How Local Newspaper Advertising Can Benefit Your Business

A hip young man drinking coffee while reading a newspaper

In the era of digital marketing, it is simple to overlook traditional advertising methods such as local newspaper ads. Nonetheless, are we underestimating the potential of these platforms? Let’s explore the world of local newspaper advertising and its benefits for your business.

What Is Local Newspaper Advertising?

Local newspaper advertising is a form of marketing in which businesses position advertisements in local newspapers in order to reach a specific demographic within a specific geographical area. The objective is to engage a local audience and encourage their participation in the business.

Why should local newspapers be advertised in?

Local newspaper advertising provides a refreshing, more personal touch in an age dominated by digital advertising. It enables businesses to reach an audience that is profoundly rooted in their community and offers unique engagement opportunities.


The Effectiveness of Local Newspaper Ads: Localized Targeting

By advertising in local newspapers, you can reach a highly targeted local audience. This specificity is a tremendous advantage for businesses seeking to establish or strengthen their local presence.

High Engagement

A newspaper’s readership is devoted. When your business advertises in a local newspaper, it is exposed to readers who are highly engaged with the content, which increases the likelihood that your advertisement will be noticed and acted upon.

Faith and Reliability

Local newspapers are credible information sources in their communities. Advertising in these publications can lend trust and credibility to your business, thereby enhancing the reputation of your brand.

Advantages of Advertising in Local Newspapers

Innovative Design

It is difficult to overstate the significance of a well-designed advertisement in a local publication. A visually appealing advertisement can instantaneously capture the reader’s attention and hold it, allowing you to convey your message more effectively. Good design transcends mundane aesthetics; it complements your message and conveys your brand’s identity in a visually arresting manner.

Innovative Design Tips

Consider the strategic use of color to elicit specific emotions or reactions when creating your advertisement. 

  • Typography also plays a significant role; different fonts can convey varying impressions and should be selected with care. 
  • Your brand’s imagery should be pertinent, engaging, and consistent. 
  • In addition, it is necessary to establish a hierarchy of information that guides the reader’s attention from the most to the least significant elements. 

A well-designed advertisement not only captures the reader’s attention, but also reinforces your brand’s image and message, leaving an enduring impression.

Cost Efficiency

Local newspaper advertising is frequently more cost-effective than numerous digital marketing strategies. It enables businesses to reach a large, engaged audience on a budget.


There is flexibility in ad sizes, placements, and frequency of posting with newspaper advertising. This flexibility enables businesses to tailor their advertising strategies to their requirements and budgets.

Simple Tracking

With local newspaper advertising, businesses can readily monitor the performance of their advertisements. Businesses can measure the direct impact of their advertising efforts by offering exclusive discounts or coupons with the ad.

A businessman browsing through newspaper ads

Introduction to Local Newspaper Advertising

Choosing the Appropriate Newspaper

Choosing the proper publication is crucial. Consider circulation, reader demographics, and publication frequency to discover the publication that best suits your business.

Creating a Successful Ad

A successful advertisement is plain, persuasive, and concise. Ensure that it effectively conveys your message, includes a call to action, and aligns with your brand image.

Measuring Achievement

Lastly, it is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of your advertisement. Utilize tracking methods such as unique coupon codes or customer surveys to assess the efficacy of your ad and optimize future advertising efforts.

Concluding Remarks

Local newspaper advertising may seem antiquated in a world dominated by digital media. Its potential for targeted, engaging, and cost-effective advertising, however, cannot be denied. Businesses can access a valuable resource that connects them with a committed and engaged local audience by understanding its benefits and how to utilize it effectively.

Local Newspaper Advertising’s Future

Even though the emergence of digital media has had an effect on the newspaper industry, local newspaper advertising is by no means extinct. As local newspapers innovate with digital editions and online platforms, local advertising opportunities increase. Through a combination of traditional print ads and digital ads on newspaper websites, businesses can now engage with local audiences. This multichannel strategy permits greater reach and a variety of engagement tactics.


Coffee News – Cost-Effective and Engaging Advertising!

If you’re searching for a cost-effective, engaging, and productive method of advertising your business, look no further than Coffee News. With a minimum 26-week run, your advertisement will receive repeated exposure and consistently reach your target audience. Regardless of the size of your company, Coffee News is committed to equal opportunity. This ensures your 3″ x 2″ advertisement is not obscured.

With just a phone call or email, modifying your advertisement is simple. The outstanding reputation and track record of Coffee News attests to its efficacy. Some advertisers remain faithful for many years, a testament to their success.

Our publication can complement your other marketing strategies without difficulty. Coffee News will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression due to its upbeat atmosphere. Your advertisement will reach thousands of targeted consumers each week, both in print and through social media.

In addition, all advertisements are displayed on the front or rear page, preventing them from becoming lost in the clutter. And the icing on the cake? Our guarantee ensures that your advertisement will run accurately, or it will run for free! Don’t delay; advertise with Coffee News immediately and watch your business prosper. 



