How Can Traditional Print Media and Social Media Work Together in Advertising?

A man reading print advertising in a newspaper while a woman uses social media on her phone

Social media has increasingly become a go-to method for advertisers who want to reach their target audience. However, the ever-lasting presence of social media is not an excuse for traditional print marketing to fade away. The fact is that traditional print media has the ability to capitalize on social media trends and incorporate them into the advertising process. Social media can provide an opportunity for print ads to go viral through sharing and interaction. Print advertising, on the other hand, can engage consumers with a more personal connection, allowing them to reflect on their own personal experiences and offering handy tips for new customers on how to buy better products.


1. Fuse Online and Offline Media

The convergence of online and offline media, which are constantly being updated in real-time, allows businesses to take advantage of both formats. Print advertising in Kansas City, MO, can still offer consumers a more personal touch and encourage brand-building. By providing users with a new layer of interaction and allowing them to produce content, print media can increase awareness while also becoming competitive on price.


2. Helpful Tips for New Customers

Print ads should be able to demonstrate how valuable the information they are offering is to encourage their readers to interact with their ads. The overall goal is to engage and delight customers, giving them good feelings which will lead them to remember and purchase products in the future. Print media also provides a more affordable option for businesses, as it can act as a complementary tool without irritating customers or looking cheap.


3. The Personal Touch of Print Advertising

Print ads can offer a more personalized take on advertising. Email newsletters, which can be sent out digitally according to specific customer profiles, can still offer a more personal touch through traditional print media. Online ads can provide consumers different options for interacting with brands and products. Print can complement this by encouraging them to write down contact information or post online reviews. Print ads can also offer product details that may be unavailable online such as ingredients or nutritional facts.


4. Outlets of New Information

Online ads can provide up-to-date information that can be impossible to find out through other means, giving consumers a direct and constant stream of new product information. Print ads can provide this information just as easily, allowing them to stay familiar with a customer’s needs to suggest products that would work for them. This can be combined with traditional print media, such as direct mail, targeting specific customer groups.


5. Boost Social Engagement With Current Print Advertising

Many brands still use social media as a self-promotion tool. However, printed ads can let the world know about new products or opportunities and can be better equipped to reach their target audience. In addition, traditional print media can offer users the option to share their thoughts on either a product or an advertisement easily.

It might be difficult for traditional print media to compete with social media for advertising power. Still, that does not mean we should ignore the merits of print advertising. Traditional print media can take advantage of the opportunities for personal communication and self-expression that social networks provide.

A man interacting with social media on his phone


6. Consumers Want to Pursue Unique Options

Consumers are becoming increasingly picky about the items they purchase. To find a reliable source for good quality products and services, consumers will often search for information independently and seek out companies and products that meet their needs. Social media is a way for consumers to get in touch with the advertisements they are interested in and engage with them on the web. Advertising in Kansas City, MO, that is able to provide a personal touch and show off the quality of its products is going to be more successful than advertising that merely relies on the old cliché of “you get what you pay for.”


7. Traditional Print Media Is Affordable and Still Necessary

Many brands have become accustomed to combining print media with online advertising to offer customers a more complete content platform. Traditional print media works as an alternative to online ads as it can provide information that is either hard or impossible to find on a digital screen. In addition, other businesses that do not currently advertise via social media can still take advantage of the benefits of traditional print media. For example, direct mail can target customers based on their current location and demographics.


8. Print Customers Want to Engage with Ads

Most print customers want to take advantage of traditional print media’s opportunity to research services and products on their own and then make informed purchasing decisions. Therefore, stores must offer a well-designed advertising option that can provide quality content for potential customers. Consumers are willing to pay attention when they are offered interesting content, which is often provided by print media advertising in Kansas City, MO. 


9. Make People the Focus

Higher-quality print media can offer brands a unique opportunity to connect with their customers on a deeper level. In order to make the most of this opportunity, businesses need to create ads that show people at their best and allow them to express themselves through enjoying what they have come across or engaging with the products being offered. This provides a way for print media advertising campaigns to tell a personal and captivating story to capture an audience.


