How Local Newspaper Advertising Can Benefit Your Business

A hip young man drinking coffee while reading a newspaper

In the era of digital marketing, it is simple to overlook traditional advertising methods such as local newspaper ads. Nonetheless, are we underestimating the potential of these platforms? Let’s explore the world of local newspaper advertising and its benefits for your business.

What Is Local Newspaper Advertising?

Local newspaper advertising is a form of marketing in which businesses position advertisements in local newspapers in order to reach a specific demographic within a specific geographical area. The objective is to engage a local audience and encourage their participation in the business.

Why should local newspapers be advertised in?

Local newspaper advertising provides a refreshing, more personal touch in an age dominated by digital advertising. It enables businesses to reach an audience that is profoundly rooted in their community and offers unique engagement opportunities.


The Effectiveness of Local Newspaper Ads: Localized Targeting

By advertising in local newspapers, you can reach a highly targeted local audience. This specificity is a tremendous advantage for businesses seeking to establish or strengthen their local presence.

High Engagement

A newspaper’s readership is devoted. When your business advertises in a local newspaper, it is exposed to readers who are highly engaged with the content, which increases the likelihood that your advertisement will be noticed and acted upon.

Faith and Reliability

Local newspapers are credible information sources in their communities. Advertising in these publications can lend trust and credibility to your business, thereby enhancing the reputation of your brand.

Advantages of Advertising in Local Newspapers

Innovative Design

It is difficult to overstate the significance of a well-designed advertisement in a local publication. A visually appealing advertisement can instantaneously capture the reader’s attention and hold it, allowing you to convey your message more effectively. Good design transcends mundane aesthetics; it complements your message and conveys your brand’s identity in a visually arresting manner.

Innovative Design Tips

Consider the strategic use of color to elicit specific emotions or reactions when creating your advertisement. 

  • Typography also plays a significant role; different fonts can convey varying impressions and should be selected with care. 
  • Your brand’s imagery should be pertinent, engaging, and consistent. 
  • In addition, it is necessary to establish a hierarchy of information that guides the reader’s attention from the most to the least significant elements. 

A well-designed advertisement not only captures the reader’s attention, but also reinforces your brand’s image and message, leaving an enduring impression.

Cost Efficiency

Local newspaper advertising is frequently more cost-effective than numerous digital marketing strategies. It enables businesses to reach a large, engaged audience on a budget.


There is flexibility in ad sizes, placements, and frequency of posting with newspaper advertising. This flexibility enables businesses to tailor their advertising strategies to their requirements and budgets.

Simple Tracking

With local newspaper advertising, businesses can readily monitor the performance of their advertisements. Businesses can measure the direct impact of their advertising efforts by offering exclusive discounts or coupons with the ad.

A businessman browsing through newspaper ads

Introduction to Local Newspaper Advertising

Choosing the Appropriate Newspaper

Choosing the proper publication is crucial. Consider circulation, reader demographics, and publication frequency to discover the publication that best suits your business.

Creating a Successful Ad

A successful advertisement is plain, persuasive, and concise. Ensure that it effectively conveys your message, includes a call to action, and aligns with your brand image.

Measuring Achievement

Lastly, it is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of your advertisement. Utilize tracking methods such as unique coupon codes or customer surveys to assess the efficacy of your ad and optimize future advertising efforts.

Concluding Remarks

Local newspaper advertising may seem antiquated in a world dominated by digital media. Its potential for targeted, engaging, and cost-effective advertising, however, cannot be denied. Businesses can access a valuable resource that connects them with a committed and engaged local audience by understanding its benefits and how to utilize it effectively.

Local Newspaper Advertising’s Future

Even though the emergence of digital media has had an effect on the newspaper industry, local newspaper advertising is by no means extinct. As local newspapers innovate with digital editions and online platforms, local advertising opportunities increase. Through a combination of traditional print ads and digital ads on newspaper websites, businesses can now engage with local audiences. This multichannel strategy permits greater reach and a variety of engagement tactics.


Coffee News – Cost-Effective and Engaging Advertising!

If you’re searching for a cost-effective, engaging, and productive method of advertising your business, look no further than Coffee News. With a minimum 26-week run, your advertisement will receive repeated exposure and consistently reach your target audience. Regardless of the size of your company, Coffee News is committed to equal opportunity. This ensures your 3″ x 2″ advertisement is not obscured.