Is advertising in local newspapers effective? 

Yes, advertising in local newspapers is effective at reaching a local, engaged audience. It is especially beneficial for businesses seeking to establish a strong local presence.

How much does advertising in local newspapers cost? 

Local newspaper advertising costs can vary based on factors such as the newspaper’s circulation, the ad’s size, and the number of times it runs.

How can I evaluate the performance of my local newspaper ad? 

You can measure the success of your local newspaper ad in a variety of ways, such as using unique coupon codes, conducting customer surveys, or monitoring increases in inquiries or sales after the ad has run.

Which enterprises can benefit from advertising in local newspapers? 

Almost any business can benefit from local newspaper advertising, especially those seeking to bolster their local presence or reach a specific demographic within a specific geographic area.

The Top 8 Things You Need to Consider Before Launching Your Next Print Marketing Campaign

A young man reading a newspaper in a cozy apartment

Unleashing the Power of Print: Key Questions for Your Next Print Marketing Campaign

As digital marketing continues to dominate, the might and influence of print media advertising often go unnoticed. Yet, print media remains a potent force, capable of engaging your target audience and bolstering your marketing objectives. When embarking on your next print marketing expedition, ponder these pivotal questions to ensure triumphant results.


The Undeniable Value of Print Media Advertising

In the digital era, print media advertising stands as an indispensable ally for businesses. It amplifies brand visibility, bolsters credibility, and leaves positive impressions on your target audience. Furthermore, print ads can harmoniously complement and strengthen your digital marketing endeavors, weaving a comprehensive and robust marketing tapestry.


#1.) Deciphering Your Target Audience

Before setting sail on any marketing voyage, you must first decipher the enigma of your target audience. Uncover their demographics, passions, and predilections. How do they absorb information, and where do they most frequently encounter print advertisements? By delving into your target audience’s psyche, you can tailor your print campaign to captivate them effectively.


#2.) Charting Goals for Your Print Campaign

To guarantee your print media advertising campaign’s triumph, you must chart clear and quantifiable goals. Are you aiming to augment brand awareness, fuel sales, or cultivate leads? By pinpointing your aspirations, you can craft and execute a strategy that aligns with your desired outcomes.


#3.) Navigating the Print Media Channels Landscape

To reach your target audience and achieve your campaign ambitions, you must skillfully navigate the landscape of print media channels. Each channel presents distinct advantages and challenges, demanding careful consideration and evaluation.



Newspapers offer a gateway to a vast audience, particularly if you’re targeting a specific geographic realm. They grant access to a diverse readership, from local inhabitants to business professionals.



Magazines serve as targeted advertising vessels, catering to niche interests and demographics. By selecting the ideal publication, you can deliver your message to a captivated and relevant audience.


Direct Mail

Direct mail provides a personalized touch to print media advertising, enabling you to reach your target audience in the sanctuary of their homes. When employed strategically, this method can evoke a sense of urgency and exclusivity.


Billboards and Outdoor Advertising

Billboards and outdoor advertising can generate prodigious visibility and awareness for your brand. These ads capture the attention of commuters and passersby, leaving a memorable and enduring impression.


Brochures and Catalogs

Brochures and catalogs offer a tangible connection between your audience and your brand, products, or services. They invite potential customers to peruse your offerings at their leisure, fostering a bond that may ultimately culminate in a purchase.


Weaving a Compelling Message

A triumphant print media campaign relies on crafting a potent message that resonates with your target audience. Contemplate the roles of emotion, design, and consistency in your advertising efforts.


#4.) The Emotional Quotient in Advertising

Emotional connections can be the catalyst for consumer decision-making. By connecting with your audience’s emotions, you can create a poignant and unforgettable message. Envision the emotions you wish to evoke through your print media campaign, be it happiness, excitement, trust, or even nostalgia. By appealing to their emotions, you’re more likely to inspire action and foster enduring brand loyalty.


#5.) The Art of Design and Visual Elements

The visual components of your print media advertising play a pivotal role in capturing your target audience’s attention. Striking imagery, audacious typography, and well-conceived layouts can contribute to a visually arresting and engaging ad. Remember, a mere few seconds stand between capturing or losing attention; ensure your design is both impactful and effective in conveying your message.


#6.) Consistency Across the Marketing Spectrum

To fortify your brand’s identity and message, maintaining consistency across the marketing spectrum – including print and digital – is essential. Make certain your print media advertisements align with your online presence, forging a seamless and recognizable experience for your audience.

A graphic designer working on print media advertising for a client


Gauging the Success of Your Print Media Campaign

Once your print media campaign sets sail, it’s crucial to monitor its performance and analyze the results. This evaluation will enable you to determine the efficacy of your efforts and make any requisite adjustments.


#7.) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that correspond with your campaign goals. These may encompass metrics such as ad impressions, leads generated, or sales conversions. By tracking these KPIs, you can assess the success of your campaign and pinpoint areas for enhancement.