10. The Long-Term Value of Print Advertising

When consumers are engaged with a brand or product they like, they will most likely share their thoughts and desires with others via social media and other online outlets. Personal recommendations can potentially have a long-term impact on the success of an advertising campaign. Print media is able to provide customers with an assurance that the content they are reading has been verified by professionals, which makes it easier for their friends and family to trust what they are sharing.


Print Advertising in Kansas City, MO

Social media and print media can work together in advertising in a number of ways. They can provide new outlets for information, new personal touch opportunities, and a great chance to combine the two methods. Print ads can still offer something that is lacking in social media–heartfelt interaction with brands that encourage interaction among friends and family members. Advertising in Kansas City, MO, should utilize the strengths of each form of media to build on what is already working and to develop new ways to connect with customers.

Leverage social media in your print advertising even more by choosing Coffee News. Your ad will get posted to our social media in addition to our weekly print publication. Your ad will run for at least 26 consecutive weeks and reach your desired target market. It will not be overlooked by larger ads run by bigger spenders either since all of our ads are 3” x 2.” You are also able to make edits to your ad free of charge. Contact us for more info today!

Spice Up Your Print Media Advertising With These 15 Marketing Ideas

A layered stack of magazines with print ads

Print media advertising has always been around, but what can be done to make it more effective? Here are 15 creative and inexpensive ways for you to improve your print advertisement.


1.) Create a Buzz.

Create a buzz for your product or service by creating one clever, humorous, or thought-provoking headline and making it the focus of your print advertisement. Then, use the rest of the space to support this main message. A buzz creates interest and gets your readers to read each word on your print ad. It also uses all of the space provided in the newspaper.


2.) Use a Picture.

Pictures can draw attention away from all the white space in your print advertisement and are often very effective if used properly. The key is to use a picture that immediately draws attention to your product or service by strongly establishing it as a key feature of your advertisement. For example, a small figure or symbol can be used to emphasize the importance of your product or service and make it seem more important than other features of your ad campaign.


3.) Make it Original.

Don’t use the same words and phrases to attract the same audience or sell the same product to different people. If you want to communicate with a varied audience, try using words and terms that appeal to many different people. If you want to sell a particular product, create an ad that is designed around its main features, benefits, or appeal.


4.) Create a Call to Action.

The call to action is a very important part of any print advertisement. It can be in the form of a question, a statement, or an action. It is designed to motivate readers to take action or make an exchange. Think about it in these terms: “How can I get this product?” or “How can I save money” or “Where can I find this information?” — These are all common phrases in a call to action.


5.) Use Headlines That Work for You.

A clever headline and good use of words will help your advertisement stand out from others and make it memorable for readers. Good headline writing takes time; however, you must use words that convey a certain message to make it work. A good headline is usually crafted around three words.


6.) Use Graphics for More Impact and Impact in Less Space.

Graphic elements such as photos, charts, graphs, illustrations, and sketches can add impact to any print advertisement without taking up too much space. Graphics make your message more persuasive, and persuasive messages are more likely to get a reader’s attention and make them read each word on your ad.


7.) Have a Coverline.

The coverline is the second paragraph of your printed advertisement (the first paragraph is the name of your business, and everyone knows that by heart). The coverline sets expectations for your reader about what the rest of your print advertisement will be about. A great way to make this second paragraph more powerful is to use keywords from the headline.


8.) Use Graphics and Photos with Plain Text.

Graphics and photos can give your advertisement a pop of color, but you mustn’t use graphics and pictures to the detriment of good-quality text. Many people have a very strong visual memory, so if you use graphics, be sure that you include good-quality text to provide more basic information about your product or service.

A woman cutting out a coupon from a print ad 

9.) Write for Your Readers.

Powerful language is persuasive language for readers, and powerful words are persuasive words in print media advertising. From your research, it is important to understand what words and phrases your target audience uses to describe your product or service and what you should use.


10.) Add a Quote or Your Name.

Giving something extra to your print advertisement can make it more interesting and powerful. For example, a quote from a famous person, even someone who has nothing to do with your message, can help sell the product or idea with more impact than just using the word “We” in an ad. Your name on the print ad can also motivate readers to read what you have to say about your product or service.


