’ll be more willing to bring others to your door.

2.) Interview customers.

This ties in heavily with knowing your audience, but interviewing your customers can really turn out to be one of the best ways for advertising your small business. Take surveys on what was the most eye-catching thing to your current clientele. What slogans, or advertisements, or products are they most enraptured by? What makes them want to be a repeat customer?

Finding out this information can be key to spreading your influence farther than you may have thought possible. 

3.) Have a website. 

This one seems like a no-brainer, but in this information age, having a website is more important now than ever before. If you don’t have a good website, it’ll be even harder to advertise your small business than you thought possible.

In today’s Internet-driven world, the first thing that people are likely to do once finding out about your business or product is Google it. They will want to see your hours, your product information, your customer reviews, any other products you may have – and that’s even before taking a step in your doors or ordering a product for themselves.

Having a solid, eye-catching, up-to-date website is more important now than ever before, when word of mouth advertising is more like sharing a post on Facebook than actually picking up the phone to call someone. Making sure that you have full control of your online presence is vital when trying to reach customers, and may even be able to increase your reach beyond the local.

4.) Have a social media platform.

Having a social media platform, especially in today’s climate, is one of the best promotional tools available. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and even TikTok now are incredible ways to get both you and your small business out there into the public eye. 

Creating beautiful advertisements and insightful posts that your followers can share can provide a big boost in sales to you and your small business. Or, you could create something silly and memorable that falls in line with more current trends.

In fact, some of the most popular TikTok accounts are brand accounts. The Duolingo and Scrub Daddy accounts both take popular TikTok trends and bend them to work in their brand’s favor. One thing is for sure: no one who goes to their TikTok accounts will forget what they saw. It may be unconventional, but it definitely works!

A personal scrolling through social media on their phone

5.) Turn to print advertising

It might seem a little too conventional when you first think about it, but in reality, newspaper advertising is still an effective way to get your name and brand out there. When so many ads pop up on our phones, computers, and TVs, we always find a way to fast forward through, or close them out, as quickly as possible. With print media, it is more intentional, and grabs the reader’s attention. When looking at advertising your small business, check out our website for information!

6.) Have a great customer service team.

No matter how many advancements in technology you may make, or how many rewards or promotions you may offer, there’s nothing that can beat just simple, good customer service. Good customer service can make or break a brand or business. As your business continues to grow, make sure that all of your staff is trained well and is able to answer most general questions about your business.

However, even more important than knowledge is good communication skills. Sometimes, the most memorable part of visiting a local business is the incredible and knowledgeable staff that work there. Good communication builds relationships, and relationships can build returning clientele.

7.) Do your research.

If you don’t know who you’re competing against, what kinds of similar products are out there, or how much your competitors are charging, there isn’t a lot of hope to be competitive in this market. Make sure that not only are you paying attention to what your customers want, but look around at the competition, too. What are they selling? How are they marketing it? What is their customer service like? Do they have loyalty programs? Are your prices fair for the market that we’re in compared to theirs? 

You always want to make sure that you aren’t undervaluing your services or your products, but charging too much can also be detrimental. Be sure not to drive away your business due to your high prices, because you haven’t been up to date with the market. It’s also important to note that while you don’t have to do everything that your competitor does, knowing that your products or services are as easily – if not more easily – accessible can make for a better experience. 

The 7 Advantages Print Advertising Has for Your Business

A young woman reading a newspaper

What is the Definition of Print Media?

Print media refers to any print publication that is distributed for the purpose of mass communication. Anything physically printed on paper falls under print media, which includes newspapers and magazines, pamphlets and flyers, and anything else printed on paper and other materials. 

For ages, print media has been the most effective form of advertising. The primary reason for this is that print media is one of the most trusted modes of communication and one of the cheapest methods to reach many people quickly. 

While digital advertising is excellent when carefully targeted to the right demographic, we’ve learned to filter out specific digital adverts. According to the advertising experts in Kansas City, MO “Our capacity to disregard print advertisements does not come as effortlessly to us. When you have someone’s undivided attention, capitalize on it by promoting your business with a unique print advertising that connects with readers and enhances brand memory.”