#8.) Dissecting and Refining Your Campaign

Periodically reviewing and dissecting your print media campaign’s performance allows you to make informed decisions regarding future advertising endeavors. Utilize the data gleaned from your KPIs to fine-tune your approach, making adjustments to your messaging, design, or targeting as necessary.


Contact Us Today!

Print media advertising endures as a valuable instrument in today’s marketing arena. By asking the right questions and carefully contemplating your target audience, goals, channels, messaging, and performance, you can forge a highly effective print marketing campaign that resonates with your audience and drives results. Remember, a masterfully executed print campaign can complement your digital marketing efforts and create a comprehensive, cohesive strategy.

Coffee News expertly incorporates all these methods of print advertising to amplify your ad in our weekly print publications. Your ad will run for a minimum of 26 consecutive weeks, ensuring it reaches your desired target market. Unlike other publications, your ad will not be overshadowed by larger ads, as all ads in Coffee News are sized 3″ x 2″. Additionally, you can make slight edits to your ad free of charge. Contact us today to embark on your print advertising journey with Coffee News!




Is print media advertising still relevant in the digital age?

Absolutely! Print media advertising, when used strategically, can be highly effective. It offers a tangible, lasting impression that complements and reinforces digital marketing efforts.


How can I measure the success of my print media campaign?

Determine key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your campaign goals, such as ad impressions, leads generated, or sales conversions. Monitor and analyze these metrics to assess the effectiveness of your campaign.


What is the role of emotion in print media advertising?

Emotion is a crucial component in connecting with your audience and inspiring action. By appealing to the feelings of your target audience, you can create a more impactful and memorable message.


How can I ensure consistency across all channels, including print and digital?

Develop a cohesive brand identity and messaging strategy that is consistent across all marketing channels, including print and digital. This consistency helps create a seamless and recognizable experience for your audience.

10 Ways to Measure Your ROI When Using Kansas City Advertising

A newspaper, coffee cup, and calculator sit on a computer desk

It’s hard to say what marketing strategy is the most effective since they’re all different. However, no one can argue that a marketing strategy shouldn’t be measured by its return on investment (ROI). This blog post will explore ten ways you can use Kansas City advertising services to measure your ROI.


1.) Invest in Custom Contact Information

Purchasing print advertising can be a large undertaking, but it’s worth the investment if you’re able to collect customer contact information. Even a small amount of customer data can help determine ROI. Whether it’s a name, address, email address, or phone number -having something more than “Google generated” and “unsubscribe” data is crucial to better advertising results.


2.) Keep Track of Referrals

Kansas City advertising is all about getting customers through referrals. By asking for referrals and rewarding customers that give you more business, you can increase your ROI by attracting more people who will use your services. But you will also want to keep track of how many people are giving new customers to your company when they refer you. You can use a referral tracking program like the ones at HubSpot and Raven Tools or simply add their name to an Excel spreadsheet.


3.) Consider the Cost of Customer Acquisition

Many companies are making the leap from traditional advertising to online marketing, although there’s a difference between the costs of acquiring customers through print advertising. By using tools like the ones provided by HubSpot and Lead Forensics, you can determine the cost of customer acquisition (COCA) and compare that with your Kansas City ad costs. The better the ROI of each marketing channel, the more money you’ll be able to spend on that channel.


4.) Increase Your Reach

Consider a joint announcement with another company in your industry to help increase your market share without increasing your advertising costs. This is a great way to increase your ROI while reaching more customers. If you’re paying for online ad placement, then you need to consider your costs and calculate an ROI based on those costs instead of on gross sales.


5.) Keep an Eye on Your Expenses

Some companies don’t have the budget to keep track of all the expenses that go with their marketing programs, let alone calculate their ROI. By creating a budget and tracking your costs, you’ll know how much you’re spending on print advertising and how that compares to other marketing methods. When these costs increase, consider reducing your Kansas City advertising (or increasing your other advertising) to keep ROI high.

A close up stack of newspapers


6.) Look at Your Competition

Competition is a good thing. In fact, you need to consider your competitors when determining if Kansas City advertising is worthwhile for your company. For example, if one of your competitors has an advertising budget that exceeds yours or has a better ROI than you are getting, then that should be considered before investing in any new ad campaigns.


7.) Talk to Your Customers

You already know that it’s important to listen to your customers and ask for their opinions from time to time, but you should also consider asking them how they heard about your company. By getting information from them, you can measure the effectiveness of your Kansas City advertising efforts in two ways: the number of people who found out about your company through advertising and how many of those people actually became customers.


8.) Net Profit Percentage Increase as a Result of Campaigns

If there’s any variable that can be measured to help determine whether you’re getting your money’s worth, it’s this one. By calculating the difference between your net profit percentage and what it was prior to running the campaign, you can see if there has been an increase in your company’s net profit percentage.


