Want to Boost Your Summer Sales? 7 Reasons to Try Local Newspaper Advertising

A happy couple out shopping together on a sunny day

As a small business owner, have you considered the untapped potential of local newspaper advertising? In our rapidly evolving digital world, we often forget the power of traditional marketing channels. Yet, they wield an unassailable influence that continues to captivate audiences. If your aim is to boost your summer sales, it’s time to reconsider local business advertising via print media. Here are seven compelling reasons to place your trust in newspaper advertising.


#1.) Local Engagement

Local newspapers have a unique charm that lies in their intimate connection with the community. Despite the global reach of digital media, local newspapers continue to thrive, with a substantial readership that prefers the rustle of the paper with their morning coffee over the cold glare of a screen. A trusted local publication like Coffee News can be the bridge that connects your business to your community. Our readership consists of your potential customers, waiting to be introduced to your offerings. By advertising with us, your message becomes more personal and impactful, tailored for the community you serve.

Remember, the loyalty of local customers can’t be underestimated. They are the backbone of your business, providing steady revenue and positive word-of-mouth. In an age where companies fight tooth and nail for a shred of customer attention, local business advertising hands you the golden ticket to unrivaled community engagement.


#2.) Trust and Credibility

The digital world is plagued with fraud, fake news, and cyber threats, causing trust in digital ads to wane. On the other hand, the credibility of print media stands unscathed. Local newspapers like Coffee News are seen as trustworthy pillars of the community, and this trust extends to the businesses they advertise.

Advertising your business in our print publication doesn’t just make your brand visible; it adds a badge of credibility to your name. Your association with a reputable local publication can be the difference between a potential customer choosing your product over a competitor’s. Trust breeds customer loyalty and, in the long run, repeat business and referrals – invaluable assets for any small business.


#3.) Highly Targeted Advertising

Print newspapers offer something that few digital advertising platforms can – highly targeted marketing. Coffee News has nurtured a devoted reader base over the years, consisting mainly of locals. We are invested in our community and have an affinity for local businesses. When you advertise with us, your business speaks directly to a receptive audience, increasing the likelihood of attracting interested customers.

Targeted local business advertising means you’re not throwing your budget into the vast, unpredictable ocean of the internet, hoping to catch a few interested fish. Instead, you’re investing in a well-stocked pond where each dollar you spend can reel in potential customers, offering you a higher return on your investment.


#4.) Greater Visibility

Online advertisements come and go with a click. On the contrary, print advertising has a lasting impact. An advertisement in Coffee News isn’t just a one-time interaction. It’s a tangible piece of content that readers can hold, revisit, and even share with others.

People spend more time reading a newspaper, flipping through its pages at a leisurely pace. This slow consumption increases the likelihood of your advertisement catching their eye and making a lasting impression. Additionally, print advertisements, due to their physical nature, can be referred back to, shared, or pinned up as a reminder, extending their lifespan and reach.


#5.) Competitive Advantage

The digital world is crowded. Small businesses often find themselves in fierce competition for digital advertising space, escalating costs, and reducing effectiveness. Meanwhile, the world of print advertising, overlooked in the digital frenzy, provides you with an untapped opportunity.

By choosing to advertise in a local newspaper, you distinguish yourself from competitors. Your advertisement isn’t just another forgotten pop-up; it’s a statement that you’re a part of the community fabric, a reliable and accessible local business ready to serve. This gives you a unique edge and can significantly enhance your brand image and recall, ultimately boosting your summer sales.

A woman carrying shopping bags filled with fresh summer produce

#6.) Cost-Effective Marketing

One of the appealing benefits of local newspaper advertising is its cost-effectiveness. Unlike many digital advertising platforms, which can incur substantial costs with less guarantee of success, print advertising provides a more controlled budgeting environment. You know exactly where and when your ad will appear, and in a publication like Coffee News, you can be confident it’ll reach a local, engaged audience.

Furthermore, the return on investment in print advertising is substantial. With a longer shelf life and greater visibility, your ad continues to engage potential customers beyond the first read. Therefore, each dollar invested in local business advertising can pay dividends in sustained brand exposure and increased customer engagement.


#7.) Holistic Marketing Strategy

Integrating local newspaper advertising into your marketing mix adds a holistic dimension to your strategy. As we navigate this speedy digital era, a tangible piece of your business, nestled among the local stories in a beloved community paper like Coffee News, provides a delightful break from the screen. It’s like a friendly hello from across the room. It embraces not only those who are comfortable in the digital domain but also those who find solace in the crisp rustle of a newspaper.

Mixing it up with both print and digital advertising strategies enables you to create a harmonious customer experience. Imagine your customers sipping their morning coffee, seeing your business in Coffee News, and later in the day, spotting you online. It’s a comforting echo that reassures them of your brand’s reliability and presence. By staying top of mind, you pave the way for those summer sales to roll in.


Contact Coffee News Today!

To wrap up, local business advertising in newspapers is more than just ink on paper. It’s your friendly neighborhood superhero, ready to boost local engagement, strengthen trust, aim your advertising right, make your brand unforgettable, and carve out your own niche in the market. It’s the secret ingredient to spice up your summer sales.

Are you ready to watch your summer sales take flight with the aid of local newspaper advertising? Let us at Coffee News help you make waves in your local community. With our well-loved print platform and your compelling ads, we’ll brew the perfect blend to kickstart your business’s growth. We’re excited to join you on this adventure, toasting to the power of local business advertising. Let’s dive in and create some ripples!

11 Print Marketing Trends You Should Know Going Into the New Year

2023 block letters sitting on top of a folded newspaper

As we move into the New Year 2023, print marketing is going to look a whole lot different than it did in 2022. People are moving more toward digital marketing and relying less on print advertising. However, if you put your mind to it, you can still get some great print marketing ideas that will make the New Year an exciting and profitable time for your business. In this blog post, we’ve created a list of 11 Print marketing trends in Kansas City advertising that you should know going into the new year.