Here are the 7 biggest business advantages of print media:

 1.) Loyal Followers

Magazines and brochures may remain in circulation for a more extended amount of time, and newspapers are a superb location to promote if you’re looking for local clients in particular. “Many individuals may visit your website, but if your company is in Kansas and your visitor is in New York, it won’t help you much,” says experts in advertising in Kansas City, MO.  Print media may make it simpler to target a particular audience over time.

Newspaper subscribers make a conscious effort to read it. When they scroll through the pages, these readers are more focused on your content since they are not distracted by anything else. Your title conveys a possible value to the audience while also retaining the readers’ attention, extending your reach. People who read offline have longer attention spans. Print advertising may be viewed at one glance and does not need scrolling.

2.) Longevity

More people will see your print ad in a newspaper shared around from reader to reader. Newspapers are often exhibited for long periods at workplaces, shops, and other public areas. In such cases, you may finally reach a larger audience. 

3.) Combine Media for Maximum Impact

Because of print’s enduring impact, print advertising exudes strength and stability. People see print advertisements as more trustworthy than those in digital media, which appear to be ephemeral. Print media advertising seems more opulent and, in some ways, more credible than internet marketing. This impression may change when younger users, who are used to seeing internet advertisements, become the majority of customers. This suggests you should examine where your target audience consumes material. Print media is still likely to be patronized, and it should be included in your marketing mix alongside digital advertising.

4.) Choose Where and When 

It’s critical to know where your clients look in print — that’s where the real estate is. It might be a newspaper, a neighborhood publication, a bulletin board, a local magazine, or anything else. When you post a physical advert, you have the option of where your ad will appear.

Understanding the benefits of print media in this digital era is one thing. Another thing to consider is what your rivals are doing with print media. They may not feel that targeting prospects using “conventional” approaches is worthwhile. This is where astute businesses thrive: those who understand how to convert prospects into consumers using well-known advertising techniques will come out on top. 

5.) Best in Local Targeting 

It is ideal for sharing your message or advertising your brand if you are a local business or group. To raise awareness among the local population, you may simply distribute flyers in public places and publish your adverts in local publications.

6.) A Budget-Friendly Option

Advertisers of all sizes, regardless of budget, may find that print advertising is a viable alternative to the usual media such as television and radio. Of course, advertising of any form is not inexpensive, but even a small business can afford to advertise in the local paper, which is an excellent way to reach the bulk of its consumers. 

7.) Better ROI Than Digital Ads

Print material is very likely to be kept at home, re-read, and shared. Newspapers and magazines at doctor’s offices, libraries, and public areas have a lengthy shelf life, which boosts the visibility of your ad. Print advertising has a better chance of sticking than digital ones, which go away quickly. 

A stack of newspapers

Combine Print and Digital for Maximum Impact


Look at the last paragraph of every newspaper ad, and you’re likely to notice a link to a website with further information or a special deal. This is because print is incredibly excellent at directing readers to where you want them to go. Every advertising medium has advantages and disadvantages. For most amazing results, your marketing plan should be integrated, using many forms of media, each reinforcing distinct versions of your message.

TV commercials have provided twice as many results when combined with print ads as when combined with merely web ads. As a result, using all three simultaneously is more advantageous. A multimedia strategy not only allows you to reach consumers who prefer one medium over another, but it also raises awareness and, in the long term, increases and maintains brand loyalty.

Creating a fantastic collection of printed products and magazines does not require abandoning your internet marketing efforts. On the contrary, in fact. Integrating your digital and print marketing efforts strengthens, increases the importance of, and increases the resilience of your marketing campaign. That is why you should really use the most dependable companies advertising in Kansas City, MO.

Here are three ideas for making your print media items more interactive:

1.) Social Networking Sites

Include your social media symbols and tags in your printed materials to carry the discussion online. Online, provide compelling material that supports your written message.

2.) Infographics 

Statistics and graphs might be tedious, but by arranging them as infographics, you can reach your target audience in a visually attractive and memorable manner. Include a digital copy of your infographics online so that your clients and prospects may share them.

 3.) QR Codes 

Using QR codes is a terrific way to direct your target market to a webpage or website where they can learn more about your product or service. QR codes are simple to use and may be tailored to your specific requirements and corporate logo.

The Top 7 Reasons It Makes Sense to Invest in Print Marketing

A young businessman reading a newspaper outdoors

How can print marketing help you break through the communication gap between you and your prospects? 