With just a phone call or email, modifying your advertisement is simple. The outstanding reputation and track record of Coffee News attests to its efficacy. Some advertisers remain faithful for many years, a testament to their success.

Our publication can complement your other marketing strategies without difficulty. Coffee News will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression due to its upbeat atmosphere. Your advertisement will reach thousands of targeted consumers each week, both in print and through social media.

In addition, all advertisements are displayed on the front or rear page, preventing them from becoming lost in the clutter. And the icing on the cake? Our guarantee ensures that your advertisement will run accurately, or it will run for free! Don’t delay; advertise with Coffee News immediately and watch your business prosper. 



Is advertising in local newspapers effective? 

Yes, advertising in local newspapers is effective at reaching a local, engaged audience. It is especially beneficial for businesses seeking to establish a strong local presence.

How much does advertising in local newspapers cost? 

Local newspaper advertising costs can vary based on factors such as the newspaper’s circulation, the ad’s size, and the number of times it runs.

How can I evaluate the performance of my local newspaper ad? 

You can measure the success of your local newspaper ad in a variety of ways, such as using unique coupon codes, conducting customer surveys, or monitoring increases in inquiries or sales after the ad has run.

Which enterprises can benefit from advertising in local newspapers? 

Almost any business can benefit from local newspaper advertising, especially those seeking to bolster their local presence or reach a specific demographic within a specific geographic area.

The Top 8 Things You Need to Consider Before Launching Your Next Print Marketing Campaign

A young man reading a newspaper in a cozy apartment

Unleashing the Power of Print: Key Questions for Your Next Print Marketing Campaign

As digital marketing continues to dominate, the might and influence of print media advertising often go unnoticed. Yet, print media remains a potent force, capable of engaging your target audience and bolstering your marketing objectives. When embarking on your next print marketing expedition, ponder these pivotal questions to ensure triumphant results.


The Undeniable Value of Print Media Advertising

In the digital era, print media advertising stands as an indispensable ally for businesses. It amplifies brand visibility, bolsters credibility, and leaves positive impressions on your target audience. Furthermore, print ads can harmoniously complement and strengthen your digital marketing endeavors, weaving a comprehensive and robust marketing tapestry.


#1.) Deciphering Your Target Audience

Before setting sail on any marketing voyage, you must first decipher the enigma of your target audience. Uncover their demographics, passions, and predilections. How do they absorb information, and where do they most frequently encounter print advertisements? By delving into your target audience’s psyche, you can tailor your print campaign to captivate them effectively.


#2.) Charting Goals for Your Print Campaign

To guarantee your print media advertising campaign’s triumph, you must chart clear and quantifiable goals. Are you aiming to augment brand awareness, fuel sales, or cultivate leads? By pinpointing your aspirations, you can craft and execute a strategy that aligns with your desired outcomes.


#3.) Navigating the Print Media Channels Landscape

To reach your target audience and achieve your campaign ambitions, you must skillfully navigate the landscape of print media channels. Each channel presents distinct advantages and challenges, demanding careful consideration and evaluation.



Newspapers offer a gateway to a vast audience, particularly if you’re targeting a specific geographic realm. They grant access to a diverse readership, from local inhabitants to business professionals.



Magazines serve as targeted advertising vessels, catering to niche interests and demographics. By selecting the ideal publication, you can deliver your message to a captivated and relevant audience.


Direct Mail

Direct mail provides a personalized touch to print media advertising, enabling you to reach your target audience in the sanctuary of their homes. When employed strategically, this method can evoke a sense of urgency and exclusivity.


Billboards and Outdoor Advertising

Billboards and outdoor advertising can generate prodigious visibility and awareness for your brand. These ads capture the attention of commuters and passersby, leaving a memorable and enduring impression.


Brochures and Catalogs

Brochures and catalogs offer a tangible connection between your audience and your brand, products, or services. They invite potential customers to peruse your offerings at their leisure, fostering a bond that may ultimately culminate in a purchase.


Weaving a Compelling Message

A triumphant print media campaign relies on crafting a potent message that resonates with your target audience. Contemplate the roles of emotion, design, and consistency in your advertising efforts.