11.) Use Powerful Words and Phrases.

The single word or phrase that is used in the headline, body copy, and even on your call-to-action button should be a “call to action.” A “call to action” is designed to encourage readers to take action or make an exchange. Good words and phrases can be powerful in print advertising. How can you use this technique? For example: Save Money – Buy Today! or Call Now (our number is…) or Sign Up Today!


12.) Use Multiple Presses

Include 2–3 different colors in your print advertisements so that they stand out and can be used to accentuate the main message in various ways. This also helps promote a memorable campaign. It also adds a great deal of impact to your print advertisement.


13.) Use an Attractive Cover Page

A bright-colored, thought-provoking, creative, and eye-catching cover page will help sell any product or service in a very short time. A good cover page also respects the readers’ time by providing them with the necessary information to make an informed purchase decision or take action.

Creating the cover page can take time, but it does not have to be a costly and time-consuming process.


14.) Use Numbers in Your Print Advertisement.

Most people use numbers to help summarize data. In print advertising, numbers can be used to summarize the benefits of your product or service. For example: “four (4) great reasons to save money today with our product or service”. Use numbers in your print advertising for more impact and make it memorable for readers.


15.) Use a Variety of Fonts.

Using two or more different fonts for your text on your print ad is important because there are so many different fonts available. In addition, choosing a font or font style that is in sync with the type of product or service you are offering can help give it a stronger image.


Stand Out Among the Crowd

Print media advertising is a highly effective tool that can help transform any business into a success. It is a very cost-effective way of advertising and reaching customers, which can, in turn, lead to increased sales. Print advertising is, therefore, an important tool for any business to use as it plays an important role in attracting customers and encouraging them to become loyal customers. Print media advertising has also been successful at creating new customers because it offers the opportunity for brand identification, builds trust and credibility with prospects, and reduces the risk of losing them by offering choices.

The 7 Advantages Print Advertising Has for Your Business

A young woman reading a newspaper

What is the Definition of Print Media?

Print media refers to any print publication that is distributed for the purpose of mass communication. Anything physically printed on paper falls under print media, which includes newspapers and magazines, pamphlets and flyers, and anything else printed on paper and other materials. 

For ages, print media has been the most effective form of advertising. The primary reason for this is that print media is one of the most trusted modes of communication and one of the cheapest methods to reach many people quickly. 

While digital advertising is excellent when carefully targeted to the right demographic, we’ve learned to filter out specific digital adverts. According to the advertising experts in Kansas City, MO “Our capacity to disregard print advertisements does not come as effortlessly to us. When you have someone’s undivided attention, capitalize on it by promoting your business with a unique print advertising that connects with readers and enhances brand memory.”


Here are the 7 biggest business advantages of print media:

 1.) Loyal Followers

Magazines and brochures may remain in circulation for a more extended amount of time, and newspapers are a superb location to promote if you’re looking for local clients in particular. “Many individuals may visit your website, but if your company is in Kansas and your visitor is in New York, it won’t help you much,” says experts in advertising in Kansas City, MO.  Print media may make it simpler to target a particular audience over time.

Newspaper subscribers make a conscious effort to read it. When they scroll through the pages, these readers are more focused on your content since they are not distracted by anything else. Your title conveys a possible value to the audience while also retaining the readers’ attention, extending your reach. People who read offline have longer attention spans. Print advertising may be viewed at one glance and does not need scrolling.

2.) Longevity

More people will see your print ad in a newspaper shared around from reader to reader. Newspapers are often exhibited for long periods at workplaces, shops, and other public areas. In such cases, you may finally reach a larger audience. 

3.) Combine Media for Maximum Impact

Because of print’s enduring impact, print advertising exudes strength and stability. People see print advertisements as more trustworthy than those in digital media, which appear to be ephemeral. Print media advertising seems more opulent and, in some ways, more credible than internet marketing. This impression may change when younger users, who are used to seeing internet advertisements, become the majority of customers. This suggests you should examine where your target audience consumes material. Print media is still likely to be patronized, and it should be included in your marketing mix alongside digital advertising.