9.) Measure Customer Retention

If your ROI is high, then you need to ask yourself if you’ve got customers returning to your business. You can do this either by collecting their name and contact information or via a referral tracking program. Then, you can compare this data with what’s available about the number of people who find out about your company through traditional advertising. By doing this regularly, you’ll be able to track ROI from the beginning of a campaign all the way through to its conclusion.


10.) Impress Your Boss

Ultimately, calculating ROI is all about making a case for your ad campaigns. Whether it’s your boss or an investor, you’ll want to be able to justify your expenditures on strategic marketing by demonstrating ROI. While there’s no absolute formula to help you do this, there are tools out there that can help. Since there are other factors that affect ROI, it’s important to keep a spreadsheet that details all your business expenses and the amount each expense costs. By keeping this spreadsheet, you can track how much money you’re spending on your print ads, determine the ROI of each channel and then compare the results to see which one is working best for your company.


Contact Coffee News

It’s not enough to just “do it” or run a campaign. You have to know what you’re doing and why. What’s more, you’ve got to keep records of how well your print advertising efforts are working and how much money you’re wasting on the wrong campaigns. By taking the time to calculate your ROI, you’ll be able to tell when Kansas City advertising is working for you and when it isn’t.

Coffee News incorporates all of the advantages of print advertising into our weekly print publications. Your ad will run for at least 26 consecutive weeks and reach your desired target market. It will not be overlooked by larger ads run by bigger spenders either since all of our ads are 3″ x 2.” You are also able to make edits to your ad free of charge. Contact us for more info today!


10 Ways That Print Advertising Can Help You Reach a Broader Audience

Rolled up print ads

There are many ways that print advertising can help you reach a broader audience when advertising your small business. You can distribute a printed document in many different settings, such as your doctor’s office, at school, on the street, and inside businesses. The audience is usually targeted depending on where the advertisement is placed. Most notably, print ads have a more personal appeal than digital campaigns because they are not easily ignored on social media. Below are just some of the many ways that print technology can increase your reach.


1.) Know Your Audience

The first step to maximizing the effectiveness of your print advertising is to have a clear idea of who your target audience is. The demographics of your intended audience should be determined prior to choosing a print media. Knowing who you are advertising your small business to will help you determine a proper message and design that will effectively communicate with them.


2.) Keep It Short

In most print ads, the information has to be able to fit within a small space. You will want to make sure that you keep it short and simple so that you do not lose your audience’s attention. When coming up with content for your print ad, you want to be sure that your title is impactful and catchy so that it draws the attention of the reader. However, it should still give a clear message about what is being advertised.


3.) Be Original

When you are putting together your ad, you should place yourself in the audience’s shoes. You want to be sure that your message is personal and will resonate with them so that they take action. The message needs to be clear and exciting, so it will get across quickly. It can also be encouraging if it feels genuine. You also want to make sure that you are telling a story about the product or service rather than simply telling a list of benefits or features about the item.


4.) Include a Call to Action

Many businesses try to sell without showing any sort of call to action button or link. This is a way to get customers’ attention, but it can be off-putting for the customer if he does not understand what to do next. However, with print advertising, you can place a call to action in the ad that directs your audience more clearly on what they should do next. You can also include a QR code or link at the end of your ad to direct people directly to your website.


5.) Make Print Ads to Be Interactive

Print ads have been around for a very long time, so there are many ways that print technology has continued to adapt over the years. Print ads now have the ability to include interactive features. Interactive print ads mean that your ad will not only be appealing because of its design but will also include valuable information. For example, you can add a barcode or QR code that will direct your readers directly to a web page with more detailed information. This is a great tool to use and makes an ad much more appealing.


6.) Use Social Media

The old adage that says “people won’t respond to a direct mail letter unless it is hand-delivered” does not apply to today’s world. With digital advertising, there are various ways in which you can create a direct connection with your audience. Social media is a great place to start. Add your print ads through social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter because people are more likely to see them there. Also, you can use Facebook’s ad platform to manage and review your ads.

Thumbs up social media icons


7.) Keep The Branding Consistent

When creating your print ads, you want to be sure that your branding is consistent. This will help keep your brand identity across media platforms. Consistency will give a level of professionalism to your ads and keep them from looking cheap or unprofessional. If you are aiming for a more fun, lighthearted feel, you can still use consistency in the font or colors of the ad to maintain your brand’s identity.


8.) Break The Pattern

You will want to make sure that your message is straight to the point. Be sure that your title, copy, and design are clear and concise, so people can easily understand what is being advertised. The phrases you use in your advertisement should also be simple and catchy. You can also include a call to action at the end of your ad to get people interested in making a purchase from you.


9.) Align With A Single Message

You will want to consider who your target audience is before you decide which type of ad to create. When you have a clear idea of your audience, you can determine what type of ad to use. You should stay true to the point and keep things simple so that your advertisement does not lose its momentum. You should also try to stick with a single message for your entire campaign so that it is consistent and focused. If a new design is released, then you do not want it distracting from the message you are trying to express.