#4.) The Emotional Quotient in Advertising

Emotional connections can be the catalyst for consumer decision-making. By connecting with your audience’s emotions, you can create a poignant and unforgettable message. Envision the emotions you wish to evoke through your print media campaign, be it happiness, excitement, trust, or even nostalgia. By appealing to their emotions, you’re more likely to inspire action and foster enduring brand loyalty.


#5.) The Art of Design and Visual Elements

The visual components of your print media advertising play a pivotal role in capturing your target audience’s attention. Striking imagery, audacious typography, and well-conceived layouts can contribute to a visually arresting and engaging ad. Remember, a mere few seconds stand between capturing or losing attention; ensure your design is both impactful and effective in conveying your message.


#6.) Consistency Across the Marketing Spectrum

To fortify your brand’s identity and message, maintaining consistency across the marketing spectrum – including print and digital – is essential. Make certain your print media advertisements align with your online presence, forging a seamless and recognizable experience for your audience.

A graphic designer working on print media advertising for a client


Gauging the Success of Your Print Media Campaign

Once your print media campaign sets sail, it’s crucial to monitor its performance and analyze the results. This evaluation will enable you to determine the efficacy of your efforts and make any requisite adjustments.


#7.) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that correspond with your campaign goals. These may encompass metrics such as ad impressions, leads generated, or sales conversions. By tracking these KPIs, you can assess the success of your campaign and pinpoint areas for enhancement.


#8.) Dissecting and Refining Your Campaign

Periodically reviewing and dissecting your print media campaign’s performance allows you to make informed decisions regarding future advertising endeavors. Utilize the data gleaned from your KPIs to fine-tune your approach, making adjustments to your messaging, design, or targeting as necessary.


Contact Us Today!

Print media advertising endures as a valuable instrument in today’s marketing arena. By asking the right questions and carefully contemplating your target audience, goals, channels, messaging, and performance, you can forge a highly effective print marketing campaign that resonates with your audience and drives results. Remember, a masterfully executed print campaign can complement your digital marketing efforts and create a comprehensive, cohesive strategy.

Coffee News expertly incorporates all these methods of print advertising to amplify your ad in our weekly print publications. Your ad will run for a minimum of 26 consecutive weeks, ensuring it reaches your desired target market. Unlike other publications, your ad will not be overshadowed by larger ads, as all ads in Coffee News are sized 3″ x 2″. Additionally, you can make slight edits to your ad free of charge. Contact us today to embark on your print advertising journey with Coffee News!




Is print media advertising still relevant in the digital age?

Absolutely! Print media advertising, when used strategically, can be highly effective. It offers a tangible, lasting impression that complements and reinforces digital marketing efforts.


How can I measure the success of my print media campaign?

Determine key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your campaign goals, such as ad impressions, leads generated, or sales conversions. Monitor and analyze these metrics to assess the effectiveness of your campaign.


What is the role of emotion in print media advertising?

Emotion is a crucial component in connecting with your audience and inspiring action. By appealing to the feelings of your target audience, you can create a more impactful and memorable message.


How can I ensure consistency across all channels, including print and digital?

Develop a cohesive brand identity and messaging strategy that is consistent across all marketing channels, including print and digital. This consistency helps create a seamless and recognizable experience for your audience.

15 Print Media Tips to Create the Most Effective Small Business Advertising

A tall stack of newspapers

Marketing your business on social media and in magazines is a common practice, but you need to know that there are better ways to advertise than just throwing money at a campaign. Keep these 15 tips in mind when designing the next round of ads for your small business to ensure they are the most effective small business advertising possible.


1.) Personalize Your Ads

Advertising gets the most attention when it’s personalized to fit your target market and niche. So while you may have a general idea of who would be interested in your services, don’t forget to adapt your ads for the specific audience you want to reach. For example, if you’re an accountant targeting parents of young children, you want to mention that in your ad and not just something like a college student or a senior.


2.) Write Attractive Headlines

Attention spans are low, so make sure to grab your audience’s attention with an attractive headline. But don’t forget to be clear; you want to entice the reader, but also make sure that it’s easy for them to understand what you’re offering.


3.) Make the Most of Your Space

You don’t have a lot of space to work with, so make it count. Keep your sentences short and concise, but make sure you get the information you need across to your audience. Leave out any unnecessary details about yourself or your product, or else you’ll risk losing the attention of your reader.

Tip: when you advertise in our Coffee News publication that’s read by thousands of weekly readers, your ad will be the same size as everyone else’s ad, which gives you an equal shot at getting exposure.