1. Use of Sustainable Paper

If you want to be on top of the print marketing trends, you will definitely want to incorporate sustainable paper into your designs. As we move toward the New Year, more people are becoming aware of the effect of paper on the environment. However, if you aren’t already using it, now is the time to start. A lot can be done with both recycled and sustainable paper these days. You can even get fancy by using paper made from 100% post-consumer recycled content.


2. Print Marketing Goes Mobile

You may already be aware of this one, but it’s still important to know that more and more consumers are likely to be on their mobile devices than their computers in 2023. So, if you want your print marketing to reach the masses and make a difference, you will definitely want to incorporate mobile marketing into your strategy. There is a lot you can do with this today that will help you make the most of print marketing going forward.


3. Using Special Finishing Options

You may or may not remember back a few years ago when there were only a handful of options for finishing prints. Now, you can get pretty much any accessories and finishes you need to give your prints that extra flair. In addition, you can use various finishes and special effects to help accent your print marketing designs. The new year is a great time to get started with this one!


4. Using Custom Photography

There are two different ways that you can use custom photography to help your print marketing efforts in 2023.

The first way is by using your own custom photos. Take pictures of your products and services and ensure that they are high-quality, professional photos that will grab the attention of potential customers.

You can also invest in hiring a professional photographer or purchase high-quality stock photography from one of the websites out there.


5. Personalization

Another trend that you may or may not have heard about recently is the ability to personalize your print marketing. Use it to your advantage! Many people will be looking for customized print marketing options; this is a great way to stand out from the crowd and impress potential customers.

However, you need to make sure you’re careful with this, as many people now use custom printing to scam businesses. So, make sure that you are smart about this one and that it works for your budget.


6. Targeted Direct Mail

If you have never experimented with direct mail before, maybe this is the year to start. You can use this method to target your customers and send them some personalized marketing material that they will love. In addition, it is a great way to get more bang for your buck in print marketing since you won’t be paying for production costs.

A pair of glasses sitting on top of a stack of newspapers


7. Enhance Your Marketing Materials with 3D Printing

3D printing is a relatively new technology, so there are still a lot of unknowns about it. However, if you want to get on top of the print marketing trends, this one will be worth your time. Many people use 3D printing to create custom marketing materials for their businesses, and the results have impressed consumers.


8. Retargeting

Do you have a blog or website? If so, you should promote it properly and ensure that people see your valuable posts. This is a great opportunity to get even more bang for your buck with print marketing and make your customers fall in love with your company all over again! Our Kansas City advertising will be able to help you with this.


9. Multivariate Testing

Multivariate testing is a great option if you want to get even more bang for your buck with print marketing. You will be able to send out the right amount of promotional materials and maximize your return on investment. You can also use this to make sure that you are making the best decisions when it comes to your new product development process.


10. Focus on Customer Loyalty

Since you will be using print marketing to help make a difference in the world, it’s only right that you focus on customer loyalty. If your customers are going to be loyal to your business, then make sure that you give them the best possible service and product options. It is a great way of turning customers into raving fans!


11. Preserve Your Own Creativity

As you start to see these trends emerge in print marketing, you may find that you want to do something a little different. If this is the case, make sure that you are following your own creative instincts. Just because a trend is becoming more popular doesn’t mean that it will work for you and your business. Do what works best for your company, and always have something new up your sleeve if you are trying to stay ahead of the competition.


Kansas City Advertising

There are many great ways to incorporate print marketing in Kansas City advertising when the new year hits. Just be sure that you are careful about any new techniques and make sure that they are budget-friendly as well. Be sure to take the time to do all of your research before you get started, but don’t worry – it’s important to be prepared for the future!

Coffee News plans to continue its weekly print publications into 2023. If you sign up with us, your ad will run for at least 26 consecutive weeks, and it will reach your desired target market. In addition, it will not be overlooked by larger ads run by bigger spenders since all of our ads are 3″ x 2.” You are also able to make small edits to your ad free of charge. Contact us for more info today!

10 Ways That Print Advertising Can Help You Reach a Broader Audience

Rolled up print ads

There are many ways that print advertising can help you reach a broader audience when advertising your small business. You can distribute a printed document in many different settings, such as your doctor’s office, at school, on the street, and inside businesses. The audience is usually targeted depending on where the advertisement is placed. Most notably, print ads have a more personal appeal than digital campaigns because they are not easily ignored on social media. Below are just some of the many ways that print technology can increase your reach.


1.) Know Your Audience

The first step to maximizing the effectiveness of your print advertising is to have a clear idea of who your target audience is. The demographics of your intended audience should be determined prior to choosing a print media. Knowing who you are advertising your small business to will help you determine a proper message and design that will effectively communicate with them.


2.) Keep It Short

In most print ads, the information has to be able to fit within a small space. You will want to make sure that you keep it short and simple so that you do not lose your audience’s attention. When coming up with content for your print ad, you want to be sure that your title is impactful and catchy so that it draws the attention of the reader. However, it should still give a clear message about what is being advertised.


3.) Be Original

When you are putting together your ad, you should place yourself in the audience’s shoes. You want to be sure that your message is personal and will resonate with them so that they take action. The message needs to be clear and exciting, so it will get across quickly. It can also be encouraging if it feels genuine. You also want to make sure that you are telling a story about the product or service rather than simply telling a list of benefits or features about the item.


4.) Include a Call to Action

Many businesses try to sell without showing any sort of call to action button or link. This is a way to get customers’ attention, but it can be off-putting for the customer if he does not understand what to do next. However, with print advertising, you can place a call to action in the ad that directs your audience more clearly on what they should do next. You can also include a QR code or link at the end of your ad to direct people directly to your website.