4.) Choose Where and When 

It’s critical to know where your clients look in print — that’s where the real estate is. It might be a newspaper, a neighborhood publication, a bulletin board, a local magazine, or anything else. When you post a physical advert, you have the option of where your ad will appear.

Understanding the benefits of print media in this digital era is one thing. Another thing to consider is what your rivals are doing with print media. They may not feel that targeting prospects using “conventional” approaches is worthwhile. This is where astute businesses thrive: those who understand how to convert prospects into consumers using well-known advertising techniques will come out on top. 

5.) Best in Local Targeting 

It is ideal for sharing your message or advertising your brand if you are a local business or group. To raise awareness among the local population, you may simply distribute flyers in public places and publish your adverts in local publications.

6.) A Budget-Friendly Option

Advertisers of all sizes, regardless of budget, may find that print advertising is a viable alternative to the usual media such as television and radio. Of course, advertising of any form is not inexpensive, but even a small business can afford to advertise in the local paper, which is an excellent way to reach the bulk of its consumers. 

7.) Better ROI Than Digital Ads

Print material is very likely to be kept at home, re-read, and shared. Newspapers and magazines at doctor’s offices, libraries, and public areas have a lengthy shelf life, which boosts the visibility of your ad. Print advertising has a better chance of sticking than digital ones, which go away quickly. 

A stack of newspapers

Combine Print and Digital for Maximum Impact


Look at the last paragraph of every newspaper ad, and you’re likely to notice a link to a website with further information or a special deal. This is because print is incredibly excellent at directing readers to where you want them to go. Every advertising medium has advantages and disadvantages. For most amazing results, your marketing plan should be integrated, using many forms of media, each reinforcing distinct versions of your message.

TV commercials have provided twice as many results when combined with print ads as when combined with merely web ads. As a result, using all three simultaneously is more advantageous. A multimedia strategy not only allows you to reach consumers who prefer one medium over another, but it also raises awareness and, in the long term, increases and maintains brand loyalty.

Creating a fantastic collection of printed products and magazines does not require abandoning your internet marketing efforts. On the contrary, in fact. Integrating your digital and print marketing efforts strengthens, increases the importance of, and increases the resilience of your marketing campaign. That is why you should really use the most dependable companies advertising in Kansas City, MO.

Here are three ideas for making your print media items more interactive:

1.) Social Networking Sites

Include your social media symbols and tags in your printed materials to carry the discussion online. Online, provide compelling material that supports your written message.

2.) Infographics 

Statistics and graphs might be tedious, but by arranging them as infographics, you can reach your target audience in a visually attractive and memorable manner. Include a digital copy of your infographics online so that your clients and prospects may share them.

 3.) QR Codes 

Using QR codes is a terrific way to direct your target market to a webpage or website where they can learn more about your product or service. QR codes are simple to use and may be tailored to your specific requirements and corporate logo.

Why Print Advertising is Still Important in the Digital Age

Two men sitting on a bench, one with a newspaper the other on their smartphone

The rise of technology has undoubtedly transformed the world of advertising. With so many digital avenues out there, there are now endless ways for brands to tell their stories. But with this digital shift, can we say that print advertising is dead? Surprisingly, the answer to this is no. With the right strategy, a combination of print and digital advertisement can be the most effective marketing campaign.

Here are some reasons that will convince you of the unbeatable power of print.


People Recall Print Better

Print mediums foster a more emotional connection with prospective customers. According to a study, paper-based marketing activates significant parts of the brain more than its digital counterpart. Print media can convey vivid images with tactile stimuli, making it crucial for brand associations and recollection. It allows you to highlight visual attributes such as font, colors, texture, and images.

Moreover, people spend more time reading print copies of newspapers and magazines than when reading them online. It accounts for the lesser distraction print media gives than online, where you can switch through websites at once. There are also technical issues online such as a slow loading time that can make people abandon reading advertisements.

Thus, it’s likely for people not to finish reading an advertisement online that they would normally spend time focusing on in print.