4.) Set a Schedule

You need to set up a schedule for your advertising campaign. Try to create a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly schedule, depending on how much time you can dedicate to the project. It’s important that you make sure your deadlines are realistic, and it will be easier to create a plan if you have a clear schedule that works for you. Having a schedule also helps to keep yourself accountable so that you stick to the plan and don’t take too long on the process.


5.) Optimize Layout and Typography

Make sure to focus on the most important information first and leave the less important details for later. This will help with word arrangement and make it easier for readers to get the essential facts about your company before moving on to less important details.

A stack of print ads spread out on a table 

6.) Write With the Reader in Mind

You want to come across as someone who the reader can trust and respect. Use terms familiar to your audience, and avoid words that are difficult to understand. It’s also important to make sure that your language uses a formal tone so that readers think you’re serious when it comes to business transactions.


7.) Use Images that Convey Your Message

There’s a reason why so many products use appealing images in their advertisements – images can convey information quickly and effectively without needing any words or sentences at all. When you have a limited amount of space for an ad, every word counts, and images can help to communicate your message more smoothly.


8.) Proofread Your Ad

Whether you’re submitting your ad online or creating it by hand, make sure that there are no spelling errors. Even the smallest mistakes can contribute to ruining the entire advertisement and make your services look unprofessional. Get a friend to help if you’re not sure about something instead of rushing through the process.

With Coffee News, you don’t have to worry too much about this; you are allowed to make small edits to your ad free of charge!


9.) Pre-Test the Effectiveness of a Print Ad

You don’t want to waste money on an ad that doesn’t reach its audience. Take the time to pre-test your ad in a magazine before you send it out, so you know what kind of response you will have. If the ad doesn’t get any response, consider changing it up and maybe creating a more interesting or better-spoken advertisement. It’s important to make sure that your ad works on a first impression, so test them as soon as possible. This can add to your most effective small business advertising plan!


10.) Revisit Advertising Campaigns Regularly

You don’t want to keep doing the same ads year after year – you want to evolve with your product and improve the way you reach out to your customers. Look at new trends in the market and keep yourself up-to-date with what other companies are doing so that you can do effective small business advertising in today’s world.


11.) Make Sure Your Business Has an Effective Website

You want to make sure that your potential customers can find you online as well. An effective website includes a unique and interesting design and is easy to navigate. If you’re not technologically savvy, enlist the help of a professional web developer who will create a simple design that matches your service. You can even use a template on sites like, which are already designed for businesses just like yours.


12.) Run Some Offline Ads

If none of these work for your business model, try some offline ads like billboards or even fliers in local markets. It’s common to see local restaurants advertising their services in small towns, so why not do the same for your business? The only thing you need to think about is whether or not your market will respond to the offline ads.


13.) Consider an Upfront Payment Plan

An upfront payment plan is a great option for small businesses or startups that can’t afford huge and expensive advertisements. This is where you pay for a certain number of advertisements and then spread the remainder over the next five months so that you make more money overall. An upfront payment plan is a great option for businesses that are just starting out and not familiar with online advertising.


14.) Switch to Inbound Marketing!

If none of these works for you, you may want to consider switching to inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is where businesses focus on generating leads instead of spending money on advertisements. Instead of spending money on pushing your product, you can instead generate more quality sales by focusing on different types of marketing that bring in customers the right way, like blogging and social media.


15.) Make Sure You Have a Call-to-Action

Every ad should have a call-to-action button or link. It’s the button that urges the reader to take action and make contact with you. It’s your goal to get as many people as possible to contact you, so make sure your call-to-action is noticeable and sticks out from the rest of your ad.



Effective small business advertising can be a challenge, but it’s worth the work if you want to reach the right audience and make the most out of your investment. The trick is finding an ad that works for you and your company – once you do, it’s just a matter of staying consistent with it. Even if you don’t get any responses at first, don’t give up on your campaign and use the information from previous campaigns to improve on future ads. This will make print media the most effective small business advertising for your company.

9 Reasons You Should Work with a Local Print Advertising Agency

Newspaper ads running through a printer

Some people are under the impression that print advertising is all but dead and nobody wants to look at a newspaper or magazine anymore. This idea couldn’t be further from the truth, as many people do still love print ads and are looking for more of them. There is always a keen interest in print advertising, whether it’s the general curiosity of wanting to know how it works or the genuine need for it. If a certain product or service interests you, print adverts are an important tool in advertising strategies to help you grow your business.