5.) Make Print Ads to Be Interactive

Print ads have been around for a very long time, so there are many ways that print technology has continued to adapt over the years. Print ads now have the ability to include interactive features. Interactive print ads mean that your ad will not only be appealing because of its design but will also include valuable information. For example, you can add a barcode or QR code that will direct your readers directly to a web page with more detailed information. This is a great tool to use and makes an ad much more appealing.


6.) Use Social Media

The old adage that says “people won’t respond to a direct mail letter unless it is hand-delivered” does not apply to today’s world. With digital advertising, there are various ways in which you can create a direct connection with your audience. Social media is a great place to start. Add your print ads through social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter because people are more likely to see them there. Also, you can use Facebook’s ad platform to manage and review your ads.

Thumbs up social media icons


7.) Keep The Branding Consistent

When creating your print ads, you want to be sure that your branding is consistent. This will help keep your brand identity across media platforms. Consistency will give a level of professionalism to your ads and keep them from looking cheap or unprofessional. If you are aiming for a more fun, lighthearted feel, you can still use consistency in the font or colors of the ad to maintain your brand’s identity.


8.) Break The Pattern

You will want to make sure that your message is straight to the point. Be sure that your title, copy, and design are clear and concise, so people can easily understand what is being advertised. The phrases you use in your advertisement should also be simple and catchy. You can also include a call to action at the end of your ad to get people interested in making a purchase from you.


9.) Align With A Single Message

You will want to consider who your target audience is before you decide which type of ad to create. When you have a clear idea of your audience, you can determine what type of ad to use. You should stay true to the point and keep things simple so that your advertisement does not lose its momentum. You should also try to stick with a single message for your entire campaign so that it is consistent and focused. If a new design is released, then you do not want it distracting from the message you are trying to express.


10.) Use Augmented Reality

In recent years, augmented reality (AR) has become more common in print ads. The AR experience puts the ad into your daily environment so that you can see the product or service in your actual space. This adds a level of interactivity to the entire campaign and makes it much more fun and appealing to your audience. AR is becoming a great way to attract attention by introducing new technology that keeps people interested in what you have to offer.


Wrap Up

Print advertising can be a great method of advertising your small business, but it is important that you are using the most effective methods. Print ads are not as effective as they used to be due to the rise of digital media, so you have to consider how print and digital can reinforce each other in your campaigns. Your print ad should be straight to the point and engaging so that it gives both a lighthearted tone and a more professional feel.

Need help? Contact us here at Coffee News today and we would love to help you with your ad campaign! 

The 13 Most Beneficial Types of Print Advertising for Small Businesses

Print ads stacked together

Each type of print advertising can be a different kind of investment. A good advertisement that is well-designed, however, will give you more than just one return on your investment. It can make your business a lot more successful as well as help you gain exposure to new customers, who are likely to be interested in the product or service you offer.

Take, for instance, a print media advertising campaign. The main goal of newspaper and magazine advertisements is to build brand awareness and deliver a message in as short a time as possible. The key to online and print media advertising is, therefore, to create an ad that sticks out and is easily understood by your target audience, who are prospective customers.

Here are some of the best types of a print advertisement that you can consider having for your small business advertising:


1.) Stickers

These are great for identifying your vehicle or business premises. Using custom stickers can also be a great way to promote your brand and even give you an added advantage of extra visibility. Stickers are easily accessible, easy to use, and they can be custom-designed according to your requirements. A lot of businesses use stickers as a unique way to promote your brand and get noticed in the local community.


2.) Posters

An effective way to promote a product, service, or event, posters are one of the most popular types of print advertisement around. They can be put up on walls, in your shop, or even distributed on a large scale to target your audience directly. A well-designed poster can be displayed in public places, allowing you to increase your business visibility and further attract new customers.


3.) Leaflets & Brochures

Forming an essential part of your direct mail marketing campaign, brochures and leaflets are used by businesses everywhere to offer information about products or services and promote a brand. These publications are usually passed out at trade shows and other events where they can be distributed to prospective customers. Brochures and leaflets are also a great way to gather business leads, which can be further used for sales follow-up.


4.) Business Cards

These are small and cheap but very effective in building a relationship with your prospective customers. You can also write information about your business and call to action (CTA) in these cards. The additional space helps you make an impression when handing out these cards over the counter or at the store entrance. There are many things that you can do with your business cards, like getting them printed on recycled paper, adding other elements such as QR codes, etc.


5.) Letterheads

Another inexpensive way to promote your brand and get noticed in the market, a letterhead is an important part of your business’s identity. They are available in different sizes and can also be used to include information about your company’s services or products. With letterheads, you can also include promotional offers and discounts that are different from your other marketing campaigns. These are a great way to capture prospective clients on the go.


6.) Stamps

A stamp on a letter is a great way to attract attention as it has the potential to be seen by thousands of people at every given moment. Stamps can be used for small business advertising, which will help your business make an impact on your target market. The cost of using these advertisement vehicles might be quite high, but the returns are going to be equally good in the future.


7.) Electronic mailing lists

A lot of websites and businesses use this vehicle to send out information related to their service or products either on a regular basis or only when they have something important to announce. You can also market your business through email broadcasting. For example, you can ask your customers to sign up for your electronic mailing list, which can be used to send out information about new products and services offered by your business.


8.) Bookmarks

Bookmarks are a great way to do your small business advertising. They are inexpensive and can be custom-made according to your requirement. You should let the people know more about your business through these bookmarks that should include all the necessary information such as an address, email, phone number, etc. People will be more likely to contact you if they find your business details in the bookmark itself.