In today’s digital era, it’s simple for your target market to become overwhelmed with online adverts and email marketing, especially given that Facebook now has over 2 billion monthly users, Instagram 1 billion, and Twitter 300 million.

In an age where it’s simple to create a Facebook page or an Instagram account and begin marketing your business for free, it’s tempting to believe that print marketing is extinct. But the wise business owner and marketer hasn’t given up on print marketing. Print is still a potent marketing medium with an outstanding result when paired with digital and social media marketing.

Here are the top 7 reasons why print media releases should remain an essential element of any marketing strategy.


Print advertising has a long lifespan. 

Your company’s adverts in printed media may help you reach your target market if they are designed and placed correctly. Using demographic data, you can strategically deploy your brand in the right place at the right time, in front of the right audience. When someone leaves a magazine on their counter or office table, your advertisement will remain until the magazine is recycled—or handed on to someone else. It’s a physical product that stays in a person’s house or office for a long time, leaves countless imprints, and has an audience reach that lasts weeks, months, and even years.


Print ads are easier to remember than digital ads.

The Internet may be perplexing at times. On any given page, there might be hundreds of hyperlinks, adverts, and options vying for your attention. In a magazine or newspaper, there are still interruptions. However, they are usually fewer, and you physically move past advertisements while you interact with the information. While the digital text is scanned, reading on paper is slower and more deliberate. Reading improves comprehension and retention rates, which could mean that conventional print media advertisements done by Kansas City advertising companies are more likely to leave a lasting memory for businesses. 

According to neuroscientists, that might explain why people are more likely to remember your brand after seeing it in a paper ad than in a digital ad. This is because viewing them exudes deep emotions, which is necessary for memory and brand connections.


Print marketing helps to strengthen a company’s brand.

Print marketing by Kansas City advertising companies may help you stand out and attract attention. After all, so much of today’s online material goes unnoticed. Consider how many marketing emails you do not open and how many advertisements you do not click. We are bombarded with too much digital information, to the point that we have become numb to it. And it could be harder for businesses and brands to stand out and be recognized. But, you may avoid these digital blind spots by using print marketing. 

Print marketing can assist your brand by making people notice it in a more meaningful and intimate manner. It can cut through all internet noise into the calm area of a person’s life and capture their attention. Marketers realize the value of having a well-known brand. Printed publications and other branded items are excellent ways to achieve this. It allows you to combine the visual elements of color, image, and script that help in brand recognition.


Some folks are still without internet access.

Your target audience could not even be online, depending on their demography. Don’t forget about individuals who don’t have access to the Internet or are hesitant to conduct business online. Print marketing is the most effective approach to contact them. Consumers still respond to direct mail, generating sales via coupons, postcards, and special offers. 

A clever direct mail campaign delivers a greater return on investment than e-mail marketing or digital advertisements. In reality, direct mail is a terrific approach to connect with people from all walks of life, especially since it is the most reliable type of Kansas City advertising.

A newspaper with glasses and a cup of coffee

Print marketing has higher credibility than internet marketing.

When you see iconic magazines like Time and People or your favorite newspaper on the rack, it exudes an aura of credibility and prestige. It’s also convenient; you can lay aside the printed material and return to it at any time to continue reading. Print media needs “real estate,” which marketers understand. A published article left on the corner of a desk will remain there until it is picked up and checked the following day. 

Many people are concerned about the growth of cybercrime these days—phishing and virus frauds and more ambitious and sophisticated illegal online schemes. And a recent American poll found that people trust print ads more than any other sort of advertisement. Because they are more expensive, scammers are less likely to use print tactics. Picking up a leaflet or brochure does not pose an immediate risk because there are no potentially sketchy links to click or personal documents to upload. Furthermore, high-quality print indicates that the brand is a legitimate company.


Print is Tangible.

Physical objects include publications, brochures, posters, and other sorts of printed goods. These things might remain in workplaces or homes for months or even years after being bought or delivered. While many non-physical marketing products serve a particular goal, the advantages of print media go far beyond what most people realize. 

Print marketing appeals to people of all ages, not just Millennials. This is because print marketing, unlike email marketing, is tangible: you can touch and smell it. According to the study, this physical feature engages the brain, boosting the customer’s probability of remembering your ad’s content.

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