This post will go over four reasons you should consider working with a local print ad agency to help you get the most out of your business endeavors.


1.) Print Advertising Has the Most Creative Freedom

Many people who work with print ad agencies are those who are in need of a good creative person. If you are looking for someone to create an advertisement for you, there isn’t a better option than reaching out to somebody who specializes in print ads. A print ad agency can create the entire ad, whereas a company’s in-house graphic designer may not be qualified to do so.

By working with a local newspaper advertising agent, you can be sure that you are working with someone who is experienced and able to create successful ads. The people who work at these agencies know what works and what doesn’t because they have learned from experience. Most of the time, clients find local print ad agencies because they can offer a very competitive price point, which is why many companies in all sectors choose to work with them.


2.) Local Print Advertising Agencies Can Save You Money

Finding an agency that offers a good price is all about knowing how advertising works and how to get it done correctly. There are many ways you can save money when working with a local newspaper advertising agency, and the most important of these is knowing that your advertising campaign will be done right. Distrusted agencies have been known to create ads that look good but actually end up being a waste of time.

When you work with a local print ad agency, they have the expertise to create ads that help your brand grow. They will use all the tactics that are available to them and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in all things advertising. The agency is able to produce the best ad for you, increasing your chances of success.


3.) Local Print Advertising Is a Great Way to Reach Customers

If you are trying to sell items to the general public, then selling through print ads is an effective way to do so. Many people prefer print ads to online ads because they have a much more personal feeling. They can be read at leisure, and the content is meaningful enough to retain the user’s interest.

When it comes to reaching the people you are trying to reach, working with a local print ad agency is one of the best ways. Local print advertising agencies can help you gain traffic and add customers to your mailing list. This strategy can help you build your business through word-of-mouth advertising.

Local print ad agencies offer an important service in reaching your potential customers. If you are trying to sell something, you aren’t looking for the best price; you are looking for the best advertising. When you work with a local print ad agency, they are able to create ads that help you get the most out of your business.


4.) Local Print Ad Agencies Help Increase Traffic

Working with a local print ad agency is a great way to gain high amounts of traffic to your website, as there are many methods that can be used. Local print ad agencies are usually the best people to help you add a newsletter sign-up, which will automatically send updates about your products to interested parties.

Woman reading a newspaper


5.) Helps Increase Your Brand’s Exposure

Local print ads will help increase your brand’s exposure and overall presence in the community. If you are getting a lot of traffic to your site, this can help you find sales, as the more people who see your products, the more likely they will be to buy them. Local print ad agencies know how to help you draw in customers and keep them there.


6.) Local Print Ads Add to Your Customers’ Trust

By using local print ads, you are showing your customers that you are launching a large-scale marketing campaign. A local print ad agency will help give your business legitimacy, which is important in the long run. It helps create a good first impression with many potential customers, who will then trust your brand more. Any company that wants to increase its sales should think of local print ad agencies as an investment in their success.


7.) Local Print Ads Provide a Chance to Take Risks

When you work with a local print ad agency, they can help to create an effective online campaign that will keep the customer coming back. This is important because most customers will buy more than once if they feel like they have been treated well. Your business’s success is based on creating a good relationship with your customers, and local print ads are one of the best ways to do this.


8.) Helps Your Business to Gain Stability

Local print ad agencies are always looking to continue their relationships with many customers, so they know that they must offer a good return on investment. This is why they will use all the tactics available to them in order to reach new customers while also keeping their current ones happy.


9.) Helps Business Owners Gain More Knowledge

Working with a local print ad agency will help you gain more knowledge and increase your skills. All companies should spend time learning about the business of advertising because it can make the difference between success and failure.



Working with a local print ad agency is something that all small and big businesses can benefit from. Working with the right agency will give you the creative freedom you are looking for and help you save money. You can rely on an agency to deliver what you want, meaning that your business will experience success,

The Top 6 Most Effective Small Business Advertising Methods

A small business owner looking up the most effective small business advertising methods

Small businesses and startups often ask, “what is the most effective small business advertising strategy that can scale with a smaller budget?” It’s not easy to figure out the right way to spend your limited time and resources. It’s also difficult to know whether it’s better to invest at the top of the funnel or at the bottom. The best advice we can give for that is to take a full-funnel approach because this is more sustainable over the long run.