10.) Use Augmented Reality

In recent years, augmented reality (AR) has become more common in print ads. The AR experience puts the ad into your daily environment so that you can see the product or service in your actual space. This adds a level of interactivity to the entire campaign and makes it much more fun and appealing to your audience. AR is becoming a great way to attract attention by introducing new technology that keeps people interested in what you have to offer.


Wrap Up

Print advertising can be a great method of advertising your small business, but it is important that you are using the most effective methods. Print ads are not as effective as they used to be due to the rise of digital media, so you have to consider how print and digital can reinforce each other in your campaigns. Your print ad should be straight to the point and engaging so that it gives both a lighthearted tone and a more professional feel.

Need help? Contact us here at Coffee News today and we would love to help you with your ad campaign! 

9 Reasons You Should Work with a Local Print Advertising Agency

Newspaper ads running through a printer

Some people are under the impression that print advertising is all but dead and nobody wants to look at a newspaper or magazine anymore. This idea couldn’t be further from the truth, as many people do still love print ads and are looking for more of them. There is always a keen interest in print advertising, whether it’s the general curiosity of wanting to know how it works or the genuine need for it. If a certain product or service interests you, print adverts are an important tool in advertising strategies to help you grow your business.

This post will go over four reasons you should consider working with a local print ad agency to help you get the most out of your business endeavors.


1.) Print Advertising Has the Most Creative Freedom

Many people who work with print ad agencies are those who are in need of a good creative person. If you are looking for someone to create an advertisement for you, there isn’t a better option than reaching out to somebody who specializes in print ads. A print ad agency can create the entire ad, whereas a company’s in-house graphic designer may not be qualified to do so.

By working with a local newspaper advertising agent, you can be sure that you are working with someone who is experienced and able to create successful ads. The people who work at these agencies know what works and what doesn’t because they have learned from experience. Most of the time, clients find local print ad agencies because they can offer a very competitive price point, which is why many companies in all sectors choose to work with them.


2.) Local Print Advertising Agencies Can Save You Money

Finding an agency that offers a good price is all about knowing how advertising works and how to get it done correctly. There are many ways you can save money when working with a local newspaper advertising agency, and the most important of these is knowing that your advertising campaign will be done right. Distrusted agencies have been known to create ads that look good but actually end up being a waste of time.

When you work with a local print ad agency, they have the expertise to create ads that help your brand grow. They will use all the tactics that are available to them and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in all things advertising. The agency is able to produce the best ad for you, increasing your chances of success.


3.) Local Print Advertising Is a Great Way to Reach Customers

If you are trying to sell items to the general public, then selling through print ads is an effective way to do so. Many people prefer print ads to online ads because they have a much more personal feeling. They can be read at leisure, and the content is meaningful enough to retain the user’s interest.

When it comes to reaching the people you are trying to reach, working with a local print ad agency is one of the best ways. Local print advertising agencies can help you gain traffic and add customers to your mailing list. This strategy can help you build your business through word-of-mouth advertising.

Local print ad agencies offer an important service in reaching your potential customers. If you are trying to sell something, you aren’t looking for the best price; you are looking for the best advertising. When you work with a local print ad agency, they are able to create ads that help you get the most out of your business.


4.) Local Print Ad Agencies Help Increase Traffic

Working with a local print ad agency is a great way to gain high amounts of traffic to your website, as there are many methods that can be used. Local print ad agencies are usually the best people to help you add a newsletter sign-up, which will automatically send updates about your products to interested parties.

Woman reading a newspaper


5.) Helps Increase Your Brand’s Exposure

Local print ads will help increase your brand’s exposure and overall presence in the community. If you are getting a lot of traffic to your site, this can help you find sales, as the more people who see your products, the more likely they will be to buy them. Local print ad agencies know how to help you draw in customers and keep them there.


6.) Local Print Ads Add to Your Customers’ Trust

By using local print ads, you are showing your customers that you are launching a large-scale marketing campaign. A local print ad agency will help give your business legitimacy, which is important in the long run. It helps create a good first impression with many potential customers, who will then trust your brand more. Any company that wants to increase its sales should think of local print ad agencies as an investment in their success.


7.) Local Print Ads Provide a Chance to Take Risks

When you work with a local print ad agency, they can help to create an effective online campaign that will keep the customer coming back. This is important because most customers will buy more than once if they feel like they have been treated well. Your business’s success is based on creating a good relationship with your customers, and local print ads are one of the best ways to do this.


8.) Helps Your Business to Gain Stability

Local print ad agencies are always looking to continue their relationships with many customers, so they know that they must offer a good return on investment. This is why they will use all the tactics available to them in order to reach new customers while also keeping their current ones happy.


9.) Helps Business Owners Gain More Knowledge

Working with a local print ad agency will help you gain more knowledge and increase your skills. All companies should spend time learning about the business of advertising because it can make the difference between success and failure.