9.) Calendars

Calendars are one of the most common yet useful and effective forms of the campaign. A lot of businesses use this vehicle to promote their brand, products, or service. The cost is not that high, and they can be printed in large quantities, allowing you to distribute them on a large scale and get noticed in the business community.


10.) Postcards

This is another advertising vehicle that you can use for your business promotion. These are also a great way to build your brand in the business community. You can select a design for your postcards either on your behalf or go for custom printing after you make the requisitions. These cards can be used by individuals to make direct contact with your business or sent out through a mailing list.

Color ads printing


11.) Slogans

Using slogans on billboards and posters in your office can get you noticed more easily as well as make a huge brand statement. Custom printed posters and banners can be used to not only let customers know about your business but also give them information about the products that you offer.


12.) Price Tags

Price tags are usually used by airlines and hotels to show the cost of the services offered, thereby providing additional information on the items that you have listed on your menu. Price tags can also be used by your business to let customers know about their prices and also about special offers and discounts.


13.) Business Coasters

A very effective way to promote a fresh product being offered at a new restaurant or café is by placing some coasters near the cash register or behind the bar. Although there’s no guarantee that you will sell the coasters, it’s a very smart way to let your customers know about your restaurant or café.



The list of print advertisements discussed above should give you a clear idea about which ones to use and which not. If you are having doubts about any of the vehicles, you can get in touch with us for advice. We would be happy to answer any questions you have or help you advertise your business. 

10 Helpful Design Tips to Help You Design Your Ad

A magazine laying open on a table featuring different print media.

With the trend in digital going big nowadays, local business advertising has shifted from print marketing to digital advertising. However, this does not mean that print marketing is not effective anymore. 

In fact, research showed that more than 80% of consumers have acted on the call to action of magazine ads. This is better than the 45% who have responded to online advertisements, primarily because of the saturated market in digital. 

So, if you’re still maximizing the powers of print advertising, here are some tips on how you can influence your consumers’ buying decisions.

1.) Maximize The Right Hand Side

Psychologically, readers prefer reading the right-hand side of the magazine more than the left one. Most individuals skip the content on the left. Therefore, it is a great strategy to place the majority of your call to action on the more effective side of the magazine. 


2.) Use the Correct Color Combinations

Mixing the correct colors is one of the best techniques to captivate your readers. You just have to know which ones provide the best contrasts. When looking at the color wheel, look for those that are found opposite each other since these are the ones that complement each other. 

Remember that using too many bright, bold, or loud colors on your print ad is a no-no. This is because your readers might miss the primary messages of your ad. These bold colors have a huge tendency to overpower some areas of your messaging. So, ensure that color accents are used wisely.


3.) Apply the ‘ABC Rule’ With Your Cover Designs

The first touchpoint of your magazine ads is the cover. There’s no point perfecting the inside content of your magazine if your customers don’t pick it up and read it. The more eye-catching your cover is, the higher the possibility of capturing your audience’s attention and making them delve deeper into the stories inside. 

To help you make your cover stand out, make sure to apply the ABC rule. This is a strategy used by expert designers when making the covers of the biggest magazines in the world. 

So, what is the ABC rule?

First, stick to one A-heading, which is also known as the magazine title. This should be the main focus of the passers-by. Although some local business advertising titles might not be familiar to people, it’s a great start to introduce the branding to their target market. 

Second, there should be a (B) subheading (which will be the primary call to action) coupled with smaller (C) sub-headings that will support your main claim. The ABC rule is proven to promote layout balance, and almost every big magazine brand applies this.


4.) Apply the Right Font

Use a maximum of three fonts in your content. Connecting to the ABC rule, each part should have its assigned font wherein the title has the biggest and boldest one to make it stand out.

Once you have decided which font to utilize, make sure to use it consistently. Do not have another set of fonts for your inside content. This will only ruin your branding, and the tone will be inconsistent. 

As a starter, you may use sans serif fonts for your primary headings. The body of the text, on the other hand, may use serif fonts. This contrast will have a unique distinction between your heading and paragraph, avoiding audience confusion when reading the content.

A woman works on a computer with different print designs pulled up.

5.) Print With High Resolution

Print ads are usually printed on high-quality paper. This means that photos should also have high resolutions to make them look good. To achieve that crystal clear image, the image should at least have 300 dots per inch.


6.) Improve the Digital Look With Infographics

It’s a known fact that people have a short attention span when reading. They don’t like blocks of text, so it is vital to keep them engaged with different content techniques. One thing that you can utilize in your digital look is infographics. 

Experimenting with infographics is a great way to immerse your readers in your message. Although text is involved, the different arrows, dividers, and shapes delve away from the boring look of text-heavy articles. This strategy works for commentary, finance, and sports magazines. 

You may also incorporate a couple of pie charts to demonstrate data, statistics, and even maps if geography is part of the content. 


7.) Understand Proper Logo Placement

Yes, it is a given that your logo will be included in the mix of your content. However, avoid making the mistake of shaping it as the most important element on the page. This will only deter your audience from seeing your call to action. 


8.) Ensure Proper Spacing

Even if you have a large space for your cover, you don’t have to use every corner of it. Balancing the available space is a critical move if you want your audience to fully understand what you are trying to convey. 

For simple adverts, you may maximize the use of basic elements to separate the leftover space from the pictures, colors, and lettering. It could also mean applying scenery and imagery to fill up the remaining spaces.


9.) Stick to a Single Theme

Consistency is key if you aim to retain the attention of your readers. Your theme should be included from cover to cover since this will be your hook and hallmark for your overall content. 

The best way to go about this is to introduce various key elements on the cover, which will then be carried over to the other pages of the magazine. 