However, with that being said, there are some strategies out there that will just be out of reach for small business owners – advertising on TV is an obvious one. So here are 6 of the most viable and effective small business advertising strategies that we recommend for small businesses or startups. 


1.) Referral Networks

Referral networks are essential for businesses. These typically involve customer referrals, which are encouraged and promoted via rewards or discounts for each referral. Additionally, referral networks include b2b (business to business) referrals. Have you found yourself often telling customers, “we don’t offer/provide that here, but the business down the road does.” That’s an opportunity to get referrals in return!

Referral networks are even stronger in the white-collar professions. For example, a lawyer will refer someone to an accountant, then the accountant will refer that person to a broker. The only “risk” of referrals is that there is a “shared” reputation. You will be staking your professional reputation on the referrals you provide. So no matter what kind of company you have, ensure that your referral network all shares the same commitment to providing a quality experience as you do.

To wrap up on referral networks, also keep in mind that your competition doesn’t always have to be an enemy. If you happen to be too busy to take on some work, toss it their way. Oftentimes, they will return the favor. And besides, it can hurt your reputation to make a customer wait too long.


2.) Influencer Marketing

There is great value in being praised by a trustworthy and respected third party. There are two main benefits. The first benefit is that earned media and press articles will encourage people to place their trust in you. 

And the second benefit is that you can leverage these outlets’ existing audiences to spread your message even further. Bloggers and influencers can also help with this by sharing your company with their followers, thus giving you an important endorsement with a potentially enormous reach. You can also pull some creative (and affordable if done right) stunts to attract the attention of your target audience or the media.


3.) Content Marketing

Making interesting and relevant content for your target audience will help you get more leads. That’s because you’ll be able to capture their interest and build trust with them over time. You’ll also have a better conversion rate after building up your brand, handling customer queries, and giving them more reasons to choose you. 

Whether it be infographics, videos, articles, or eBooks, you should let the world know you can offer. Things you want to promote are your brand values, expertise, and what differentiates you from other brands. These will help potential customers make a decision and help those who are on the fence about your company “pull the trigger.” Excellent content will also be backlinked, featured, and shared around, thus making your domain authority even higher if you place the content on your website.


4.) Poster Advertisements

The majority of malls, public places, and supermarkets allow poster advertisements on their board space. This method can be hit-or-miss. The key is to give your poster enough visibility and include removable tabs that customers can collect in order to get a discount later on.

Also, set each location as a unique color. That way, you’ll know where the majority of your leads are coming from. For example, if a specific area is generating most of the leads, you can optimize your campaign to focus on that area more (cold calling, flyers, local media ads focused on those areas, etc.)

A stack of newspaper with glasses

5.) Value Additions

Value additions are strong selling points for products and services of all kinds. While they may seem remarkably similar to free appraisals or coupons, their goal is to boost customer satisfaction and create a wider gulf between the business and its competition.

Some common examples of value additions are:

  • Referral rewards
  • Guarantees
  • Point cards
  • Discounts for repeat customers

Value additions are important simply because they can be the deciding factor between your business and the other similar ones nearby. That preferred customer card or point card might be the difference between a sale or no sale, no customer, or a customer for life. It’s important to remember that you don’t need to promise the moon in order to provide value. You could also mention something that the customer doesn’t know about that adds value to your service or product. And be sure to highlight these value additions in your marketing materials.


6.) Print Marketing

Print marketing is an excellent way to augment all of your marketing methods, including digital marketing. Many companies today still rely greatly on print marketing, and it is still one the most effective small business advertising methods available.

The main benefits of print marketing include:

  1. Tangibility.
    Print marketing materials can be held in the hands, and qualities such as texture and paper weight play an important role psychologically in influencing purchasing decisions.

  2. Mobility.
    The messaging on your printed materials can be taken and exchanged almost anywhere, on the go.

  3. Improved targeting.
    Direct mail marketing can target at the geographical or demographical level.

  4. Print lasts.
    Unlike a web page that can be loaded and forgotten unless bookmarked and remembered, a piece of printed material can be more difficult to ignore.

  5. Print garners trust.
    Today, print is the most trusted type of ad, so if your business uses them, it will garner more credibility, which is important for a new business trying to make a name for itself.