Working with a local print ad agency is something that all small and big businesses can benefit from. Working with the right agency will give you the creative freedom you are looking for and help you save money. You can rely on an agency to deliver what you want, meaning that your business will experience success,

Why Local Newspaper Advertising is Important in 2021

Man sitting on a bus smiling and wearing sunglasses while reading the newspaper

Advertising is an important factor in any type of business. A good advertisement can mean the difference between making a profit or experiencing losses. Many business owners understand that one of the most difficult parts of starting a new business is making your product known to the public.

Today, advertising is done in different media. It can be on online websites, social media applications, television and radio commercials, and many more mediums. Due to the latest technological advancements, most companies are looking to various forms of digital media for their advertising projects. Still, some invest in printed advertisements.

When the newspapers were still the main news source about current events, businesses took advantage of this and printed their advertisements in newspapers.

Today, this is still a relevant medium for advertising as newspapers can sell up to a million copies in a single day! It may be an unconventional advertising method in this era. Still, without the big companies hogging all the prints’ space, it gives new and small business owners a chance to advertise their products.


The Advantages of Advertising Through Local Newspapers

There are many benefits to using local newspaper advertising in 2021. Let’s go over them here. 



First, it is relatively cheaper than other forms of advertising, such as making a television commercial.

Local newspaper advertising will only cost you the charge the publishing company will require. There would be only a design cost if you had it made by an illustrator, which can be waived if you can make the design yourself.


Easy Retention

In 2021 when there is more “noise” than ever online, print advertising becomes even more useful. By noise, we mean the several links, calls to action, pop-ups, etc., that can bombard the average internet user.

In a sense, a physical newspaper or magazine can provide a sort of quiet refuge while satiating the reader’s appetite for knowledge or entertainment. Furthermore, as people must move physically through your ads in the paper, they’ll more easily recall your ad later on.

Also, you are assured that the readers who will see your advertisement will be attentive people who are really looking for information. Most people scrolling on social media are less attentive to ads since this is not what they were looking for online.


Your Print Ad Will Last Longer

Your ad will stay with the prospect for as long as the magazine or newspaper stays on their desk. Whereas with digital ads, they will only stay with the prospect as long as they’re remaining on that particular web page.

Also, when someone puts a digital advertisement in their recycle bin (pdfs, images, etc.), it won’t be seen by anyone. But with a physical ad, there’s the chance that it can be passed along to someone else’s desk, and the audience reach for your ad can end up being greater (likely at least two weeks).


Purchasing Power

People who purchase and read newspapers may be serious buyers or investors looking for products in the advertisement section. The age group of people buying newspapers is also mostly adults, so it will be easier to reach people who have spending money.


Authoritative Source

According to a Marketing Sherpa survey of 1200 Americans in 2016, it was found that consumers trust print ads more than any other advertising medium.

Another factor that makes local newspaper advertising better than digital advertising is that readers are more likely to trust advertisements printed in the newspapers. Sketchy pop-up ads randomly appearing on websites, on the other hand, garner far less trust. The pop-up ads usually lead to scam offers and other websites of a similar nature.

Also, online advertisements are mostly considered noise these days, so they will be more likely to be ignored.

The lesson should be this: placing your ad in a newspaper or magazine will more than likely add credibility to your service offering. At the same time, putting pop-up ads online will possibly reduce your credibility.


Form New Business Relationships

Newspaper advertisements serve as a great avenue for business partnership among business people in a similar field. The advertisements can help them find businesses that are just starting out or going out of business. They can form partnerships that can help both parties elevate their positions. Some advertisements are also very helpful when making such deals. Contact numbers and persons to contact are usually listed in the advertisements.

While there are many advantages of newspaper advertising in 2021, is it really worth your money compared to the other advertising options out there?


Man reading newspaper and woman reading news on smartphone at table

How Effective is Newspaper Advertising in 2021?

When your brand is exploring the various options for spending money on advertising, the question of whether print advertising in 2021 is worth it will inevitably come up. After all, why should we continue to invest in print ads when there are so many excellent digital options these days?

While it’s true that digital advertising has some irrefutable strengths, print ads still come with other huge advantages.

Yes, digital ad campaigns can be easily measured. You can see the exact number of people who viewed your ad, clicked it, and converted. Print ads can’t give you that kind of information.

However, advertising in a reputable magazine with an established audience carries massive benefits, which we will discuss here.


Print Engagement vs Digital Engagement

In print media, ads are not an interruption; ads are part of the experience. For most people to read magazines or newspapers, they must be subscribed. This means that they are willing to accept the entire experience, including the ads.

Therefore, most print media subscribers don’t mind ads, and some of them actually want to read the ads.

On the other hand, digital ads are often intrusive because they aren’t relevant to what a person is pursuing at that moment. You might have been searching for pet food on Amazon, which will pop up later as an ad on a computer gaming website. Probably not what you’d be interested in seeing at that moment.