10.) Highlight the Call to Action

One vital technique in designing an ad is to make your audience understand what you are trying to make them do. For example, are you selling a particular product or service, or do you just want them to be part of a local community? Whatever it is, do this by highlighting the call to action. 

Although digital has taken over the world of advertising, print will never go out of style. Apply these ten designing tips, and you’ll come up with the best ones in the market. 

How To Choose Between Print And Online Advertising

Laptop on news site with newspaper beside it and papers and cup of coffee

The most challenging part after finalizing the budget for advertising campaigns is selecting the mode of advertisement. The two most common forms of promotion are print and digital advertising. While print media includes flyers, pamphlets, and newspapers, digital media comprises PPC ads, banner ads, social media, and more. Choosing between the two may prove to be a daunting task.

In the past few years, online marketing has become quite popular. People spend a lot of time online. Hence, online advertisements capture people’s interests like nothing else. Popular advertising agencies believe that online advertising has great potential.

While on the other hand, most advertisers believe that print media is dead in this era, but is it so? No! Print media advertising is still relevant and practical.

This article will explore the difference between print vs. online and help you decide which form is the best to increase your ROI.


man reading the newspaper in his kitchen

Print Advertising

Print media is one of the oldest forms of advertisement. However, it has evolved dramatically in the past few years. With the advent of technology, interactive elements like 3D printing, virtual reality, variable printing, and so much more being used, significantly reducing traditional methods’ costs.


Why Choose Print Advertising?

People are emotionally invested in print media. Hence, users can cash in on people’s emotions by displaying ads using print media. Advertisers can easily target a specific audience with the help of print media.

According to recent research, print media is more successful in capturing the attention of readers. With so many ads being displayed on digital media, it becomes difficult for people to remember every ad. With comparatively fewer ads being displayed, most viewers find print advertisements easier to remember.

Say, for example, an older man sees an advertisement related to a brand offering hearing aids at a 50% discount. He will instantly build an emotional connection with it. He will also keep the cutout safe and secure, only to use it to buy from the brand on his next visit to the store.

However, it is a time-consuming process. Also, advertisers cannot expect an immediate reaction from their target audience on a real-time basis.

Moreover, print media is the best advertisement to target people who do not have access to the internet, like the older generation.


Laptop screen on google ads showing click through rate insights for ad

Online Marketing

All forms of advertisements found on digital media, such as banner ads, PPC ads, and Facebook ads fall under this section.

Online ads are more cost-effective than print advertising. Printing materials are expensive. Also, to distribute the pamphlets, flyers, and any other form of printed ad, the advertisers need to hire people, which adds to the increased cost.


Why Choose Online Marketing?

Digital ads can go viral within a few seconds. In print media, it takes a lot of time for flyers or pamphlets to be distributed among the masses.

However, a digital ad with an innovative concept can be shared all over social media within a few seconds. These digital platforms can record data and results instantly. Advertisers can use several tools available online to check the performance of their campaigns. It also allows them to assess what is working for their customers on a real-time basis. Identifying their campaign’s shortcomings will help them increase their online engagement to a great extent.

Advertisers also have access to a steady stream of market data, which will increase the ROI if appropriately used. It will also help them to measure their return on investment (ROI). They may streamline accordingly and introduce changes to the ad campaign. Print media cannot track such information.

Also, digital advertising has a broader reach than print advertising. According to age, gender, and many other demographics and behaviors, social media helps advertisers identify the target audience. As a result, digital advertising helps in creating a more accurate and useful marketing campaign.

When a digital advertisement is shared online, it is open to a global population. However, print media is published in a magazine or some other document distributed in a particular city or locality.

For example, an advertisement about a parachute is more likely to be published in a geographical magazine. An ad for shoes will be published in a fashion magazine. Hence, the target audience is limited in printed advertising. 

Ad agencies may use platforms like Google Adwords to find the target keywords. They may also target the audience according to their age and preferences on social media. Hence, by identifying the target audience, online marketing has the edge over other advertisements.


What’s The Best Solution?

It all comes down to the advertiser’s goals. Some people consider social media and Google ads the best marketing platform since they provide instant response and results.

Other companies may find more value in print ads. If the budget allows, consider using both formats. The combination can significantly increase traffic and broaden a company’s horizons, mostly when done strategically.

The best way forward will be to define your target audience and then prepare ads for that target audience. For example, if a product targets senior citizens, display it in magazines, newspapers, etc. Whereas, if it targets the younger generation, display it on social media.


Final Verdict

Both digital and print advertisements have their own sets of advantages. Print advertisements have limited reach. However, a well-designed print advertisement creates a lasting connection and builds brand loyalty. Also, a section of the population does not have access to the internet. For advertisers targeting this section of society, print media is the best solution. 

Digital advertisements have revolutionized the advertising industry. Reputed advertising agencies are impressed by its fantastic potential and are readily investing in it. Digital advertising helps people reach out to a greater audience, but there is much competition in that field. As a result, the best marketing technique is a combination of print and digital advertisements.

As per a recent study, campaigns that have taken advantage of print and online advertising combinedly have shown significant improvement in their business. In the end, the choice between the two comes down to your expectations from a marketing campaign.

How to Reach New Audiences with Print Advertising

Close up photo of person with coffee in one hand looking at a newspaper in the other hand

Print advertising is still alive and well. As a matter of fact, some people favor consuming print media more than digital media. It’s no secret that these days digital and television media have a lower standard of journalism than most print outlets do. This fact alone can leave a bitter taste in many people’s mouths, thus giving print media an edge in all areas, not just in journalism.

Here’s an interesting fact: according to a study done by MarketingSherpa, 82% of respondents said that they trusted the print ads in magazines and newspapers. It’s not hard to see why; the barrier to entry for print media ads is much higher. Whereas with online advertising, anyone with an internet connection and a credit card these days can create a website and slap an ad on it.