As a result, we place a higher value on products and services we’ve seen in print in our subconscious. This then ultimately leads to more effective customer conversion. Thus, we can conclude that print offers more significant buying decisions for consumers than digital advertisements.

Boosts Demographic Targeting

Do you have a specific customer base that you want to target? One of the most effective ways to reach out to your target audience is through print ads. You can do this by placing print ads in publications often bought by the demographics you’re targeting. Or, you can also do so by strategically placing poster advertisements in places they frequent.

For example, if you’re offering fitness products for women, you can place advertisements in women’s fitness magazines. Another example is if you’re offering tutorial services, you can distribute posters near schools to reach students.

This strategy helps you narrow down and target prospective customers specifically instead of random email and post blasts. Thus, you can boost the number of potential touchpoints your prospects have with your brand.


Print Builds Trust

Many consumers are wary and skeptical of fake advertisements and misleading marketing campaigns online. Because of this questionable reputation, many people lean towards print advertisements as a more trustworthy marketing information source than digital.

Print advertising has a straightforward method of promoting products and services. They don’t incorporate questionable pop-up screens that often happen with digital advertising. Thus, print has a more credible reputation that establishes trust among prospective customers.

In fact, according to the Direct Marketing Association, 79% of consumers act on direct mail more promptly. This percentage is far from the 45% of consumers who do the same with electronic mail.


Close up of person reading newspaper at table with hand on coffee mug

It Bridges the Gap Between the Online and Offline World

As surprising as it may be, there are people who don’t use the Internet and are detached from technology. It seems impossible in this day and age, but it still holds for many, especially older people. While these people do not have a digital footprint, they are still consumers that you need to reach out to. Otherwise, you could be missing out on a great number of potential customers.

For instance, local newspaper advertising remains a powerful advertising strategy today. In fact, according to the Newspaper Association of America, newspaper advertising is the leading medium in making purchase decisions among consumers.


Use the Lesser Competition in Print Advertising to Your Advantage

Many businesses today rely solely on the Internet and digital media for their advertising needs. Thus, you can use the lesser competition in print publications to your advantage. When done correctly, it will help your product or service make a greater impact on your prospects than competitors. It will allow your ad to shine, and you’ll even pay less for the ad space.


Print Complements Digital Advertising

Additional advertising never hurts. The reasons stated above do not mean that you should completely abandon digital advertising. We all know the advantages and benefits of using digital advertising today, including accessibility, customization, targeting, etc.

But the thing is, entrepreneurs must learn how to take advantage of the unique properties of both print and digital. It’s not advisable to choose one over the other since they complement each other and make the other one more effective if done correctly. To illustrate this, it’s crucial to determine the unique strengths of the two forms of advertising.

Here are the different strengths of print advertising:

  • Maximizes sensory appeal
  • More effective in comprehensive information
  • Can help relay information to people who aren’t digitally savvy
  • Lesser competition

Here are the different strengths of digital advertising:

  • Designed to avoid information overload to consumers
  • It costs less and offers flexibility on the platforms to advertise on
  • More advanced features on targeting customers

Implementing both print and digital advertising can help strengthen your marketing campaigns and make them more resilient. In many cases, learning how to complement the two can help you generate higher customer conversion rates.


Ways to Integrate Print and Digital Advertising

There are many various types of print advertisements you can experiment with. So the notion that print is a static medium is a myth. Especially today, you can integrate technology into your print advertisements.

To help you get started, here are two ways to integrate your print and digital advertisement:

  1. QR Codes. One of the easiest and most effective ways to lead people to your website is through QR codes. You can integrate it into your local newspaper advertising or posters to help people learn more about your offer.
  2. Social Media. For this, you can put your social media icons along with the tags in your printed materials to boost brand awareness. To complement this, it’s important to post engaging content on your online platforms regularly.


Print as a Medium Isn’t Dead

As you’ve seen, there are various reasons why print is still effective in the digital age. There are endless ways that print can work synergistically with other advertising strategies. The key is to be creative and really get in touch with your target audience. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll start seeing more valuable results for your brand.