Is Newspaper Advertising Worth Your Money?

Investing in printed advertising may be old-fashioned, but many small businesses get a lot of push from this. Other big companies still maintain some form of printed advertising, showing that this form of media can still connect with their customers. It is cheap, shows credibility, and directly targets specific consumers. Printed advertising is definitely worth your time and money, so start thinking about it if you are just starting your own business.



As you can see, print advertising in 2021 still holds several significant advantages over digital advertising. Digital ads can work great if you’re just looking for quick results with lots of data. However, if you want to crack open the shell of your target market, then there’s no better way to do it than with print advertising.



6 Local Business Print Advertising Factors You Need to Know

Man sitting at table with coffee reading the newspaper

Is it better to advertise your business in your local magazine or the newspaper? Find out the answers to these questions by learning about these 6 factors of local business advertising below.

It wasn’t too long ago that running ads in the local newspaper was the status quo of local business advertising. However, with printed newspaper readership on the decline, this type of advertising has begun to seem archaic compared to online marketing strategies. Print advertising still works great for local businesses, however. You just have to be aware of the key factors that are in play.

 1. Relevancy is Crucial

It’s first essential to understand what the secret ingredient is that makes print advertising work. The secret ingredient is ensuring that your ad gets in front of a targeted audience. That will ensure that they’re at least somewhat interested in seeing what you offer.

As anyone who reads a hobby-specific magazine can tell you, it takes longer to read through a magazine involving your favorite hobby than it does to read through a general-interest magazine. That’s because, in hobbyist magazines, people actually read the ads as well.

In contrast, in general-interest magazines, people usually skip through them. Why? Because in general interest magazines, ads aren’t targeted and are therefore irrelevant to most readers. Ads relevant to readers generally show useful items to its readers, i.e., golf clubs for golfers. This piques golfers’ interest because a golfer will want to know what new clubs or other tools are available to help them improve in their hobby.

But relevancy isn’t only about items; it can also be about geography or even content. Relevance can be achieved by showing your ad to a clearly defined group of people in a specific area.

 2. Solid Distribution is Essential

Does your community still have a vibrant local newspaper? Or how about one that’s distributed to a certain area of the city (or only to residents of a small town)?

If so, then you might try to get into the action as well and advertise to those people if that’s the area where most of your current customers are from.

But first, what do we mean by vibrant? This means that the newspaper isn’t just delivered locally but is also eagerly received.

For instance, picture this: in one neighborhood, a local newspaper is distributed to houses in the geographic footprint-free of charge. It’s tossed onto people’s driveways. Many homeowners in the area leave it on their driveway for a couple of days before finally tossing it out – it happens every time.

Now picture another scenario: in another neighborhood across that same town, a different version of that same newspaper (created by the same parent company) is delivered right into their mailboxes. Afterward, they end up in people’s living rooms and kitchens. They end up getting read, and neighbors share what they read with each other.

Now you understand why it pays to know how many people receive print media AND how they end up receiving it.

 3. Content > Ads

First, do your research into whether the publication you’re considering putting ads into actually has active readers. A good indicator is if there’s any actual content in the publication besides ads. Publications that are little more than miniature coupon books have little perceived value among consumers and often get thrown out before even being given a good look. It’s basically the same as when people fast forward past commercials on TV.

In short, if the publication has no content, then we wouldn’t usually recommend you to advertise in it.


Senior man sitting on bench outside reading the newspaper

 4. Relevancy + Activities for Readers

Let’s go ahead and take ads to another level. Take Coffee News KC for example. We publish 10 area editions of our paper that are focused on specific neighborhoods in towns and cities across the KC area. The writing focuses on the particular neighborhoods and content relevant to the people in those neighborhoods. In fact, many of the articles are written by people who actually live in those same neighborhoods.

Not only that, but these papers offer readers another carrot: neighborhood-specific activities that they can engage in. Every month, the paper features special events for people in the community to join in, including advertisers. It could be a movie night or a special dinner at a local restaurant. These personal events give print advertising that extra “kick” it needs to work better.


 5. Implement a CTA to Help Measure Success

Frequently a local business will put out an ad in the local magazine or newspaper to raise brand awareness. The issue with this approach is there’s no means of finding out if it produced the desired effect. It’s much better to create a specific CTA instead.

What you can do is announce an event on a certain day, require an RSVP (or give a unique discount that expires on a specific date). That way, you’ll be able to measure precisely what response you received from the dollars you spent on the ad.

For instance, a country club that wants to increase its number of winter diners in their restaurant could do the following. They could start by putting out ads at the beginning of fall, advertising a “Harvest Festival Dinner” or “Holiday Brunch.”

It should be made clear in the ad that reservations are required and that only a specific number of reservations can be accepted. However, placing reservations should be simple for everyone  – both phone reservations and online reservations should be taken.

And finally, always include a deadline for your CTAs.