So not only can print ads help to build brand trust, but they can also help you reach a whole new audience of people. But how can you bridge the gap between print and digital so that your print ad will complement your digital campaign? In other words, how can you maximize the effectiveness of your printed ads?


 1. Bust Up the Norms

The idea behind this technique is simple: contrast is key. If the print outlet features mostly text, you should use a highly visual ad with bold colors and images. And vice versa. For example, if it’s a magazine that features mostly photos and art, then your ad should focus on text and blank spaces.


 2. Consistent Branding Is Key

One way to bridge the gap between print and digital in your advertising campaign is to make your branding recognizable on any platform. Whether it be print or digital, your campaign should be instantly identifiable. You can do this by using the same hashtag for both your print and digital campaigns.


 3. Look at Your Top Posts as a Blueprint

What was your best performing social media post? In effect, an excellent social media post is just like a great print ad – it has compelling visuals combined with perfect headlines. Look at what your best performing posts have in common and use that information to design your print ad campaign. Things to look at are the headlines and visuals you used, and which audiences were they relevant for. Then you can use these insights to make your messaging relevant across different mediums.


 4. Use QR Codes

Your print ad doesn’t just have to sit there and do nothing anymore. A QR code and custom mobile apps can foster interaction between consumers and your brand. By merging the real world with the digital world, you’ll be able to reach both audiences at the same time. And since QR codes are still a novel experience for many, you also have the bonus of creating a memorable experience for people. Consequently, your brand will be more memorable and motivate them to share with their family and friends.

How Does a QR Code Work?

For the uninitiated, a QR code can be scanned by a customer’s smartphone/tablet and take them to wherever you want them to go online. It’s a completely seamless way to integrate your real-world ads with your online presence.


 5. Shorten Your Ad Copy

Long paragraphs aren’t exactly conducive to capturing people’s attention. Therefore you’ll want to keep your ad copy on the shorter side.

  •         Your headline should be eye-catching,
  •         Include a couple of sentences of copy
  •         Keep your visuals simple and clean
  •         Make your ad tell a cohesive story about your product or service


Woman with long brown hair flipping through a magazine

 6. Pack Your Ad With Value

There are a few elements to a value-packed print ad:

  •         Include a call to action
  •         Include both online and offline benefits
  •         Make your ad stand out

If your ad has these elements, it will likely be more memorable because your audience will have a reason to keep your ad and not discard it.


 7. The Rule of Seven

The rule of seven states that it takes at least 7 different exposures to a product for a customer to take action. With this rule in mind, you can try to fill in the seven blanks on your customers’ “buyer’s journey.” This journey likely includes both online and offline elements, so using print and media together to guide their journey can actually be cost-efficient and effective if the customer’s journey is straightforward.


 8. Tease, Don’t Tell

Tie your print ad copy directly into an interactive element. This also entails not giving away the entire story in your print ad. Tease them, and you’ll hook them. That will be the best way to generate more traffic with your print ad.


 9. Understand Your Audience

This is one of the most well known but paradoxically most overlooked tips for print advertising. Understanding your audience means learning who they are, where they live, and what they’re looking for. The best ad copy you can come up with won’t be effective if it’s put in the wrong place. If you aren’t sure, then research first. The proper research can inform you about how, where, what, who, and when to reach them.


 10. Consistent Messaging Is Key

You might contemplate using different messaging across both print and digital, but this would likely be a mistake if both campaigns are meant to complement each other. Both campaigns should align on a single message. That way, your audience gets the same message across multiple touchpoints.


 11. Remember the Key Components to Success

Like with digital, the key components to success include research, intelligent targeting, and backing it all up with an excellent design.



Disregarding print as an advertising method means that you’ll miss out on lots of potential business. However, before embarking on your first print media campaign, you must do your due diligence and research your target audience, as well as the best channels for your brand. You should also set up parameters in advance to help you measure analytics and calculate ROI. 


Can Print Advertising Make a Comeback?

With the massive innovation of advertisements over the past years, everything is now going digital — with little room available for print media. However, prepare for the resurrection of the dead, because print advertisements are now back on the market. 

It is crystal clear in the eyes of people that the wide spreading of the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) across the world had resulted in nothing but the downfall of the economy and health of people. 

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Though the pandemic may have closed down malls and various establishments, influenced people’s physical states, and knocked down the economy and stock prices; the long-gone print advertisement may have benefited from this unfortunate catastrophe. 

In the industry of advertising, the first rule is that your adverts must be seen by the general public to take effect. But this might not be happening anytime soon with the virus taking a toll in the country. 

With people locked up in their homes, their usual go-to digital consumption services are either social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or streaming services like Netflix, HBO, and Amazon Prime Video. This personal preference is hitting the vulnerable spot of most print advertisements companies.


The Current Statistics

According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, almost 24% of media buyers, planners, and brands have paused their advertising spending. Meanwhile, 46% said they would adjust their ad spend across the time period.

In China, the total media ad spending tops digital and television with $81.06 billion and $16.27 billion as of the March 2020 forecast. While these numbers are occurring in the United States and China, which dominates most of the print media, it is evident that amid a pandemic, ad revenue for print advertisements is down and will continue in that trajectory in these trying times. 


Numbers do not lie, it is factual, and it is the reality. Though the numbers conclude that print advertisements are long out of the picture, the recent Sunday New York Times turned the tables. It might be a significant risk at this moment. However, the publishing company carried six different long forms of print advertisements where one is a two-page spread from MasterCard to articulate its support for the GLAAD’s NEON Legacy Series, a photo and video collection by Black LGBTQIA+ creators.  

Aside from this, brand categories that are not included to be most impacted by COVID-19 saw incredible changes with their business as the pandemic peak. 