 6. Repetition Matters!

It isn’t just a simple sales tactic being done by these publication companies; it’s a tried and true print advertising factor. Repetition of ads works to get better results. Create a series of advertisements that repeat over time for optimal results with print advertising. They can be similar but remember to change them up every so often. People will still be aware it’s advertising but will give them a look because the ads are slightly different.

Reopening and Advertising Your Small Business

Red sign on door reads closed due to covid 19

At present, the world is still under the global threat from the coronavirus. This threat though, not in the form of artillery and armor, and has almost an equal impact on the globe. Every country at present feels the impact of, what seems to be a never-ending virus. This has affected a large number of businesses as most have been made to shut down. 

Businesses, on both large and small scale, are of vital importance to the growth, development, and sustenance of a country’s economic system, and their importance could not be overemphasized. Large scale businesses are known to be at the forefront, and in their names, transactions are made, but little is known of the backbone which helps these companies. The backbone of a large scale business is a small scale business. Many large businesses are in affiliation with small scale businesses which helps them in the production, transportation, and distribution of many of their products. These small scale businesses also have great impacts on a country’s economy. 

Below are some of the ways that small scale businesses positively affect the economy:


 1. Employment

Small scale businesses serve as great sources of employment to a lot of people in a system, thereby allowing them to be able to fend for themselves. 


 2. Reduction in Criminal Activities

Due to job provision created by small scale businesses, people learning and growing in different sectors of work, could have the opportunity to get busy, learn, and develop in their various fields. This helps them to have a sense of satisfaction and a means by which to provide for themselves, which helps with the curbing of the crime rate, which is largely caused by poverty.


 3. Specialization

There are various forms of small scale business, from transportation down to specialized equipment production. By this means of specialization by small scale businesses, they serve as sources of great help to large scale businesses by helping to lift burdens, which results in better focus by large scale businesses. We could conclude by saying the relationship between the small scale businesses and large scale businesses are intertwined as they also help in their development by being customers.


 4. Overall economic development

It is also known that the large scale businesses didn’t develop overnight, but instead from a small scale. As time goes on, these small scale businesses go on into expanding and becoming large scale businesses. Bringing new investors to the economy, and providing even more jobs, creating an atmosphere for economic stability and growth. Etc. 

Those are some of the means by which small business helps in the economy of a country. Due to the ravaging pandemic, many small businesses have been forced to shut down, and many more are being moved to the brink of getting closed.

If measures are not taken to reopen these small-scale businesses, we could expect the following.


Red sign on door reads closed due to covid 19

Consequences of Not Reopening


  1. An increase in unemployment. Due to businesses going out of commission, employers would have no choice but to let go of its employees. If this is allowed to take place, the number of unemployed civilians who cannot fend for themselves could double or even triple the present number. 
  2. An increase in the crime rate. Due to the increase in unemployment, civilians could be moved to the option of crime. This, in effect, would be detrimental to the development of a country.
  3. An under function of large scale business and worst of all a tragic decrease in the economic standard of the country. 


Many large scale businesses depend on these small scale businesses to carry out various activities for them. It will be of a tremendous disadvantage to the large business if its trusted supplier becomes forced to shut down operations. This will inevitably cause an under function of the large scale businesses. If this persists to a major portion of the economy’s large scale business sector, it will have a negative influence on the economy.

As we all know, with business, a reopening is just the first phase. If the business is going to be reopened under the situation of the pandemic, then certain steps would have to be carried out for optimal functioning of the business and a reduction in the risk of contraction. 

Steps that could be followed for the reduced risk of contraction includes.


Server at restaurant with face mask serving woman sitting down

Reducing Risk of Spreading Coronavirus

  1. The constant use of a face mask.
  2. The availability of washing stations/ sanitizers.
  3. For the proper implementation of the social gathering rule, the ability to reach the target population at the due time would also be needed. 

After this has been done, we need to take into consideration the means by which these small scale businesses could begin to function optimally. We know some of these businesses have been shut down for a little while, so it will take something extra to bring them back fully, and one aspect is the reaching of customers: the old, new, and potential customers. 

The business would not be the same without its customers and would literally have no aim. One of the means by which this gap could be breached is through the means of advertising.

Advertising comes in various packages. We have online advertising and offline advertising. With our present age and time, most forms of advertising go in electronic forms; as of today, the world has gone digital. Now adverts could be made easier by means of social media and platforms. There are various methods based on the type of prospective customers.

As we are in a world where people want to gain as much information as they can in so little time, below are some of the following ways by which adverts should be made.


How to Make Small Business Adverts

  1. Concise and straight to the point. 
  2. They should be put in a creative manner to attract their types of customers.

Also, for an optimal reopening of small scale businesses, the government could assist in a little way by the cutting of taxes paid by their owners so as to allow these businesses to get into the race quicker.

If these means are carried out in addition to more carefully laid out plans, an economy should expect a stable flow in economic standards and even grow.