The Comeback of Print Advertisement

Ryan Zamo, co-founder and CEO of Z-SkinCosmetics, a company that specializes in organic and handmade e-commerce beauty brands, experienced incredible growth in their affiliate marketing because of the hand sanitizers they sell and make.

In line with this, they took advantage of the moment. Z-SkinCosmetics promoted their hand sanitizers while their sports nutritional supplements are down in sales. It can be presumed that a profit increase is gained when the target market wants to be knowledgeable about what is happening around them. This is the marketing strategy that Zamo and his brand did with their hand sanitizer product line. 

Moreover, when John Caples created some of America’s long copy of ads back in the 1960s and 1970s, it inspired David Ogilvy, another ad legend. David discovered that long copies sell more than short texts. 

Though this may seem in contrast with the digital age wherein time is valued, and everything is fast-paced, characters are limited up to a 145-word count, and a piece of single information must be flashed in no more than 15 seconds. Today, productivity lies in quantity, so as much as possible, the totality of everything must be summarized. 

Aside from the pandemic, people had to battle and protest with the LGBTQIA+ community and the Black Lives Matter or BLM movement. These social movements and communities happened to change print advertisements overnight. 

Facebook, who acted deaf on its own employees for racist posts, is now advertising a full-page on the significance of voting. This voting information started on the 3rd of July, wherein Facebook users who meet the voting age will see it at the topmost part of their timeline and information on how to vote. 

This initiative will also be available on their sister sites and applications like Instagram and Messenger all throughout the summer. 

While a vast and famous brand, Procter and Gamble, features Serena Williams for their deodorant and antiperspirant line, Secret, to push for gender equality. The same strategy was done in another P&G product, Olay, featuring a quote from an activist and MSNBC contributor, Brittany Packet Cunningham, who took a stand against racism. 


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These are just a few of the many businesses who spoke their truth and stand with social movements and initiatives through the print media. This has massively contributed to the revival of print advertisements because the people buy these brands to make a stand.

So gone are the limitations on word counts and characters, because now, people have all the time in the world to read and be educated. 



Since we live in an information-seeking environment, advertising your small business can be done in a long copy of print advertisements. 

A brand is more than what it offers or sells; it is how they brand their image to other people that reflects who they are. In this chosen medium, a more in-depth understanding may open the hearts of people to entrust their needs to these brands fully. 

At this point, print advertisements have fully revived after sitting in the dark for so long. It might be unfortunate to come back during a pandemic and gain profit because of societal inequalities and issues. 

However, it is essential for the community and the rest of the world to know the truth and be informed of factual information through these mediums.


2020: A Forward Look On Print Media Local Newspaper Advertising

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We’ve heard it again and again.“This is 2019— who still uses local newspaper advertising? Or print advertising at all, for that matter?” 

It can be argued that the most successful companies do. 

Most small business owners agree that print advertising isn’t dead. Online advertising shouldn’t be a replacement for print advertising, but rather it should complement it.

So how have the rules changed, and why is print advertising still worth your money?

When done correctly, print advertising works with online methods to give you the most reach possible. It can even be more effective than digital marketing. 

There’s no reason to put all of your eggs into the online marketing basket. Give these seven tried and tested techniques of print advertising a whirl.

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1. Local Newspaper Advertising

Advertising in the local paper is a fantastic idea for a number of reasons. Many people only look at local papers for the coupons and sales going on in the area. What this means for you is that there’s already a place where thousands of people in your community are looking for your business. For a small business owner, this is a really big deal. 

To make a name for yourself in your community you should always try to have at least one coupon in your local paper every time it releases. Locals will soon learn that they can always find your ad/coupon in the paper. 

Even if they don’t use the coupon they’ll begin to see you as a reliable business. You’ll also raise awareness of your brand, so there’s a lot to gain with local newspaper advertising.

2. Direct Mail Advertising

This method lives on as the most popular form of print advertising to this day. There are several advantages that digital ads will never have. 

Direct mail advertising gives you the utmost certainty that you’re targeting local people since you already know they live within a specific proximity to your business. 

Most importantly, direct mail is tangible. Your customers will be able to hold content in their hands. If you put enough effort into your ad, they can even smell or hear it and hear it. This level of effort can be unique, effective, and extremely memorable.

Direct mail ads are also harder to dispose of. You have to read it, handle it, and eventually toss it. With digital ads, there’s a good chance that customers will never view them if using an adblocker. If you force customers to view your ads upon accessing your website, then there’s also a good chance a large portion of them will become annoyed. Digital ads can be much easier to ignore.

3. Brochures

Brochures are similar to business cards, but they are often more detailed. They are extremely effective in targeting a specific audience with a certain offer. Many businesses will also gladly distribute your company’s brochures on your behalf; the same can’t be said for flyers. Places like airports and hotels are prime candidates for this. They are also more effective as they are more informational than promotional in nature.

4. Business Cards

As one of the oldest forms of print advertising, business cards will always have a place. How many other forms of print advertising can say that they essentially fit 100 ads in their pocket? 

With your higher up employees, you have the beginning of an army to advertise on your behalf. They are your new brand ambassadors. And best of all, business cards cost practically nothing compared to other forms of advertising. 

5. Banners And Signs

All too often, businesses “go stale” in the eyes of their customers. How does a business go stale? It happens when they do nothing new, exciting, or interesting. They begin to fade away and get attracted to newer, more exciting offers from other businesses. This doesn’t have to happen to you as long as you remember to always keep things new and fresh.

And just because you have new offers and things going on doesn’t mean that your customers know it! After all, this is what your signs are for. If you don’t use signs, your customers might miss them. Remember, if something is a big deal to you, then make it a big deal for your customers.

6. Local Sponsorships

This means helping an organization in your community (for instance, a school) financially and then advertising your company to that community. This can work well in places like schools where you could, for example, pay for the local football team’s uniforms and in return, get your banner displayed at a football game. This can also go viral on social media, showing how print advertising can work together with free online media exposure. 

Just find any noble cause and sponsor them. They’ll be glad to give you a shout out. Everyone wins!

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7. Magazines

Magazine ads are similar to brochures except that they’re one page only. They’re also a great way to make your ads tangible. If you’re advertising a fragrance, you can even include the scent (and a coupon to go along with it). 

Also, magazine ads are harder to get rid of since they’ll likely be a part of your recipients’ favorite magazine subscription. Your ad can even cover up the back page of an article, which makes it very unlikely that they’ll be able to ignore your ad. 

Finally, magazines are likely to be in their home for much longer than other kinds of print ads. 

So, are you ready to start using print advertising in 2020? Let us know in the comments! 

Benefits of local newspaper advertising

With the rise of digital media, many of us are now asking the question, “why start using print media to advertise your business in 2019?”

Advertising has been around forever. Whether it’s to increase product recognition, sales, or to maintain repeat customers, small businesses need to advertise to survive. 

The most common advertising methods include radio, the internet, TV, magazines and of course newspapers. 

Let’s face it…

People nowadays are obsessed with technology. In fact, many people aren’t even comfortable without some sort of digital device at their fingertips. And since most of the world has moved online, many in the advertising industry would have you believe that the idea of using print media to advertise your business is old and outdated.

“Print no longer works” they say. 

However, this simply isn’t the case.

Print is here to stay, and we’re going to explain why. As a matter of fact, if you incorporate print advertising into your marketing, you’ll likely see an increase in your response rate! To illustrate this, here are 6 key benefits of using print media to advertise your business.

The Halo Effect

Publishers who reliably provide quality print content to readers will be seen as more credible. Furthermore, according to an MRI survey of American consumers, 51% of influencers or “influentials” were influenced by print ads in magazines. The number increased to 53% for newspaper ads.

This is what’s known as the halo effect. It has been shown that brands that place ads in popular magazines enjoy the benefits of its readers viewing their ad in a similarly positive light. 

This is another way of building trust with readers, which is essential to maximizing sales and leads.

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Local Newspaper Advertising is More Relevant to Consumers

Another kind of halo effect is that of the newspaper medium itself. When people read newspapers, they only have positive expectations, whereas, with online media, people expect to see annoying pop-ups and advertisements that are often jarring and irrelevant to the content on the page. 

This is in stark contrast to newspaper ads, which are often placed in relevant sections. An example would be a shoe ad in the fashion section of the newspaper. Since this type of ad isn’t as intrusive, it’s less likely to elicit a negative consumer reaction.

Digital advertising has overstayed its welcome

This ties back to what we said earlier about people not being to live without digital stuff. These days people are multitasking to the tune of texting, instant messaging, surfing the web, and watching television all at the same time. In short, we’re no longer as receptive to digital advertising as we were at the inception of the internet. 

When it comes to print readers, on the other hand, they don’t typically multitask as much when reading a magazine or newspaper, which makes them more receptive to print ads.

The Need to Unplug


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With the rise of digitalization, an equal and opposite reaction has also occurred. This is called “unplugging,” and it’s when we realize that we’ve had enough internet or social media for the day.

While not everyone has embraced unplugging, those who don’t are considered by most to be engaging in unhealthy behavior. 

Many people have realized the value of unplugging. When unplugging occurs it often means turning to print media for entertainment or education…

Laser-Focused Targeting Options

We hear a lot about the vast options for targeting in online media, but print also has incredible targeting options. 

With print you can:

  • Select the section of the newspaper your target audience is most likely to read
  • Run ads in specific papers or only in certain geographical areas
  • Choose to run ads only on certain days of the week (i.e. Wednesday or Sunday’s paper)

Speaking of choices, you can also implement last-minute changes to your ads rather painlessly. A local newspaper advertising department should be able to accomplish this pretty quickly.

There are Plenty of Options

Beyond that, using print media to advertise your business will also give you more options for budgeting. You can choose from 

  • a quarter page, half page or full-page ads. 
  • small 1-inch square classifieds
  • column ads in different sizes

For the cherry on top, you’ll be able to work with an actual human in getting your ad placed instead of a nameless algorithm. 

And since you’re dealing with another human, there’s also extra room for negotiation. 

If you want additional services at no extra cost, then that’s an option. Color printing, a human touch on your design, and possibly even a slightly larger ad are all on the negotiating table. You might also even be able to get your ad featured in the publisher’s other products as well!

Newspaper readers are more likely to take action

According to the Nielson Global Trust report, 65% of print readers take some form of action after reading a newspaper print ad. 

Unlike on the internet, newspaper readers are more likely to seek out advertisements instead of blocking them. Newspaper readers like to search for coupons and deals. Of course it’s no guarantee that readers will notice your ad in the newspaper. 

However, if people are actively searching for deals, then it helps improve your chances. They will also be more likely to take the time to read your ad and act on your offer. 

And finally, when you learn how to synergize print and digital media, the results can be amazing. Here’s just one example: QR codes. These printed codes have helped to bridge the gap between the print and digital divide in a way that’s unique and engaging. 

Another example is social media and download links in print media – these help readers to engage with brands online, which eventually helps to drive back traffic to the business and generate awareness. 


Print ads, especially in newspapers, are a trifecta of potency. When you start using print media to advertise your business, you’ll reap the benefits of reaching a wider swathe of your target audience while also driving higher engagement and communicating your brand’s message effectively. 

By using print media to advertise your business, you’ll have a good chance of cutting through all of the noise that exists in today’s digital world. 

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